
100 + Best When Calls The Heart Quotes

When Calls The Heart is a television show on the Hallmark Channel. The period piece is set in 1910 and is a great escape from modern life.

Here’s the scoop on the 100 + Best When Calls The Heart Quotes!

1. “Your insults will not silence me, nor will your money.” -Abigail

Lori Loughlin
Credit: Copyright 2013 Crown Media United States, LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

2. “Nathan had a reason for being in my life, but he wasn’t my lifetime, nor was I to be his, but I hope we can build a new relationship, a deep, abiding friendship because he’ll always matter to me.” -Elizabeth

3. “Lucas, what you said the other night about love? You were right, and I wanted to thank you. I hadn’t realized how you letting me go would help me.” -Elizabeth

When Calls The Heart Quotes; Erin Krakow

Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: David Dolsen

4. “Minnie, it’s just like you told me it’s time to stop runnin’ and take on this church, but now I’m tellin’ you, it’s time to stop runnin’ and take on anyone who tries to hold back our daughter from being and doing her very best.” -Joseph

5. “Thank you for always wanting the best for me, even at your own expense. You, you really are the sister I never had, you’re the mother I’ve forever wanted, and you are the friend that I have always needed. From the depths of those dark and terrifying coal mines, you’ve walked beside me, picking me up when I’ve stumbled along the way.” -Florence

When Calls The Heart Quotes; Eva Bourne, Loretta Walsh
Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

6. Lucas: “Every man has secret sorrows which the world knows not.”
Elizabeth: “I’m not familiar with that quote.”
Lucas: “It’s from a novel. It’s about a man who falls in love with a woman who ultimately rejects him.” -Elizabeth and Lucas

7. Carson: “Why do we stop trying new things?”
Nathan: “I don’t know. I think we give up when things don’t go our way the first time.” -Nathan and Carson

Kevin McGarry
Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

8. “I find moments when I can’t find the joy in anything, but that’s when I find it most important to surround myself with people who love me.” -Elizabeth

As When Calls The Heart quotes go this is one of my favorite ones. It is an important quote not only for the context of the show but also to remember for everyday characters.

9. “Carson, a relationship needs to be built on trust and honesty.” -Faith

10. “You really are quite remarkable, and I hope you know how happy I am to have you in my life.” -Lucas

Chris McNally, Erin Krakow
Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

11. “I can only tell you what I told your mother. Love has to be fought for…” -Elizabeth

12. “Sometimes at night, the windows are open, and Little Jacks laughter drifts over and Lee and I, well, we smile.” -Rosemary

When Calls The Heart Quotes; Pascale Hutton
Credit: Copyright 2013 Crown Media United States, LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

13. “I know. I think by not deciding, I’m protecting myself from letting in either of them.” -Elizabeth

14. “You see, Jesse, love isn’t just a feeling or an emotion, it’s a choice, and your marriage is a commitment you choose to renew every single day. Open your eyes to the flowers, and then you’ll see. Choose love, then you’ll feel it.” -Lee

15. “And yet I speak of it so often. To keep them alive, I suppose.” -Abigail

Erin Krakow, Lori Loughlin
Credit: Copyright 2017 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

16. “I said I wanted to be a part of something more meaningful, and although this isn’t exactly what I had in mind, altering your dress for your first date with Lucas is a very good start!” -Rosemary

17. “You’re a surgeon. It’s all you’ve ever wanted to be. And you’d be working with the best hospital in the country. How can you possibly turn him down?” -Faith

18. “There’s plenty of new experiences to be enjoyed.” -Carson

When Calls The Heart Quotes; Paul Greene
Credit: Copyright 2017 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

19. ” Elizabeth, we all have our own path. And when the time is right for you to choose, you’ll know.” -Rosemary

20. “In my life, people have feared me, hated me, scorned me. Not without reason. Now, since I discovered oil, they’ve respected me. Gowan Petroleum is the only thing I’ve done in my life that I’ve ever been proud of.” -Henry

When Calls The Heart Quotes; Martin Cummins
Credit: Copyright 2017 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

21. “I know what you mean. If I’m being honest, that’s partly what drove me to Hope Valley in the first place. Growing up, traveling, moving all around, I really wanted to find the perfect place to stop and start a family.” -Lucas

22. “Why is it you make appointments if you’re not going to keep them?” -Henry

When Calls The Heart Quotes; Martin Cummins, Lori Loughlin
Credit: Copyright 2017 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

Henry definitely has some hilarious When Calls The Heart quotes. He is not afraid to speak his mind which is what makes his character so great.

