100 Best Quotes From Season 1 of Netflix’s The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On
Netflix’s The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On introduces us to six couples. Within each, there is one person who is unsure about marriage. The other wants to marry now and has issued their partner an ultimatum.
If you love a good romance reality series, The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On would be the perfect watch for you! To put each relationship to the test, each person goes through a three-week trial marriage with a different person. After that, they do the same with their original partner. In the end, everyone must answer the ultimatum. They can marry their original partner, leave with someone else, or leave alone. Just the quotes from the show alone show how crazy of a ride it is.
Here is the scoop on the best quotes from Netflix’s The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On!
1. “Eyes on the prize, right?”-Hunter
2. “I just wanna be known as her man.”-Colby
3. “Absence can make the heart grow fonder. Or absence can make the heart grow absent.”-Nick
4. “Just I can’t picture myself with anyone else besides you.”-Rae
5. “Waking up today as a single woman, it is weird.”-April
6. “Are they on a date, or are they just talking?”-Shanique
7. “I just need a good listener. Somebody that’s not so quick to react.”-Randall
8. “I tell my mom all my business.”-Rae
9. “That game was super fun, we need to do more games.”-Alexis
10. “This is the girl version of me.”-Jake
11. “Lies. Lip service. Bullshit.”-Alexis
12. “She always says what’s on her mind, but that energy can be too much.”-Hunter
13. “Well, you’re looking flawless.”-Nate
14. “The attraction was quick.”-Madlyn
15. “I’m sorry. I don’t fucking want to hear my boyfriend on a fucking date.”-Alexis
16. “I’m needy. I’m not mean.”-April
17. “I’m a man who knows what he wants.”-Colby
18. “I could see a future in someone like you.”-Zay
19. “What the fuck is so funny over there? Why are they laughing?”-Rae
20. “But you have to put yourself out there.”-Vanessa
21. “I just wasted my whole week here.”-April
22. “I’m shitting my pants.”-Nate
23. “I don’t care about anything else besides having you, all right?”-Nate
24. “I’d be pissed if I were you, Alexis.”-April
25. “Tonight’s been crazy.”-Nick
26. “I’m feeling optimistic to start our new lives.”-Randall
27. “You are funny. You are surprisingly funny, yes.”-Zay
28. “You challenge me too. I want somebody to challenge me and say, ‘You are right in your own way.’”-Shanique
29. “I’ll be your hype-man. I got you.”-April
30. “I wish these three weeks never had to end.”-Jake
31. “Can we go to sleep?”-Madlyn
32. “Yeah, that spider just tried to kill me, but I’m okay.”-Rae
33. “Shit is getting weird.”-Shanique
34. “Who do you think I am? You think I got mind control?”-Zay
35. “Go in there and treat that woman how you treat me.”-April
36. “She is fucking the perfect girl.”-Jake
37. “What does Rae want? Do you even know that?”-Madlyn
38. “You’re my threat, dude. Now, like, you’re my fucking threat.”-Colby
39. “Please, like, I’m really trying to be good as hell, sis!”-Shanique
40. “Take these wires off me.”-Shanique
41. “I would love for us to go off to the sunset.”-Jake
42. “I’d like to fucking make out with you, eat some pasta, and forget all this shit.”-Jake
43. “So I gotta control my face expressions because you’re uncomfortable?”-Shanique
44. “I’m worried about me and exploring things with you.”-Madlyn
45. “That was the dumbest thing I’ve heard tonight.”-Randall
46. “I don’t think she’s thinking the same way I am.”-Zay
47. “I still need more.”-Madlyn
48. “Everything just happened so fast.”-Shanique
49. “You’re like the disco ball lighting up the whole world.”-Zay
50. “Listen to what people have to say.”-Colby
51. “I really want my happy ending.”-April
52. “And who the hell are you to say what it takes to become a woman?”-Madlyn
53. “I think it’s also hard knowing you’ve been spending time with somebody else.”-Zay
54. “Not even five, ten minutes of being here, you can’t even communicate in a calm tone. How mature.”-April
55. “I don’t need words tonight.”-Colby
56. “We’re not gonna get the answers unless we talk about them.”-Madlyn
57. “For marriage, it takes two to tango, to stand the test of time forever.”-Randall
58. “You deserve a lot more than me. I’m not worth it.”-Colby
59. “It wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine all the time. We just didn’t butt heads.”-Rae
60. “Let’s start off by my name is April. I’m a psycho bitch. And if there’s anything I need to find out, I will find out.”-April
61. “I’m back!”-Alexis
62. “I am jealous of that.”-Shanique
63. “Bye, bitch!”-April
64. “I think you’re being an asshole and you’re not listening to me at all.”-Madlyn
65. “Don’t piss me off right now.”-Shanique
66. “It’s childish. You’re being childish.”-Randall
67. “Today, I’m at the end of my rope. I can’t do this anymore today.”-Rae
68. “Gotta get some air!”-Randall
69. “My past hurt has maybe made me feel the need to demand more.”-Madlyn
70. “I should just listen more, and I promise you to do that more.”-Colby
71. “I’m so sketched out. I don’t want you to touch me ‘cause I’m worried about where you were.”-Rae
72. “It’s fucking crazy how eight weeks can change your whole fucking life, right?”-Zay
73. “But if something happens, I want that nest egg to fall back on.”-Jake
74. “Hey, to all the good times.”-Zay
75. “But as a woman, I would never be okay with that.”-Shanique
76. “You’re so much better than everything you’ve been through.”-Shanique
77. “I need the cheese, man. I need the tea.”-Rae
78. “Why are we going, backward?”-Colby
79. “How little respect for myself would I have to have to accept that and act like there’s not an issue?”-Madlyn
80. “Whatever happens today is going to change our lives forever one way or another.”-Shanique
81. “And the love you give me is something I can’t explain.”-Randall
82. “I had to Google which finger to put it on.”-Randall
83. “My stomach is turned. I feel like I’m in a boxing fight right now. And I’m just getting my ass whooped with these emotions.”-April
84. “My whole life just changed in two months.”-Jake
85. “You wanna get something to eat?”-Rae
86. “This is a decision that I can’t take back one way or another.”-Madlyn
87. “You just make me feel invincible.”-Colby
88. “I don’t need somebody who isn’t gonna make mistakes, but someone who can own up to them and be willing to improve.”-Madlyn
89. “So, I’m excited to see what my next step is gonna be.”-Zay
90. “DMs are closed. Sorry.”-April
91. “And this has been quite a crazy journey.”-Vanessa
92. “No, we have agreed to have one for now.”-Lauren
93. “Is he out there beating the bushes?”-Nick
94. “If y’all go through each other’s phones, then you shouldn’t be together.”-Vanessa
95. “I knew that was gonna come up.”-Jake
96. “I’ll tell you that started when I started dating eight random strangers at one time.”-April
97. “Why the fuck are we here?”-Zay
98. “You found yourself.”-Vanessa
99. “We tried, you know, to change. But we obviously had our differences.”-Randall
100. “It’s a rollercoaster.”-Colby
Hope that you enjoyed these quotes from Netflix’s The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On! If you enjoyed this post, make sure to check out these related articles:
Watch The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On on Netflix!