100 Best Quotes From Netflix’s Inventing Anna
Inventing Anna is an American drama television miniseries streaming exclusively on Netflix. The show is inspired by the story of Anna Sorokin, and the article in New York Magazine called “How Anna Delvey Tricked New York’s Party People” by Jessica Pressler.
Julia Garner’s performance as Anna is excellent and is definitely worth the watch!
Here’s the scoop on the best Inventing Anna quotes!
1. “I work for my success. I earn my accomplishments. Pay attention– maybe you’ll learn how to be smart like me. I doubt it, but you can dream.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
2. “Vivian, are you pregnant or are you just so very, very fat?” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

3. “When you’re angry, you’re just a character in someone else’s story. But when you let your anger go, you reclaim your own story. Become your own protagonist again.” -Kacy Duke
4. “All men underestimate women. Even the one who’s supposed to love us.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

5. “Stand in your truth, fortified by kindness, and tell your story.” -Kacy Duke
6. “VIP is always better.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

7. “You think that there was some evolution, like in the movies or whatever, but I was always who I am.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
8. “You have to work hard to get what you want. I’ve always known that” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

9. “I’ve run out of time, and if you tell me the joy of having a daughter is supposed to make up for the loss of my career, the loss of the thing that lights up my brain, I swear to god I will smother you in your sleep.” -Vivian Kent
10. “The universe provides what you’re meant to have.” -Kacy Duke

11. “Your delusion must be on some epic level.” -Alan Reed
12. “I need to get this story out of my head and onto the page. I need to get this done. I need to finish. I need to have this baby, knowing that I kicked ass. And won.” -Vivian Kent

13. “Who am I? This club, this foundation, will be who I am, what I am. I have to build this so artists and people like me finally have a home, somewhere safe– a place where they belong, a place where I belong.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
14. “If it’s important enough, we do the things we want to do.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

15. “You’re not special– people have babies every day, they squat in fields. I’m in prison.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
16. “I made one of those cheap 1-800-Get-A-Lawyer commercials last year. It’s humiliating… Want to watch it?” -Todd Spodek

17. “It’s the 21st century, but this is still a boy’s club.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
18. “It is better to believe monsters make monsters.” -Anna Sorokin’s Mom
19. “I would rather go to jail forever than come off like some wannabe. Some amateur. Some lazy millennial just looking for a shortcut to fame and fortune.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

20. “Men fail upwards all the time.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
21. “Life is for living, you know.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

22. “People give people money for all sorts of reasons– guilt and love are two of the biggest.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
23. “Broken, perhaps. I’ve never seen anyone so fierce, turn so fragile so quickly.” -Val

24. “When you’re out of new ideas, make your old ideas bigger.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
25. “That’s the thing about Anna. For every three crazy things you hear about her, one usually turns out to be true.” -Vivian Kent

26. “I don’t ever assume someone else is picking up my check. I always assume a bill’s coming due. That’s life– nothing’s free.” -Neff Davis
27. “I wanted to learn everything. So I could be anything” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

28. “They don’t have to understand you, they’re your parents. They love you.” -Kacy Duke
29. “I’m not some party girl. I’m trying to build a business.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

30. “I’m surrounded by a bunch of amateurs!” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
31. “Is where I’m born going to get in the way of who I want to be?” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

32. “You need to stop fighting me.” -Todd Spodek
33. “My only mistake was to overestimate people’s ability to handle stress.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

34. “Maybe it would help the both of us going forward if you stop thinking about me like everyone else.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
35. “You know me. Everyone knows me. I’m an icon. A legend.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

36. “If you let me, I will tell the world your story and I will write the hell out of it. I will make you famous. Everyone will know the name Anna Delvey.” -Vivian Kent
37. “They will not call Anna Delvey a dumb socialite. I’m smart. I’m a businesswoman.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

38. “What are you wearing? You look poor.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
39. “I’m not your friend. You don’t need to like me, I’m a journalist. I want something from you. I want this story. In return, I can give you what you want.” -Vivian Kent

40. “Those people in there. They saw me. I was dangerously close, and they saw that. Now the world will know that I am not an idiot. I’m not some dumb socialite. I’m a player.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
41. “Maybe you’ll learn how to be smart like me. I doubt it, but you can dream.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

42. “Everyone’s calling you a scam artist, a dumb socialite, a joke. They’re all deciding who you are. When you take the deal, that’s it, you’re agreeing with them. You’ll be a dumb socialite forever.” -Vivian Kent
43. “You just have to be willing to do the work.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

44. “I enjoyed the mind games for a while, but once I figured him out, I got bored.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
45. “All the money in the world can’t buy peace.” -Kacy Duke

46. “Fashion pays in style, not in hundreds.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
47. “I’m all about holding onto my equity. Full ownership, total control.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

