10 Weekly Habits to Ensure a Tidy Desk
No one likes a cluttered desk when they are trying to get things done. Follow these tips weekly so you can see to it that your desk will never be a mess again.
1) Wipe down all surfaces with disinfecting wipes
Not only will the wipes clean up any messes that your desk may have gone through that week, but they will also kill germs to help you get on with your work week. Don’t forget to wipe down your keyboard, phone, and mouse while you’re at it.
2) Pick up every paper on your desk and any loose papers in your drawers and find a home for them.

3) Empty your trash can/ recycle bin
If every time you go to throw something away something else falls out, then the can is too full. If it seems like your trash can gets too full to only empty it once a week, try to reduce the waste by recycling your paper products. This could clear out a bunch.
4) Get rid of any food that you may be hoarding in your drawers.

Sure you may eat that granola bar that has been in your drawer for 6 months, but then again you probably won’t. Throw it away or take it back home if you aren’t planning on eating it today. There are plenty of other things that you could be stuffing your drawers with.
5) Get objects and papers off your desk that you don’t use daily.

It feels nice to have a clutter-free desk. So make it easier by only putting the less important components of your desk free from site.
6) Throw away that pen that hasn’t worked for 2 months
While you’re at it, throw away that mechanical pencil that’s been in your drawer unused for a year because you keep forgetting to buy lead for it.
7) Throw away those sticky notes that you have stuck to the wall and everywhere else

When you write a sticky note it’s helpful to write the date on it so that you know when you no longer need it. If it is too important to have an expiration date on, then it probably shouldn’t be on a sticky note.
8) Speaking of sticky notes…
A good tip that I have learned is to combine loose papers and sticky notes in a word document for safe keeping. Just type out the notes, and you’ll never have to worry about them losing their stickiness or not being able to read your writing. It not only looks better, but it also is a good way to keep the information for organized. Pin it to your bulletin board or slide it into a sheet protector and put it in a binder so that it is always easy to find.
9) Go through your notebooks

Take a look into your notepad or notebook and see if there is anything that you can tear out and throw away in order to maintain a clean, sleek look. If there is anything that should be saved, I recommend typing it out on a word document instead and going from there.
10) Fill up your pens, business cards, and marketing before you leave the office on Friday.
In order to maintain a attractive, tidy desk it needs to be full when you start your day the following Monday. If your pen cup is empty when a visitor sits down, not only is it not as attractive but it also shows that you aren’t prepared.
Completing the entire list does not take up much time, so please allot an hour out of your week to do these things. By following these 10 guidelines weekly, you can be sure that your desk is always clean and tidy.
Check out how you can stay fit while working at your desk job here!
This is exactly what I needed, thank you so much.