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100 Best Quotes From Netflix’s Tiger King

Tiger King is an American true crime documentary streaming exclusively on Netflix about the life of an ex-zookeeper and convicted felon Joe Exotic.

The show also takes a look at big cat breeding and its strange criminal world, making for a crazy story that will keep you hooked till the very end!

Here’s the scoop on the best Tiger King quotes!

tiger king netflix poster

1. “I’m Joe Exotic, otherwise known as the Tiger King, the gay, gun-carrying redneck with a mullet.” -Joe Exotic

2. “I can almost promise you some of you will be urinated on. If that happens, we have t-shirts in the gift shop that says, ‘I got peed on by a tiger.’” -Joe Exotic

Joe Exotic tiger king
Tiger King 2. Joe Exotic in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

3. “We say no to drugs because drugs make your teeth fall out and you get really ugly and don’t have any friends.” -Joe Exotic

4. “Animal people are nuts, man. They’re all crazy.” -John Reinke

John Reinke tiger king
Tiger King 2. John Reinke in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

5. “One day I went out to open up the mailbox and it just exploded with snakes.” -Carole Baskin

6. “People every day are like, ‘You must have the most incredible life to live with 187 big cats.’” -Joe Exotic

joe Exotic and Kimberly Craft
Tiger King 2. (L to R) Joe Exotic and Kimberly Craft in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

7. “Your whole audience will say, ‘Oh my god, that guy has a mullet!’” -Joe Exotic

8. “It is a ticking time bomb if somebody thinks they’re going to walk in here and take my animals away. It’s gonna be a small Waco.” -Joe Exotic

Joe Exotic tiger king
Tiger King 2. Joe Exotic in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

9. “I’m sure y’all got a story to tell.” -John Reinke

10. “I went to work every day prepared to die in a tiger cage. Dying doesn’t scare me. At all.” -Joe Exotic

Joe Exotic
Tiger King 2. Joe Exotic in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

11. “Do you watch porn?’ He said yeah. I said, ‘Well do you like watching the guy with the big one doing it or the guy with the little one doing it?’ He said, ‘Well, obviously you want to watch the guy with the big one.’ I said, ‘Well, you ain’t that straight.’” -Joe Exotic

12. “I can assure you’re going to get closer to tigers and lions here than you would anywhere in the world. Matter of fact, you’re gonna get so close I can almost promise you some of you will be urinated on.” -Joe Exotic

Joe Exotic
Tiger King Cr. Netflix

13. “I am gay as a three-dollar bill, and I’m standing in a cage with five full-grown tigers and lions.” -Joe Exotic

14. “We take Lauren in next Tuesday to be induced to give birth to Sarah Evelyn Lowe and then we get Lauren back in the gym.” -Jeff Lowe

Jeff Lowe tiger king
Tiger King 2. Jeff Lowe in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

15. “This is my little town. I’m the mayor. The prosecutor. The cop, and the executioner.” -Joe Exotic

16. “I’m outspoken, good-looking, love to party and have fun.” -Joe Exotic

Joe Exotic
Tiger King Cr. Netflix

17. “Political condoms. Vote for me or you’ll need these because you’re screwed.” -Joe Exotic

18. “Travis wasn’t gay, Travis was banging every girl in the park.” -Rick Kirkham

Rick Kirkham tiger king
Cr. Netflix

19. “Come here, love me! Come here, love me!” -Joe Exotic

20. “People don’t come to see the tigers; they come to see me.” -Joe Exotic

21. “You can see how they go from being so sweet to tearing your face off, just like that, and it’s amazing to have that range.” -Carole Baskin

Carole Baskin
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22. “I saw a tiger, and the tiger saw a man.” -Joe Exotic

23. “If he ever had an enemy in his life, it was Carole Baskin.” -Rick Kirkham

24. “I’d shoot you before I shot my cat.” -Joe Exotic

Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

25. “I had my days of coke. I had my days of drinking. I had my days of… meth.” -Joe Exotic 

26. “Just about an hour ago we had an incident where one of the employees stuck their arm through the cage and the tiger tore her arm off… I can give you your money back or I can give you a rain check.” -Joe Exotic

27. “I really appreciate the fact that none of these people like me.” -Carole Baskin

Don Lewis
Tiger King 2. Don Lewis in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

28. “Carole Baskin’s third husband, they can’t find his body. We believe that she fed him to the tigers.” -Joe Exotic

29. “Some people say that I’m the prototype for Scarface.” -Mario Tabraue

Gale Rathbone, Lynda Sanchez and Donna Pettis
Tiger King 2. (L to R) Gale Rathbone, Lynda Sanchez and Donna Pettis in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

