100 Best Quotes from Euphoria
The Primetime Emmy Award-winning show, Euphoria highlights real-life obstacles involving drugs, sexual insecurities, and anxiety for the future. Originally an Israeli show, Euphoria brilliantly portrays the life of an American teenager struggling to stay afloat. The drama series focuses on multiple characters: Kat, Jules, Chris, Cassie, Nate, and Rue as they are forced to confront what life throws at them.
Known for the main actress, Zendaya, Euphoria doesn’t dodge the problems high schoolers and even college kids often face. Many of these Euphoria quotes are not only thought-provoking but the uttermost relatable.
Here is the scoop on Euphoria quotes!
1. “Wait, I don’t understand. If you’re not auditioning for Oklahoma, then why do you look like that?” -Kat Hernandez
2. “I’m just saying love is a million things.” -Maddy Perez
3. “That’s not a kid, that’s my business partner.” -Fezco
4. “I liked the way I dressed you, but I’m worried I f***** with your gender expression.” -Jules Vaughn
5. “I know your generation relied on flowers and father’s permission, but it’s 2019, and unless you’re Amish, nudes are the currency of love. So, stop shaming us.” -Rue Bennett
6. “Maybe people are nostalgic about high school cause it’s, like, the last time in their life that they get to dream.” -Cassie Howard
7. “Everybody gets their feelings hurt. Some people need to get their feelings hurt sometimes.” -Fezco
8. “Every time I feel good, I think it’ll last forever, but it doesn’t.” -Rue Bennett
9. “You look like a cat coughed your ass up.” -Ali
10. “The beautiful thing about getting high is that time ceases to exist.” -Rue Bennett
11. “It’s not just football. It’s life.” -Cal Jacobs
12. “I feel like love is super dark and no one ever talks about it.” -Cassie Howard
13. “That it’s about balance, stability. The need to organize her feelings and thoughts, so she can breathe easier.” -Leslie Bennett
14. “It may seem all cute and cuddly to you, but this is real shit.” -Christopher Mckay
15. “No room for heteronormativity in here.” -Jules Vaughn
16. “I just showed up without a map or a compass, and at some point, you have to make a choice… about who you are and what you want. And therein lies he catch.” -Rue Bennett
17. “Should I be concerned?” -Jules Vaughn
18. “Why, because I won’t sit and listen to you bitch and moan about your psychotic, abusive boyfriend who you’ve literally broken up with a thousand times?” -Kat Hernandez
19. “Like, haven’t got out of bed to pee in 24 hours depressed.” -Rue Bennett
20. “You think cause I went to rehab I stayed clean?” -Rue Bennett
21. “Like, listen to yourself. It’s f***ing exhausting.” -Lexi Howard
22. “Kissing is worse. It’s so much more intimate.” -Maddy Perez
23. “If I am bipolar, I sure as shit prefer mania over depression.” -Rue Bennett
24. “I’m not saying I’m gonna have a baby. I just wanted to dream about it for a minute.” -Cassie Howard
25. “At night, I fall asleep to you, and in the morning, I wake up to you. I kind of feel closer to you than I do anyone in the world.” -Nate Jacobs
26. “I just had, like, this reaction, and I just, like, hated you.” -Kat Hernandez
27. “You may have won the game, but you lost control of the team.” -Cal Jacobs
28. “It wasn’t the violence that scared her. It was the fact that she knew no matter what he did, she’d still love him.” -Rue Bennett
29. “You do what feels good to you.” -Maddy Perez
30. “Sometimes two people in the universe who aren’t meant for each other find each other.” -Cal Jacobs
31. “First of all, ew. Second of all, ew.” -Maddy Perez
32. “You know, I mean, like, is one of us gonna get hurt? Yeah. Probably. But I’ll do my best to make sure that it’s me.” -Ethan
33. “But f*** it, she’d save it for the memoirs.” -Rue Bennett
34. “What’s a bigger feeling than love?” -Elliot
35. “90% of life is confidence. And the thing about confidence is no one knows if it’s real or not.” -Maddy Perez
36. “I love the theater.” -Lexi Howard
37. “The universe is just out here giving zero f**ks.” -Maddy Perez
38. “Cause I swear, you would f***ing flourish in that energy.” -Jules Vaughn
39. “I admire whatever it took. I just hope it didn’t teach you the wrong lesson.” -Cal Jacobs
40. “I’m Morgan f***in Freeman and this is the beginning of the third act.” -Rue Bennett
41. “I wasn’t going to stop until I got the truth.” -Rue Bennett
42. “She fell in love with every guy she dated.” -Rue
43. “You’re, like, half a retard. You dropped out of school at 20, and now you’re a gangster. What are you, like, f**king Tony Montana?” -Nate Jacobs
44. “There is not a thing on the planet Earth that compares to fentanyl. Except Jules. Jules is a close second.” -Rue
45. “I don’t know what type of f*cked up shit you got going inside your head. I don’t know how to help, but I could tell you one thing: this drug shit, it’s not the answer.” -Fezco
46. “You know, it’s one thing for my classmates to body shame me, but for you, Principal Hayes that’s just whole other thing. It’s degrading. It’s discriminatory. And it just goes to show how insidious, and systemic body terrorism truly is in this country.” -Kat Hernandez
