100 Best Uncharted Movie Quotes
Based on the Uncharted books and games, this American action-adventure film stars Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg. Similar to other movies centered around finding treasures, Uncharted takes you on an adventure filled with enough humor to last the entire film.
Nathan (Tom Holland) and his brother share a passion for discovering treasures; however, his brother soon leaves home to travel the world to uncover a certain treasure deemed a mystery for years.
Nathan continues living, hoping his brother will someday return. When Victor Sullivan (Mark Wahlberg) appears in his life, there is sure to be quite an adventure waiting for him.
Here’s the scoop on quotes from Uncharted!
1. “Victor Sullivan. You can call me Sully.” – Sully
2. “Thank you. I won’t.” – Nate
3. “I’m offering you a way out of here, a chance to see places you’ve only read about in books.” – Sully
4. “You missed the read. I’m not a mark in some bar.” – Nate
5. “If I lose, so do you.” – Jo
6. “You have so many apps open. What is wrong with you? Tinder? Really?” – Nate
7. “Who the hell is this?” – Chloe
8. “I’m a friend of Sully’s.” – Nate
9. “Sully doesn’t have any friends. I should know. I’m one of them.” – Chloe
10. “You have no idea who you’re partnered with, do you? You don’t even really know what went down.” – Chloe
11. “But it’s just a story.” – Nate
12. “I beg to differ.” – Sully
13. “I’m not letting them lock me up. No way.” – Sam
14. “Oh, well, well, well. If it isn’t the late, great and formerly employed Nate.” – Carlos
15. “Well, at least you got the great part right.” – Nate
16. “Come on, Jo. You know I can’t do that. You haven’t said ‘please’.” – Sully
17. “There’s only one rule in this game, kid: Don’t get caught.” – Sully
18. “Puberty’s right around the corner, kid. You can grow your own.” – Sully
19. “I’m going to finish what my brother started.” – Nate
20. “Look around kid! You did this. He’d be proud of you.” – Sully
21. “We did it, Sam. We did it!” – Nate
22. “You’re kind of weird. But kind of cute too.” – Zoe
23. “Well, then I’m kind of offended. But I’m also kind of flattered.” – Nate
24. “If we want to get the gold, we’re gonna have to figure out a way to trust each other.” – Nate
25. “I’ve been dreaming about this since I was a kid, but somehow you already knew that.‘ – Nate
26. “You can stay up here and get shot in the head or come down here for a quick cuddle. It’s up to you. I’m going down here.” – Nate
27. “You just might be a genius.” – Sully
28. “Genius is a stretch.” – Chloe
29. “What part of ‘wait for me’ did you not get?” – Sam
30. “You said that money changes people. Makes them greedy and selfish. But I think that’s just who you are.” – Nate
31. “Ready for a mutiny?” – Nate
32. “Why not?” – Sully
33. “Suprised to see me?” – Nate
34. “Not even slightly. I made you a drink.” – Sully
35. “But I think you’re here because you got bigger fish to fry.” – Sully
36. “I don’t think there was ever a better version of you.” – Nate
37. “Greatness from small beginnings. That’s you and me.” – Sam
38. “Lost – not gone. There’s a difference. If something is lost it can be found.” – Nate
39. “I’m literally in a Papa John’s right now.” – Sully
40. “I’ve been waiting to do this my entire life!” – Nate
41. “Hey Jack Sparrow, stay sharp.” – Sully
42. “A martini? That’ll go great with your bubble gum.” – Sully
43. “You should actually put the gum in the martini. You’d have a bubble gum martini.” – Sully
44. “That’s actually not a bad idea.” – Nate
45. “Wait, you know my brother Sam?” – Nate
46. “Oh, we were practically friends. That’s saying something, considering the company I keep.” – Sully
47. “I don’t really do ‘regret’.” – Chloe
48. “I’m offering you a real ticket out of here, a chance to see places you only read about in books.” – Sully
49. “Oh great, nuns. Why does it always have to be nuns?” – Nate
50. “You’re a good guy Nate. Too good.” – Chloe
51. “Look at her! You can’t put a price on that.” – Nate
52. “Yeah, you can. 4-6 billion.” – Victor Sully
53. “Kid, I don’t have my glasses. I can’t read this shit!” – Sully
54. “You’re still harboring feelings for that girl who knocked you on your ass?” – Sully
55. “Something like that happened to me once. Good luck.” – Tourist
56. “Hey, Bubble Yum! Are you chatting up our archnemesis?” – Sully
57. “I’m pretty sure he just threatened to kill me.” – Nate
58. “Clearly, you haven’t been counting. You only have one bullet left.” – Jo
59. “I learned the hard way that the minute you start to trust someone, you lose.” – Chloe
60. “What, you don’t trust me?” – Nate
61. “I don’t trust anyone. I thought I told you that already.” – Sully
62. “I don’t know who invented the cigarette.” – Nate
63. “What’s with the cat?” – Sully
64. “She’s just for you. Your life seems super sad.” – Nate
65. “Hey kid, you might want to slow down. Taste it. Savor it. Or just chug it down like you’re on Spring Break.” – Sully
66. “So much blood so needlessly spilled…” – Santiago
67. “Sully’s a cockroach when it comes to gold.” – Jo
68. “So we’re looking for a tree.” – Nate
69. “That’s your expert analysis?” – Sully
70. “I’m sorry?” – Nate
71. “You dragged me all the way out here, made me think I might see my brother because you thought I might know something?” – Nate
72. “Sam left when I was ten. He would call every once in a while, swore he’d come back, but he never did. The Sam that I knew disappeared a long time ago.” – Nate
73. “So when do we start?” – Nate
74. “What ridiculous scheme have you cooked up this time?” – Jo
75. “You say ‘preserving’, but you mean looting, right?” – Nate
76. “Hey, you’re only like, one inch taller than me.” – Nate
77. “Oh, it’s a bit more than that, kid.” – Sully
78. “Don’t even think about it.” – Sully
79. “Oh, I’m thinking about it.” – Nate
80. “Oh, my God, I’m sorry! That was purely reactive.” – Nate
81. “You have a heart of gold, Sully. Too soon?” – Nate
82. “If we find the gold, we find him too.” – Sully
83. “Scared of a little nun?” – Chloe
84. “You haven’t met Sister Diaz.” – Nate
85. “Never forget you’re a Drake.” – Sam
86. “Do you really have no faith in me?” – Santiago
87. “In Him, I have faith.” – Armando
88. “Well, there’s Hell.” – Nate
89. “Let me guess. Piña colada? Oh, I got it. Sex on the Beach?” – Nate
90. “What happened to my brother? Before you tell me your next lie.” – Nate
91. “I’m not apologizing.” – Chloe
92. “Look, I probably would have forgiven you for knocking me out, but knocking me out of an airplane with a car?!” – Nate
93. “Oh, crap.” – Nate
94. “Hey, kid. A little young for a bartender, aren’t you?” – Sully
95. “A little old for prom, aren’t you?” – Nate
96. “Don’t touch your ear like that. You look like an idiot.” – Sully
97. “Our fortune is dipped in blood.” – Armando
98.“This is the path Ferdinand Magellan took to sail around the world.” – Nate
99. “No, I wanted to do this with my brother Sam– not with you.” – Nate
100. “You are a collector?” – Santiago
For people who love playing the Uncharted game, this movie manages to create a world that isn’t too far off from the video game. But the main characters bring a new flavor to what otherwise could’ve been an underwhelming film about finding another treasure trove.
Watch Uncharted on Netflix!
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