30. “A lot of people think that Tigers took my legs. No. It actually happened from a zip-line accident.” -John Reinke

31. “Does it feel good to stand on my stage with 500-pound tigers and everybody envy you? Absolutely.” -Joe Exotic

Alan Schreier
Tiger King 2. Alan Schreier in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

32. “I don’t wear underwear.” -Joe Exotic

33. “I’d like to introduce my wife, but my husband’s at home feeding my brand-new baby kangaroo.” -Joe Exotic

Troy Griffin and Donna Pettis
Tiger King 2. (L to R) Troy Griffin and Donna Pettis in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

34. “Hey all you cool cats and kittens!” -Carole Baskin

35. “Before you bring me down, it is my belief you will stop breathing.” -Joe Exotic

Allen Glover
Tiger King 2. Allen Glover in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

36. “It’s not every day that a zookeeper went to prison for murder for hire.” -Joshua Dial

37. “I’m never going to financially recover from this.” -Joe Exotic

James Garretson tiger king
Tiger King 2. James Garretson in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

38. “I don’t watch news on television unless there’s a cat involved.” -Carole Baskin

39. “Animals just wasn’t enough, okay? So then I started adding magic.” -Joe Exotic

Gale Rathbone, Donna Pettis and Lynda Sanchez
Tiger King 2. (L to R) Gale Rathbone, Donna Pettis and Lynda Sanchez in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

40. “I’d say she found a way out, wouldn’t you?” -Joe Exotic

41. “I live, eat, and breathe ending the captivity of wild cats.” -Carole Baskin

Don Lewis
Tiger King 2. Don Lewis in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

42. “Animals don’t judge you, as long as you’re really good at heart. They don’t care who you are or what you’ve done in the past.” -Joe Exotic

43. “The animal’s rights people keep saying I can’t have these tigers.” -Joe Exotic

Jack Ripper Smith
Tiger King 2. Jack Ripper Smith in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

44. “So, I’m Dr. Bhagavan Antle… B. H. A. G. A. V. A. N… Antle… A. N. T. L. E… Dr. Bhagavan Antle.” -Dr. Bhagavan Antle

Doc Antle
Cr. Netflix

45. “My email says, ‘Judge me by the enemies I have made.’” -Carole Baskin

46. “This is the thing you don’t want when you have tigers, folks. It’s a real-life tornado, and there ain’t nothin’ you can do besides protect yourself.” -Joe Exotic

Don Lewis
Tiger King 2. Don Lewis in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

47. “I’m in a cage. You know why animals die in cages? Their soul dies.” -Joe Exotic

48. “We’re going to have to change the laws if we’re going to solve this problem.” -Carole Baskin

Rey Rodriguez tiger king
Tiger King 2. Rey Rodriguez in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

49. “Everybody’s got a past.” -Joe Exotic

50. “Jeff Lowe stole the zoo.” -Joe Exotic

Ashley Webster
Tiger King 2. Ashley Webster in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

51. “The woman’s just obsessed with me.” -Joe Exotic

52. “He started getting so crazy to where he had a rubber blow-up doll and he would have Carol written on a name-tag on it and he would take a dildo and be shoving it in her mouth.” -Rick Kirkham

John Phillips
Tiger King 2. John Phillips in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

53. “There’s an innocent man in prison.” -Joe Exotic

54. “I’ve done a lot of shit in my life, but I never experienced anything like Joe Exotic.” -Rick Kirkham

Zazana Kokol
Tiger King 2. Zazana Kokol in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

55. “When I met him, I had two husbands, whatever you want to call them. He had three girlfriends or wives. Are we running a competition? I don’t think so.” -Joe Exotic

56. “She can make all these people think that everybody else in society are abusers but her.” -Joe Exotic

Yarri Schreibvogel
Tiger King 2. Yarri Schreibvogel in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

57. “If someone wanted to kill you, they’d put sardine oil all over you.” -Carole Baskin

58. “Everybody from the zoo is out there making money and I’m paying the price for every one of them people.” -Joe Exotic

Kimberly Craft
Tiger King 2. Kimberly Craft in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

59. “She is not a stupid woman. She makes everybody else do her dirty work.” -Joe Exotic

60. “Carole is the Mother Teresa of cats.” -Howard Baskin

Jack Ripper Smith
Tiger King 2. Jack Ripper Smith in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

61. “Are the animals happy? Who knows.” -Joe Exotic

62. “If you give a damn, it’s time to speak up.” -Joe Exotic

Allen Glover
Tiger King 2. Allen Glover in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

63. “Her sanctuary is probably worse than most people’s backyards. I mean the cages are tiny, the weeds are shoulder high. It is literally a wire jungle in a mess of trees.” -Joe Exotic