23. Carson: “Be willing to try.”
Nathan: “It’s as simple as that.” -Carson and Nathan

24. “I think this accident has reminded him of how very fleeting life can be.” -Rosemary

Erin Krakow, Pascale Hutton
Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

25. “Elizabeth, I just want you to be safe because, because you matter to me.” -Nathan

Erin Krakow, Kevin McGarry
Credit: ©2020 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: David Dolsen

26. “Well, I’m in no hurry. My father used to stress the importance of patience, especially when it comes to finding your soul mate.” -Lucas

27. “Elizabeth, you never have to explain yourself to me.” -Bill

Jack Wagner
Credit: Copyright 2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

28. “I’ve known cruelty, but I never known how cruel people could be until we had Angela.” -Minnie

29. “For what is life but a bittersweet mixture of sadness, wonderment, hope, and joy.”- Elizabeth

When Calls The Heart Quotes; Erin Krakow, Lori Loughlin
Credit: Copyright 2017 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

30. “Jesse, there was a time in my life when I didn’t think it would be possible to ever love again. You swept into my life and changed all that. And despite my doubts, you never gave up on us. Thank you for loving me more than I ever thought possible. I give you my heart, my love, my faith, my life, now and forever because that’s what I want with you. Forever.” -Clara

Aren Buchholz, Eva Bourne
Credit: Copyright 2016 Crown Media United States, LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

Next on our list of the 105 best When Calls The Heart quotes is this adorable love declaration from Clara. Clara and Jesse’s love story is one of the best parts of the Hallmark show When Calls The Heart. This couple has more than a few quotable and swoon-worthy moments together.

31. ”If that’s a threat, Mr. Gowen, I suggest you not cross the people who prepare your food!” -Abigail

32. “If you cry, I’ll cry, so try to keep it together.” -Bill

When Calls The Heart Quotes; Jack Wagner, Aren Buchholz
Credit: Copyright 2017 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

33. “When you find the right person, love and commitment comes easy even when life gets hard.” -Elizabeth

34. “Clara, you make me so happy, every single day. Even when you’re mad at me. I still can’t believe I’m the lucky guy that gets to marry you.” -Jesse

When Calls The Heart Quotes; Aren Buchholz, Eva Bourne
Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

35. Carson: “Say, when you were a kid, what did you dream you would be?”
Lucas: “That’s easy. Robin Hood.” -Carson and Lucas

36. “Yes. But I also know that loving Jack was one of the greatest things I have ever done. I don’t regret the time I had with him for one moment. And if I had the chance to do it all over again knowing exactly how it would end, I would still do it. Wouldn’t you?” -Elizabeth

Daniel Lissing, Erin Krakow
Credit: Copyright 2013 Crown Media United States, LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

37. “I’ve seen the way she looks at you. If that’s not love, I don’t know what is.” -Leland

38. “Love certainly is special.” -Lucas

Chris McNally, Erin Krakow
Credit: ©2021 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographe

39. “Are you really just gonna stand there and say nothing while your father takes responsibility for something you did?” -Nathan

40. “And don’t either of you forget that marriage isn’t about how often you say I love you, although it is very nice, but rather what you do to prove it. May you both have a long and happy marriage.” -Rosemary

Kavan Smith, Pascale Hutton
Credit: ©2020 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

41. “Faith, this is a big opportunity. Sometimes in life, we’re presented with a choice where the right decision is to take the risk.” -Carson

