14 Netflix Shows That You Need to Watch

I promise you that very few people know as much as I do when it comes to the best Netflix picks! While you might disagree with my list of best shows to binge watch on Netflix or be mad that I didn’t include your favorite one, believe me when I say that I have watched more television in my lifetime than most others… not that that’s something to brag about.

I stopped paying for cable after I graduated from college. I didn’t see the point to it when there were so many other ways to watch television! Netflix was a big contributor that led me to that decision because of all the endless options that they have. I discovered most of my favorite shows through Netflix, even shows that had been around for a while that I just didn’t know about. If you are trying to decide what show you’re going to become obsessed with next, I’m your girl to get advice from!

Here are my fourteen favorite Netflix shows that you should binge watch (in no particular order)! And yes, I have watched the entirety of every show that I’ve included in this list.

(Disclosure: Season count only includes how many seasons that are available on Netflix. Some shows are still on the air, and Netflix doesn’t provide every season available.)

PARENTHOOD – 6 Seasons

(Image Cred: IMDB)

A show about an extended family that seems so perfect, it’ll actually make you wish you were as close with your own family! The complexities of normal life are shown through the eyes of each parent. It’s amazing how a show is able to highlight almost twenty different characters with unique story lines the way this one does. From the grandparents who started it all, to the original four (now adult) children who all lead different lives, this has become my absolute favorite show! Fun Fact: Lauren Graham and Peter Krause play brother and sister on the show, but are actually dating in real life!


(Image Cred: IMDB)

Leave it to Aziz Ansari to make you realize that being a millennial can be quite hilarious. While this show is humorous, it also touches on issues you might not expect from comedy: gender issues, the generational gap, and dating in the Tinder world (just to name a few). Also, Ansari’s real life parents play his actual parents on the show. His dad, a doctor from South Carolina, seemed to really enjoy being part of the whole experience! Fun Fact: Alan Young is the other creator of the show. He and Aziz both worked on Parks and Recreation together!


(Image Cred: Marie Claire)

This is the show that gave Netflix the courage to continue doing more originals. Who thought a show about a women’s prison could be so engaging? This show makes you fall in love with so many characters that it can be heartbreaking when something happens to just one of them. And believe me: nothing is off limits to this show! So, don’t get too attached because (spoilers) things will get crazy! Fun Fact: The show was originally loosely based on the non-fiction book titled the same as the show, but the show has taken on a life of its own and has become something bigger than anyone could have imagined!


(Image Cred: IMDB)

Judd Apatow is known for creating movies like Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Knocked Up, and Bridesmaids, but he was so much more before that! He created a show that was only around for one season, though it should have had many more than that! This show was all about the outcasts of school. It was hilarious, genius, and included some big names before they got big (such as James Franco, Jason Segel, and Seth Rogan). Give this one a chance, but don’t get sad when it ends sooner rather than later! Fun Fact: Most of the cast are still friends to this day. If you were wondering how James Franco and Seth Rogan met, this was the show that caused them to become what they are today!

THE OFFICE (US) – 9 Seasons

(Image Cred: The Hollywood Reporter)

This is the show that I watch when I’m down and need a pick-me-up! This show is hilarious and each character, as annoying as they might be, is loveable. Michael Scott, portrayed by Steve Carrell, makes you feel overwhelmed, silly, and a little uncomfortable. He leaves the show to do all of those movies he was in, but his presence is what truly makes this show great! Plus, who could not adore the love story of Jim and Pam? Fun Fact: John Krasinski who plays Jim and B.J. Novak who plays Ryan (and who is also a writer on the show) have known each other for a long time because they went to high school together! They even played on the same baseball team.

SHERLOCK – 3 Seasons (Plus a Christmas Special)

(Image Cred: BBC)

This is my favorite television show of all time! Even though there are only three seasons (plus a Christmas special and fourth season that hasn’t been added to Netflix yet), this show is truly addicting! Each episode is about an hour and a half long and there are only three episodes per season. Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman star in this brilliantly written and well done show about a modernized version of Sherlock. If you’re going to watch just one thing on this list: make sure this is the one that you watch! Fun Fact: Martin Freeman who plays John Watson and Amanda Abbington who plays Mary Morstan were married in real life. They have two kids together: a daughter and a son.