64. “People like Joe have an amazing grip over people generating an affection and a devotion that is totally irrational.” -Howard Baskin

Jeff Lowe
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65. “Number one, they’re an endangered species. Duh. What’s the first thing you should do to protect an endangered species? Make more.” -Tim Stark

66. “We have more money than God right now.” -Jeff Lowe

67. “He’s got his little cult, and I’ve got my little cult, you know.” -Joe Exotic

68. “Me and Joe made a pact. If anything went bad, we were gonna shoot each other.” -John Reinke

69. “I’ve been on the cover of Hollywood Magazine, twice.” -Joe Exotic

70. “Jeff and Lauren are like two rabid dogs in a goldfish bowl.” -Joe Exotic

71. “I don’t even know how you hold your head up in a community that thinks you killed your husband.” -Joe Exotic

Jeff Lowe and Lauren Lowe
Tiger King 2. (L to R) Jeff Lowe and Lauren Lowe in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

72. “He has a hate for Carole Baskin. Nasty hate.” -Rick Kirkham

73. “I grew up a professional cowboy in a family of professional cowboys.” -Dr. Bhagavan Antle

74. “Don liked to play with dangerous stuff. They’ll kill you for that.” -Mario Tabraue

75. “It will be a cold day in hell before you beat me.” -Joe Exotic

76. “Nothing is cooler, sexier, and more significant to the world we live in today than a tiger.” -Dr. Bhagavan Antle

77. “I am so well-known as Big Cat Guy around the world, that people who are against people having relationships with animals, period, want to destroy me because I am out there in the forefront, so known of being this guy who is in love with big cats and has them love him back.” –Dr. Bhagavan Antle

78. “Nobodys gonna take my animals. It’s that simple.” -Tim Stark

Tim Stark
Tiger King 2. Tim Stark in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

79. “Ain’t nobody help me. Nobody.” -Joe Exotic

80. “This guy is a chick-getter.” -Barbara Fisher

81. “I don’t think we’re done blowing shit up today.” -Joe Exotic

82. “We gotta put our differences aside or we’re all gonna die in here.” -Joe Exotic

83. “Fell in love with straight guys, because there’s not too many gay guys in Wynnewood, Oklahoma.” -Joe Exotic

84. “I had a crazier partner than me who said, ‘Let’s just cut him up and burn him.’ So we burned him.” -Mario Tabraue

85. “If I have to make a deal with the devil, I’ll make a deal with the devil” -Joe Exotic

Tim Stark
Tiger King 2. Tim Stark in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

86. “The man is just a walking Chucky doll, dude.” -Joe Exotic

87. “He pays the staff $150 a week. For 12 hours. Ten to 12 hours every day of work.” -John Reinke

88. “I’m sitting on a trashcan.” -Joe Exotic

89. “You would have thought they just caught Ted Bundy.” -Joe Exotic

90. “This is probably gonna get me in trouble, but we just eat off the meat truck.” -Erik Cowie

91. “Dillon turned into a little monster because he wants his 5 minutes of fame.” -Joe Exotic

92. “They strip you butt naked, put you in a six-by-eight-foot concrete room with no windows, no blankets, no nothing. I am supposed to be in this country born, raised, innocent until proven guilty. And I’ve been stripped of my clothes, my rights, my identity, my dignity.” -Joe Exotic

93. “I kinda idolized him not just because of the way he had the animals and stuff he had, the way he had them women trained.” -Tim Stark

94. “I euthanized five tigers, okay?” -Joe Exotic

95. “Doc said men are pigs and women are sheep. I was a sheep, I guess, ripe for the slaughter.” -Barbara Fisher

Tim Stark
Tiger King 2. Tim Stark in Tiger King 2. Cr. Netflix © 2021

96. “Oh, I know what happened. I’ve got three felons that want my zoo.” -Joe Exotic

97. “Our mission is to ban the private possession of these magnificent animals.” -Carole Baskin

98. “A tiger needs 400 square miles of territory in the wild. So there’s no cage that’s going to be sufficient.” -Carole Baskin

99. “I’ve never been a person that had friends, and so my friends were two imaginary white cats.” -Carole Baskin

100. “Frequently, these people that have these animals will use them as a lure to bring in young people that really haven’t had the opportunity yet to build a lot of relationships and understand how badly they’re being abused themselves. And they’re using those animals as the way of forcing these people into labor camps.” -Carole Baskin

Tiger King is one of those strange crime stories that you’ll have to see to believe, which is why it’s considered to be a very compelling docuseries!

Which Tiger King quote is your favorite? Comment below!

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tiger king quotes

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