42. “Well, there’s nothing quite like unconditional love.” -Elizabeth

When Calls The Heart Quotes; Chris McNally, Erin Krakow
Credit: ©2021 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer

43. “Elizabeth, your stories are good, but they could be great. My mother always used to tell me that the best writing comes right from the heart.” -Lucas

Kayla Wallace, Chris McNally, Pascale Hutton

Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

44. “I personally am quite capable of putting my personal opinions aside when the situation demands it.” -Florence

45. “Loyalty means something. You’ve been loyal to me, now it’s my turn.”-Jesse

When Calls The Heart Quotes; Eva Bourne, Aren Buchholz
Credit: ©2021 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer

46. “Life is a journey, defined not by the destination but by the company that we keep.” -Elizabeth

Erin Krakow
Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: David Dolsen

47. “I will never forget my Noah. But at some point, life goes on. For all of us.”- Abigail

Lori Loughlin, Jack Wagner
Credit: Copyright 2013 Crown Media United States, LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

48. “Leave it to Lucas to run out of food.” -Nathan

49. “You know, these may not be our children, but here in Hope Valley, we’re a part of everyone’s family because of you.” -Leland

Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: David Dolsen

50. “I’m like that. When it’s right, you can just feel it.” -Elizabeth

When Calls The Heart Quotes; Erin Krakow
Credit: ©2022 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: David Astorga

51. “Between my loving husband and my wonderful friends, I’m one of the lucky ones.” -Rosemary

52. Henry: “What’d you do now?”
Lucas: “I offered her some free advice.”
Henry: “You want some free advice?”
Lucas: “What’s that?”
Henry: “Don’t offer free advice.” -Lucas and Henry

Lori Loughlin, Martin Cummins, Jack Wagner
Credit: Copyright 2017 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

It is no surprise that Henry frequently makes the list of our best When Calls The Heart quotes. His ability to be entirely honest with the other characters serves as comedic relief for this show.

53. “I wouldn’t have let anything happen to you. Without fear and without hesitation, I would have done whatever it took to keep you safe. I mean, being a hero; it’s kind of my thing now.” -Lucas

Chris McNally, Erin Krakow
Credit: ©2021 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer

54. Leland: “You know, you may not see it, but I do.”
Rosemary: “What’s that?”
Leland: “How you touch everyone’s lives, not just mine.” -Leland and Rosemary

When Calls The Heart
Credit: Copyright 2017 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

55. “Jesse. You can spend your whole life doubting yourself. But wouldn’t you rather spend it enjoying what you’ve got?” -Leland

Kavan Smith
Credit: ©2021 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer

56. “I remember sitting with her when she read manuscripts. She would quote Benjamin Franklin. “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” -Lucas

Erin Krakow, Chris McNally
Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

57. “For too long, I’ve drifted between two good men, who I never meant to mislead. And so I’ve come to the realization that by being untrue to them, I’ve been untrue to myself. But I no longer wish for it to be that way.” -Elizabeth

Elizabeth’s struggle to choose between Lucas and Nathan is a major plot point of the show. This quote had to make our list of the 105 best When Calls the Heart quotes because this is a big moment for Elizabeth’s character.

58. “People come into our lives, some for a reason, others for a season, and some for a lifetime.” -Rosemary 

Pascale Hutton
Credit: ©2021 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer

59. “Love is not just an emotion. It’s also an act of will. It can’t be demanded. It can’t be forced.” -Lucas

60. “Henry. We don’t get too many chances to start over in life. My advice? Make the most of this one.” -Leland

When Calls The Heart Quotes; Pascale Hutton, Kavan Smith, Jack Wagner
Credit: ©2022 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: David Astorga

61. Elizabeth: “You sound like a hopeless romantic.”
Lucas: “More like a hopeful one.” -Elizabeth and Lucas

This is one of the best When Calls The Heart quotes because of the light it sheds on Elizabeth and Lucas’ love story.

