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100 Best Quotes From “Ratched”

Ratched, a show on Netflix that came out in 2020, is a psychological thriller about life inside a mental institution. Based on the novel “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” the show gives the audience a glimpse inside the minds of criminals, mentally ill patients, and the people who are responsible for their care. If you’re looking for suspense, twists, drama, and even some romance, Ratched is perfect for you!

Here’s the scoop on the best quotes from Ratched!

1. “Save one life, you’re a hero. Save 100 lives, well, then you’re a nurse.” -Mildred

ratched nurses

2. “They say he daydreams, but I mean, what’s so dangerous about an imagination?” -Dolly

3. “He’s brilliant, charismatic, but he’s insane, and he doesn’t know it. That really makes him the most dangerous kind of person there is, don’t you think?” -Miss Osgood

miss osgood
“Ratched” – Netflix

4. “I believe there are some things that are worse to feel than simply feeling nothing.”  -Mildred

5. “You are a thousand wonderful things that that walking life of garbage will never be, do you hear me?” -Mildred

6. “I wish that I could’ve met Mildred Ratched before the world got to her.” -Gwendolyn

“Ratched” – Netflix

7. “In the meantime, I’m going to follow the instructions I’ve been given, and if you have any more ideas, why don’t you scribble them down? Maybe you’ll write the next great American novel.” – Dolly

8. “People like us, places like this, are maybe where we belong.” -Mildred

9. “No patient is ever gonna go through with that treatment again. Do you understand? I don’t care if it costs me my job.” -Huck

“Ratched” – Netflix

10. “I haven’t had the pleasure of a beautiful woman’s company in a very long time.” -Edmund

“Ratched” – Netflix

11. “I know what you saw upset you. Sarcasm won’t change that.” -Mildred

12. “This killer gives me chills, and I’m not talking about Bella Lugosi chills. Although, I’d sell my soul for a date with him.” -Louise

“Ratched” – Netflix

13. “I sent a man to do what was clearly a woman’s job.” – Miss Osgood

14. “You’re my dad Monsignor.” – Edmund 

15. “She must have secrets, too. And that makes her vulnerable.” -Mildred

nurse ratched
“Ratched” – Netflix

16. “I admire nurses more than anything, they really are God’s angels.” -Dolly

“Ratched” – Netflix

17. “You don’t know what it’s like to be constantly running from who you really are.” -Ingrid

18. “Governor,  in some cases, the way to show strength is to show mercy.” -Gwendolyn

“Ratched” – Netflix

19. “There will be no death today.” -Mildred

20. “It’s important you always stay ahead of your opponent.” -Miss Osgood

21. “This is a red-letter day for Betsy Bucket!” -Nurse Bucket

nurse bucket
“Ratched” – Netflix

22. “You will realize that your trauma is in the past. And while you will never forget, this event no longer controls you.” -Dr. Hanover

“Ratched” – Netflix

23. “Two women enter a room together and some may get the wrong idea.” -Mildred

24. “You’re a wild woman Dolly.” – Edmund

25. “Don’t choose a long-term solution to a short-term problem.” -Trevor

“Ratched” – Netflix

26. “That just goes to show you, first impressions, they’re never wrong.” -Governor Wilburn

27. “It was a foreign feeling, your kindness.” -Nurse Bucket

nurses crying
“Ratched” – Netflix

28. “I know the difference between right and wrong and still I’ve done things that even I cannot believe.” -Mildred

29. “Angels don’t make mistakes like that.” -Anna

30. “I don’t understand how I got so…tangled up in you, and I don’t understand whether my feelings for you are real. And you waltzed into my heart, and I cannot get you out.” -Gwendolyn

31. “It never did one bad thing. Animals are not like people.” -Edmund

edmund ratched
“Ratched” – Netflix

32. “I know that someone sold me out. And when I find out who that someone is, I will make them pay dearly for it.” -Mildred

33. “You look like a woman who knows her way around the world.” -Miss Osgood

miss osgood
“Ratched” – Netflix

34. “When I laid eyes on the boy, I couldn’t believe it. He had the face of an angel.” -Dr. Hanover

Henry Osgood
“Ratched” – Netflix

35. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned Doctor, it’s that life can be quite unpredictable.” -Mildred

36. “If he were alone with me, no bars in between us… who’s to say that he wouldn’t kill me?” -Dolly

“Ratched” – Netflix

37. “We don’t have to keep living this lie, and maybe….we can have real love.” -Gwendolyn

38. “I do have feelings for you. Although, I don’t entirely understand them. So I need to do this my own way.” -Mildred

39. “It isn’t real. It’s all in my imagination.” – Peter

police and a boy
“Ratched” – Netflix

40. “A doctor and a nurse. It’s like a storybook.” -Nurse Bucket

a couple dancing
“Ratched” – Netflix

41. “You’ve given me more life than I ever deserved.” -Edmund

42. “He saved my life. So I made a promise to myself that I would do whatever it took to repay him for that kindness.” -Mildred

“Ratched” – Netflix

43. “I treated you poorly Betsy. You didn’t deserve that.” -Dr. Hanover

44. “Wherever you end up, whatever you need, I will always be there for you. And I will always love you.” -Trevor

45. “Mildred Ratched, you’re an angel of mercy.” -Huck

“Ratched” – Netflix

46. “As long as I’m alive, you will be with me.” -Mildred

“Ratched” – Netflix

47. “We will go to the ends of the Earth if we have to.” -Mildred

48. “You are the one who should be afraid. Because I am coming for you, Edmund” -Mildred

“Ratched” – Netflix

49. “I don’t tolerate fornication in my motel, especially when it’s out of wedlock.” -Louise