47. “You said memories exist outside of time and have no beginning or end.” -Rue
48. “I feel like high school is super f**king suffocating.” -Jules Vaughn
49. “Cassie’s dad was handsome, the kind of handsome that made people treat him differently.” -Rue Bennett
50. “The other thing about depression is it kinda collapses time. Suddenly, you find your whole days blending together to create one endless suffocating loop.” -Rue
51. “I definitely haven’t reached my full power.” -Jules Vaughn
52. “In my head, it’s like if I can conquer men, then I can conquer femininity.” -Jules
53. “You know I spent my whole life trying to keep this part of me separate. But I feel like it’s poisoned everything. I thought that I was doing what was best for everybody.” -Cal Jacobs
54. “What do you think this is, the eighties? Catch a dick.” -Jules Vaughn
55. “I can sit on cold porcelain and piss out toxins over and over again for the rest of my life makes the whole concept of living feel like one long, sadistic joke.” -Rue
56. “I, uh, I once took, like, ten Vicodin, and drank an entire thing of tequila, and then, I, like, blacked out for three days.” -Rue
57. “I don’t take nothin’ a drug addict says personally. Cause I don’t believe nothin’ a drug addict says.” -Fezco
58. “This is the feeling I have been searching for my entire life, for as long as I can remember. Because suddenly, the world went quiet. And I felt safe, in my own head.” -Rue
59. “I mean, I’m all good with drugs until guns start coming out.” -Rue Bennett
60. “But we’re all under 18. Children can’t make child pornography.” -Troy
61. “I had a therapist once who said that these states will wax and wane. Which gave my mother relief because it meant that in bad times, there would be good times.” -Rue
62. “What I really meant to say is my mom can do better and I hate seeing you sit in the chair my dad sat in.” -Rue
63. “That’s the thing with guys like Nate. They don’t actually want a person. They want something they can own and possess.” -Rue
64. “I’m envious of your generation, you know. You guys don’t care that much about the rules.” -Cal Jacobs
65. “The further you go, the sharper their blade. Just don’t ever give them an opening.” -Cal Jacobs
66. “All I know is, life is not a Nicholas Sparks novel.” -Rue
67. “What is, like, your weird fascination with me? I don’t get it.” -Kat
68. “Guess what? God doesn’t give a f*** if you believe in him. He believes in you.” -Ali
69. “You know that drug addicts don’t reach out for help unless there’s no options.” -Ali
70. “All I know is that most guys are, like, weird, gross, and f**king pathetic.” -Kat
71. “I love hospitals. If I could spend the rest of my life in a hospital, I would.” -Rue
72. “Everyone on the planet watches porn. Fact.” -Rue
73. “Tyler, I’m not gonna hurt you. You’re in a f**king neck brace. Just sit down. I want to have a mature conversation. Come on.” -Nate
74. “Listen, bruh. All I’m sayin,’ you keep f**kin with Rue and her friends, and I’mma kill you.” -Fezco
75. “It’s not even the lies that hurt, you know? It’s the fact that you’re never really emotionally prepared for someone to leave you.” -Rue
76. “A true revolution has no allies.” -Ali
77. “When you’re younger, everything feels so permanent. But as you get older, you begin to realize nothing is and everyone you love can drift away.” -Rue
78. “You’ve got to believe in the poetry because everything else in your life will fail you. Even yourself.” -Ali
79. “You fell in love with someone who spent years making fun of you. It’s sad.” -Lexi Howard
80. “She hated her life, not because it was bad, but because when you hate your brain and your body, it’s hard to enjoy the rest.” -Rue Bennett
81. “Do you wish I was different?” -Rue
82. “I feel like her sobriety is completely dependent on how available I am to her.” -Jules
83. “Plenty of great, intelligent, funny, interesting, and creative people have struggled with the same things you struggle with.” -Leslie
84. “Hello, heart… thought I’d lost you.” -Rue
85. “You love to be loved.” -Maddy
86. “I don’t think I have an attention span for real life anymore.” -Jules
87. “You sound like you’re navigating a Twitter thread.” -Elliot
88. “Sorry, if I missed the old you.” -Lexi
89. “I have never ever been happier.” -Cassie
90. “We should just pick the hottest, most confident, bad b*tch version of ourselves and be that for the rest of the year.” -Cassie
91. “B*tch you’re my soulmate.” -Maddy
92. “It’s funny how I used to think we were meant for each other.” -Rue
93. “Are you talking to your mama about me?” -Jules
94. “So, if they have something to say, they should just say it to my face, right?” -Maddy
95. “My world got too small.” -Jules
96. “Hey mom, I’m a f**king genius!” -Rue
97. “The world’s coming to an end, and I haven’t even graduated high school yet.” -Rue
98. “I feel like I’m not even a person yet.” -Lexi
99. “She’s my best friend, even though I think we’ve grown apart.” -Rue
100. “Mom, please, I have homework.” -Rue
Make sure to watch Euphoria on HBO Max as you await season 3!
Catch Zendaya in The Greatest Showman, Spider-Man: Homecoming, and Dune. Hope you loved these beloved Euphoria quotes!
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