10 Suitcase Essentials You Need For A Summer Vacation

While it’s true that some people enjoy the colder weather that fall and winter bring, others prefer to bask in almost year-round warmth and sunshine. If you fall under that category, you likely spend much of your free time away in sunnier climes.

But, have you ever noticed that you seem to forget to pack certain things in your suitcase? Or, perhaps you wonder if there is stuff you can take to make your time away more enjoyable and minimize any holiday stress?

Take a look at the following ten suitcase essentials everyone should have whenever they go away on a summer vacation – whether it’s to another part of the country or half-way around the world:

1. A New Book To Read

There will be times on your vacation when you won’t feel like doing much – other than lounging on a beach, or by the side of a swimming pool, and working on your tan.

You probably won’t want to spend the entirety of that time glued to your smartphone screen, so for such occasions, it makes sense to have a good book to read.

Consider packing a new book to read exclusively on your vacation or when you’ve got idle time at airports or on your flights.

2. Loose Summer Clothes

Do you enjoy going to holiday destinations where the temperatures can often be scorching? If so, it makes sense to pack some suitable loose clothing for your vacation.

Garments like board shorts and loose T-shirts are excellent examples of what you should pack in your suitcase, as they will make you feel more comfortable in hot weather and allow your body to “breathe” easier.

If you don’t have any such examples, make sure you buy some before you head off to sunnier climes.

3. Hat And Sunglasses

When you walk around outdoors on a hot sunny day, the last thing you want to do is struggle to see where you’re going. That’s why you should always take a hat and some sunglasses with you on each summer vacation adventure.

The type of hat and sunglasses you wear are, of course, down to personal preference. But, you need to ensure they will do a good job of diminishing the sun’s powerful rays, and in the case of your hat, help to give you some shade from the heat.

4. Sunscreen

The sad truth about many people is that they go on summer vacations without taking the right sunscreen (or they take none at all). Did you know a top reason for people getting diagnosed with skin cancer is that they aren’t using decent sunscreen during sunny days?

That’s why you need to research the best sunscreen for your skin and ensure you have plenty of that sunscreen in your suitcase before you go on vacation.

While it’s possible to buy some locally, take out the hassle of finding somewhere to buy them by bringing your own sunscreen from home.

5. Spare Phone Charger

Almost everyone that goes on a summer vacation will take their trusty smartphones with them. You will undoubtedly take your phone charger with you, along with a plug adapter if you’re traveling overseas.

However, something that most people forget is to take a spare phone charger with them. If your one stops working while you’re away from home, you may find it challenging to source a new one locally.

Moreover, a second phone charger is useful if you’re renting a car and you want to keep it in the vehicle to charge your smartphone on the go.

6. Hand Sanitizer

The sad truth about COVID-19 is that it hasn’t gone away – and is likely to be around for a very long time.

Aside from observing local rules like wearing face masks, it makes sense to have some travel-sized bottles of hand sanitizer in your suitcase to take out with you on your adventures.

Look for bottles with high alcohol levels for maximum cleaning action, and always take one out with you wherever you go. Aside from helping to fight off COVID-19, hand sanitizer is useful if you need to clean your hands and aren’t near a faucet.

7. TripAdvisor Smartphone App

When you go on a summer vacation, whether it’s somewhere new or to a destination you’ve been to before, it makes sense to know which places to check out and the ones to avoid.

Thankfully, the free TripAdvisor app for Android and Apple smartphones can be your virtual tour guide, giving you a brief syopsis of points of interest and places to eat, along with real-world reviews from travelers like yourself!

8. Hydrating Mist Spray

When you go to a destination that is mostly hot, you’ll likely find that most places have air conditioning to help keep things cool. The only downside to air conditioning is that it can make your skin feel dry due to the lack of moisture in the air.

One way to solve that problem if you’re going to spend most of your time indoors in air-conditioned places is to use a hydrating mist spray. They are essentially bottles of water charged with nitrogen to give you an instantly cool and refreshing feeling.

You can use them anywhere, so if you’re outdoors on a hot and windless day, a quick burst of some hydrating mist spray will help you cool down and keep your skin hydrated.

9. Travel Size Shampoo, Conditioner & Shower Gel

Some hotels and other accommodation may present their guests with complimentary bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel to use during their stay.

You should bring your own from home, as you can’t assume you’ll always get supplied with someone, nor can you guarantee a local grocery or drug store will sell the ones you use.

10. Prepaid Travel Debit Card

Finally, it makes sense to take a pre-paid travel debit card with you. It’s easy to transfer money from your bank account to the card, and it’ll usually work out significantly cheaper to buy things or withdraw money than using your bank’s debit card overseas.

Okay, so you’d probably keep your travel debit card in your wallet or purse, but you may wish to keep a spare one in your suitcase in case you lose your original one on your travels!

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