50. ” I might be the kind of person. The kind of woman… who enjoys the company of other women.” -Mildred

51. “Could we have less teeth and more work? And the towels were they folded by the blind.” -Nurse Bucket

“Ratched” – Netflix

52. “Told that you’re mad when that’s what’s driving you mad.” -Mildred

nurse and patient
“Ratched” – Netflix

53. “Dinner? Yes, Nurse Bucket. It’s a meal. Many people enjoy them.” -Mildred

54. “Well, as you just elected to remind me, you are head nurse, are you not? Or has your status changed in the course of this conversation?” -Dr. Hanover

Doctor Hanover
“Ratched” – Netflix

55. “Beginning tomorrow, every day that I don’t have his head, you will lose $50,000 dollars from your fee. So I suggest you get it together and do your goddamn job.” -Miss Osgood

Miss Osgood
“Ratched” – Netflix

56. “Finally. I got something more than just a job. I have a career.” -Louise

57. “Mrs. Briggs, you’re fired. Sorry you got shot.” -Governor Wilburn

“Ratched” – Netflix

58. “I know the kind of price that’s on your head, Doctor. And I’m letting you walk right out the door. So I’d say, letting me into this hospital was the best decision you ever made.” -Mildred”

59. “I knew you wouldn’t stop. And I knew you’d do something to get my attention.” -Mildred

60. “Why must it be this spectacle? We aren’t Romans where a man’s death is used as a public sport!” -Mildred

nurse ratched and ladies
“Ratched” – Netflix

61. “I see you’ve started wearing heels, Dr. Hanover.” –

“Ratched” – Netflix

62. “I want to give his head to my son as a gift for his 21st birthday.” -Miss Osgood

63. “Everything that happens in here is my business.” -Louis

64. “You should bathe more often.” -Mildred

“Ratched” – Netflix

65. “I do not run a house of ill repute.” – Louise

66. “But make no mistake, it is a new day at this hospital.” -Nurse Bucket

“Ratched” – Netflix

67. “I swear, Mother, it’s as if you hire nothing but imbeciles these days.” -Henry

“Ratched” – Netflix

68. “It is the duty of a nurse to help her patient.” -Mildred

69. “The jokes the governor tells I don’t care to repeat.” -Gwendolyn

Dr. Hanover
“Ratched” – Netflix

70. “I have a soft spot in my heart for a fidgety, faded, alcohol flapper like yourself. Which is why I gave you this job as a candy striper, because I felt as if your life could use a little direction.” – Nurse Bucket

“Ratched” – Netflix

71. “She’s in love with you. You know that, yes?” -Mildred

72. ”I thought I told you you were the worst lay of my life.” – Mr. Wainwright

“Ratched” – Netflix

73. “The man that God intended him to be was long gone before he arrived on our doorstep.” -Mildred

“Ratched” – Netflix

74. “Your thumb should be bent, you arrogant sack of garbage.” -Charlotte 

75. “Life is just too short. And nearly dying…is very illuminating in that regard, so…” -Gwendolyn

“Ratched” – Netflix

76. “I didn’t know what to do. I was just a little girl.” -Mildred

nurse ratched
“Ratched” – Netflix

77. “If they don’t want your craft therapy, you just say, ‘have a nice day’ and move on.” -Nurse Bucket

78. “And our job as nurses is to…treat the ill with as much care and humanity as possible.” -Mildred

“Ratched” – Netflix

79. “What is wrong with you? Do you have any idea how long it took me to make these things?!” -Louise

80. “Ooh, someone’s cranky. She sure could use a peach.” -Nurse Bucket

81. “All I was guilty of was showing these men mercy when no one else would.” -Mildred

nurse and police
“Ratched” – Netflix

82. “You love your monkey more than you love me.” -Henry

“Ratched” – Netflix

83. “How many Filipinos do you think there are in this town? This isn’t San Francisco.” -Mildred

84. “I didn’t lie to you. I just – I couldn’t tell you everything right away.” -Mildred

nurse ratched
“Ratched” – Netflix

85. “Did you have a particular reason for knocking at my door?” -Mildred

“Ratched” – Netflix

86. “I know where the bodies are buried. Or rather, incinerated.”  – Mildred

87. “Okay, ladies. Let’s hit the road” -Edmund

people in car
“Ratched” – Netflix

88. “Clearly your tumescence has distracted you, sir.” – Mildred

89. “With a nursing staff as unexceptional as you have, certain clerical errors are bound to happen.” -Mildred

90. “I appreciate all the optimism. I really do. But I don’t feel quite…free from the past… the way you might.” -Mildred

“Ratched” – Netflix

91. “This has been the most astonishing luminous month of my life.” -Gwendolyn

nurse ratched
“Ratched” – Netflix

92. “My feelings for you are the truest thing in me.” -Mildred

93. “He’s hard-working, he’s trustworthy. He’ll devote his life to the hospital if you just give him the opportunity.” -Mildred

“Ratched” – Netflix

94. “Don’t ask questions you know the answer to.” -Edmund

95. “My  brother…is Edmund Tolleson.” -Mildred

96. “I’ve seen crimes so heinous they beggar the imagination, but not one that I felt warranted state-sanctioned murder” -Dr. Hanover

Dr. Hanover
“Ratched” – Netflix

97. “Oh Edmund, what have you done?” -Mildred

“Ratched” – Netflix

98. “You run a roadside motel, madam. You traffic in hanky-panky.” -Mildred

99. “Any glimpse of your backside Mr. Brinley will be brief, as it would cause even the most hardened observer to promptly avert their eyes.” -Mildred

100. “We both want that monster to get exactly what he deserves.” -Mildred

I hope you enjoyed these quotes from Ratched on Netflix!

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