62. “Tonight, we’ll all go home with our family and friends. But I think it’s important to remember that where we call home may change over time, but the people and traditions we hold close? They won’t. We will carry them in our hearts forever because home is truly where the heart is.” -Elizabeth

When Calls The Heart Quote; Erin Krakow
Credit: ©2021 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer

63. “I’d forever feel like I settled if I stay, and that’d be no good to anybody, even Faith, who believes even more than I do that I should go. The only thing to do now is to ask her to marry me and have her come along.” -Carson

Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

64. “The more things change, the more things stay the same. Unfortunately, for better or worse, lately, that’s not how life’s been feeling to me.” -Elizabeth

James Brolin, Daniel Lissing, Erin Krakow, Lori Loughlin, Jack Wagner
Credit: Copyright 2013 Crown Media United States, LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

65. “Something like that. I’m an actress, remember. I know a performance when I see one.” -Rosemary

Pascale Hutton
Credit: Copyright 2013 Crown Media United States, LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

66. “You can be a hard man to read, but you’re worth it, cover to cover. We know that turning in your uniform means a great deal to you, so it means a great deal to your friends because after all, you should know, the uniform doesn’t make the man.” -Molly

67. Ned: “How on earth did you know that I’ve developed an interest in all things beekeeping?”
Florence: “Because I’ve developed an interest in all things Ned.” -Florence and Ned

68. “I learned that life is devastatingly short and fragile and that I will never have enough time here to make amends or fix all of the things that I have broken. In just one moment, one moment without awareness or thought, that I can crush something of such beauty and such potential comes such pain, that in that moment, almost feels like something that I will carry with me forever.” -Henry

When Calls The Heart Quotes; Lori Loughlin, Martin Cummins
Credit: Copyright 2017 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

69. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I just. I’m going to put this as simple as I can, OK? My focus is on two things — raising Allie and keeping this town safe, and today, both of those things were put in jeopardy. So please, in the future, just let me do my job.” -Nathan

70. “Now, I know that this is not a date, but would you say that, as friends, we toast to your success with a glass of champagne?” -Lucas

When Calls The Heart Quotes; Jack Wagner, Chris McNally, Erin Krakow
Credit: ©2022 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: David Astorga

71. Elizabeth: “Gentleman that he is, he agreed that we would be going merely out of a mutual interest.”
Rosemary: “A mutual interest in?”
Elizabeth: “Virginia Woolf.” -Elizabeth and Rosemary

72. Leland: “Well, sweetheart, I have to admit that your party is way better than my party.”
Rosemary: “Well, now it’s everyone’s party.” -Leland and Rosemary

When Calls The Heart Quotes; Pascale Hutton, Mark Humphrey, Kavan Smith
Credit: Copyright 2016 Crown Media United States, LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

73. “You just suddenly have the urge to chop wood?” -Bill

Jack Wagner, Martin Cummins
Credit: Copyright 2013 Crown Media United States, LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

74. “Life is more fun with surprises.” -Lucas

Chris McNally
Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

75. “You know, he must be important. This is the first place in town with two phones.” -Fiona

Kayla Wallace
Credit: ©2020 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

76. “I find that to be both inspirational and potentially reckless at the same time.” -Lucas

Chris McNally
Credit: ©2021 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer

77. “I can face any obstacle with courage, grace and dignity.” -Elizabeth

This is an amazing choice for the best When Calls The Heart Quotes. Everyone should take this quote to heart and know that they are capable of handling anything life throws at them.