48. “I have plans and I will not go down with you. Do you hear me? Handle your business.” -Neff Davis
49. “Anna Delvey is a legend around here. We saw that money.” -Neff Davis

50. “I am not new. I am not stupid. This is New York. I work in the New York people business. Everyone here is running a game. Everyone here needs to score. Everyone here is hustling.” -Neff Davis
51. “I glow.” -Neff Davis

52. “I was setting up Anna. And if I do say so myself, I killed it.” -Neff Davis
53. “Gender is an outdated concept, urine is universal.” -Barry Klein

54. “Black girl from DC don’t have a waiting parachute.” -Neff Davis
55. “Oh, that’s not to drive, that’s to shut up.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

56. “When you behave in a way I can respect, drop on by my place of work and say hi.” -Neff Davis
57. “When I lay down, she climbs to the top of my organs and takes the little machete I apparently grew for her and starts hacking away at my will to live.” -Vivian Kent

58. “I am not special!” -Vivian Kent
59. “I am done living through the eyes of others. I am a director.” -Neff Davis

60. “What? So now you care about me?” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
61. “What do you think I want?” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

62. “Regular visits. Media visits. You’re here on a regular visit.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
63. “You have to take up space and demand what you need. It’s time for you to love yourself and put yourself first.” -Kacy Duke

64. “You want compliments? No, you did a good job, it’s just… I guess I thought you were, like, a real journalist.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
65. “I’m a serious person and you make me sound like I made everything up. Like I’m some liar.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

66. “You lied. There’s no trust fund. There never was.” -Vivian Kent
67. “So you know what we do? Whatever it takes to be ready when she gets here.” -Vivian Kent

68. “I might have a story. I was thinking ‘What the hell, go in there and pitch it.’” -Vivian Kent
69. “I care about her. More than I should. She doesn’t care about me at all. Did she care about me at all? Was I just another con?” -Vivian Kent

70. “I do not have time for this. I do not have time for you!” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
71. “Give me back that money please!” -Vivian Kent

72. “Why are you being like this? So dramatic.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
73. “Don’t crowd my entrance!” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

74. “She’ll be a lonely middle-aged woman whose life was stolen from her.” -Vivian Kent
75. “Money is not an issue for me.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

76. “You never have to thank me.” -Jack Mercer
77. “Anna Delvey had no use for sex. She was not into it. Anna was from another planet when it came to normal bodily urges.” -Kacy Duke

78. “It’ll happen. I believe it.” -Alan Reed
79. “With a media visit, they put us in a private room.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

80. “A dream we dream alone, is only a dream. A dream we dream together, we can make anything reality.” -Chase Sikorski
81. “I’m in prison, but I’m still accessorizing and had it pressed.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

82. “All the lies and stress and betrayal, I know I can survive but I don’t know if that ability to trust will ever change. If I’ll ever be myself again. If I’ll ever be able to let someone in.” -Rachel Williams
83. “Maybe it will help the both of us going forward if you stop thinking about me like everyone else. Like basic, ya know?” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

84. “New money always gets the most expensive bottle. Anna ordered like generational wealth. Regions, years. Anna belonged. Anna was society.” -Val
85. “Everyone else is woke but Chase is wake.” -Val
86. “Starting my own company suited me.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

87. “Know what else arrived in Manhattan around that time? Ebola. Coincidence? No.” -Barry Klein
88. “So, Anna Delvey. Is she running Rikers yet?” -Talia Mallay

89. “The universe corrects all wrongs.” -Kacy Duke
90. “Dear Anna, I’m a features writer at Manhattan Magazine. I read a bit about your story. The papers have not done you justice. The few details I can find are so compelling that I’m sure there has to be more to the story. I know there is a brilliant and interesting woman behind all of this.” -Vivian Kent

91. “McCaw is painting a public picture of me as a dumb, shallow, superficial person who’s just after money. I want you to know that’s not me at all.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
92. “I wake up in the mornings now, and every time I think I had the most horrible dream.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

93. “It’s very different from real life and I’m not talking about a certain standard of living.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)
94. “There are girls in here who are criminals, like, they’re dangerous people.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

95. “It’s going to be okay. It might not seem like it now, but it will be okay.” -Vivian Kent
96. “Fight the power, woman.” -Maud

97. “Vivian… You owe me one. This is my one.” -Landon Bloom
98. “She paid, every dime. And she tipped with $100 bills. I read they’re saying she’s a scammer, but…” -Neff Davis

99. “Everyone I spoke to, every single person, describes you very differently. Almost as if all of them were talking about a lot of different people, instead of just one person.” -Vivian Kent
100. “I’m fucking gifted. Brilliant.” -Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin)

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Watch Inventing Anna on Netflix now!
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