78. “Your heart is open again, isn’t? And now it’s being pulled in two directions. Well I, for one, am thrilled for you!” -Rosemary

Pascale Hutton, Kayla Wallace
Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

79. “I also believe in making things happen.” -Lucas

Best When Calls The Heart Quotes; Chris McNally
Credit: ©2021 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer

80. “Men, Lord they’re impossible, until they are gone.” -Abigal

81. Jesse: “I just want you to be happy.”
Clara: “For me to be happy, you have to be happy.” -Jesse and Clara

Best When Calls The Heart Quotes; Aren Buchholz, Eva Bourne
Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

82. “Now I’m not going to deny that I was aware of your beauty, but as I got to know you, I became fascinated by your goodness.” -Lucas

83. “Well, it only stands to reason that the more property under my control, the better chance I’d have of striking oil. I’m not going to apologize for taking a huge risk and having it pay off.” -Henry

Jonathan Purvis, Kevin McGarry, Jack Wagner, Martin Cummins
Credit: ©2021 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer

84. “You, Miss Carter, are a lot of things, but you are not a fool.” -Carson

85. Faith: “Thank you for keeping our secret.”
Rosemary: “The course of true love never did run true.” -Faith and Rosemary

Erin Krakow, Pascale Hutton, Johannah Newmarch, Loretta Walsh
Credit: ©2021 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer

86. Elizabeth: “I am sorry.”
Nathan: “For what?”
Elizabeth: “If your job makes you believe the worst in people.” -Elizabeth and Nathan

87. “We have all the time in the world.” -Lucas

Chris McNally, Erin Krakow
Credit: ©2021 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer

88. Lucas: “Well, since our first date did not go as planned, I thought, I need to try to make it up to her.”
Elizabeth: “I don’t know. Dinner in the backyard, under the stars? It was pretty nice.” -Lucas and Elizabeth

Erin Krakow, Chris McNally
Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

89. “I felt it was my duty. When I found myself, when I found myself falling in love with you, I felt like I was betraying Jack and his memory, that’s why I didn’t tell you. I fell in love with you, and I think that love is always worth fighting for.” -Nathan

90. “The more I get to know these women, I realize how remarkable and courageous they are.  They go through life with such grace under fire, it makes me realize just how little I actually know about the real world.” -Elizabeth  

Erin Krakow, Eva Bourne
Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

91. “I’m not so good at waiting, but I will certainly do my best.” -Dewitt Graves

92. “In my experience, I’ve learned there are two things you cannot have any influence over—young love and mules!” -Pastor Frank Hogan

93. “If Mother Nature knows what’s good for her, she’ll back off!”- Lee Coulter

Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: David Dolsen

94. “I think dreams are like birthday wishes.  If you say them out loud, they might not come true.” -Elizabeth

When Calls The Heart; Erin Krakow
Credit: Copyright 2015 Crown Media United States, LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

This is one of the best When Calls The Heart quotes because it is a twist on a common quote that most of us have heard. It also gives a lot of insight into Elizabeth’s character.

95. “He is fighting the good fight up there and you are fighting the good fight right here. He would be so proud of you.”- Rosemary

Pascale Hutton, Kayla Wallace, Eva Bourne, Loretta Walsh
Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

96. “My Mom told me I should solve things with my words and not my fists, so that’s what I want to do.” -Cody

Lori Loughlin, Carter Ryan Evancic, Paul Greene
Credit: Copyright 2017 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

97. “Bad things happen if good people do nothing.” -Elizabeth 

Erin Krakow
Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

98. “Architecture is all about seeing possibilities. Maybe I see something here.” Sofia

99. “Mistakes are how we learn.” Elizabeth

Erin Krakow
Credit: Copyright 2013 Crown Media United States, LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

100. “My father told me to stay away from complicated men.” -Clara

101. “Love is patient. Love is kind.” Pastor Frank Hogan

102. “Lee doesn’t realize it but I have him doing emotional pushups at least twice a day!” Rosemary

Kavan Smith, Pascale Hutton
Credit: Copyright 2017 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

103. “We’re part of a community that cares.” -Elizabeth

This is one of the best When Calls The Heart quotes because it captures what the characters in this show mean to each other.

104. “People learn to become hard… but sometimes they can remember not to be.” -Abigail

Lori Loughlin, Jack Wagner
Credit: Copyright 2013 Crown Media United States, LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

105. “You weather the storm with family.” -Abigail

We hope you enjoyed our list of the 105 best When Calls The Heart quotes. For more Hallmark content check out these articles:

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