(Image Cred: IMDB)

The only show on my list that has a laugh track, How I Met Your Mother is the best show when it comes to the category of shows done like it were the 1990’s. The ridiculous things that this cast does only works because Ted, the star character, is retelling stories about all of his past shenanigans to his kids. This makes it easier to get past the cheesiness and enjoy the story of how Ted met the mom to his kids in New York City! Bonus: Neil Patrick Harris. Should I say more? Fun Fact: Every episode was directed by Pamela Fryman. It’s extremely rare to have the same director for more than a few episodes of a television show, let alone an entire series!

BLACK MIRROR – 3 Seasons

(Image Cred: TV.Com)

This generation’s version of the Twilight zone, Black Mirror knows how to keep their audience on their toes! This show is all about technology and the ramifications of how it will affect our futures. While this show is great and completely addicting, be prepared for some sorrow story lines and melancholy endings. That being said though, each show has a twist and an incredible way of keeping things fresh. The technology aspect is the best part because the show writers know how to use their imagination! Fun Fact: Every episode has a new cast. Be on the lookout for some familiar faces such as Bryce Dallas Howard from Jurassic World, Jessica Brown Findlay from Downton Abbey, and Jon Hamm from Mad Men.

THE LEAGUE – 7 Seasons

(Image Cred: TV Series Finale)

I’m someone who found a love for football through playing fantasy football, so maybe I’m a little bit biased when it comes to this show. The League is about a group of friends who love playing fantasy football, but tend to take it way too seriously. It’s a show filled with comedians and writers doing what they know best! While it might get silly sometimes, it knows how to keep things real without having any of the characters take themselves too seriously. Plus, multiple real life NFL players make cameos! What could be better than that? Fun Fact: Mark Duplass portrays Peter on the show. His brother, Jay Duplass is on the show Transparent! The two are also known for having created a bunch of indie films together.


(Image Cred: Forbes)  

I know there is a good chance that you have already watched this one because of all the hype. If you haven’t though… well, then you should believe the hype! This show is amazing! It has the eighties throwback feel with the updated graphics and the fantastic writing to go along with it. This show has some of the best child actors in Hollywood right now! Season two is coming out on Halloween this year, so make sure to watch this one before the next season premieres! (Fingers crossed that it doesn’t peak next season.) Fun Fact: Gaten Matarazzo who plays Dustin is a Broadway star and has performed as Gavroche in Les Miserables.


(Image Cred: The Hollywood Reporter)

An all-time favorite with a Netflix original conclusion to include, every girl needs to watch this show! (Men can be included too, no biggie.) This show kept me sane growing up and I’ve watched the series over and over again on multiple occasions. The characters speak quickly and everyone has a great sense of humor. While real life problems are never forgotten when it comes to this mother/daughter duo, the town always brings the viewers back to their happy place. This is a must-watch for every person out there! (Oy with the poodles already!) Fun Fact: Alexis Bledel who plays Rory and Milo Ventimiglia who plays Jess dated in real life for over three years while the show was still filming. That’s why their chemistry was so great!


(Image Cred: IMDB)

All of Shonda Rhimes’ shows are completely overdramatic. Too many crazy things happen to our beloved characters in her shows! To be honest though, isn’t that the best part of it all though? How to Get Away with Murder is one of those types of television shows! It’s set on a college campus where a law professor picks a handful of students to be her assistants. What feels like the gig of a lifetime ends up in, well… murder for these aspiring lawyers. Plus, Viola Davis plays a total boss! Fun Fact: Viola Davis won an Emmy for her role in this show becoming the first African-American woman to win in the category of Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series!


(Image Cred: Huffington Post)

Amy Poehler is truly my spirit animal. I used to think it was Tina Fey, but it’s totally Amy instead. (Hence, why her show is on here and Tina Fey’s is not… though 30 Rock is a pretty good show.) Poehler’s portrayal as quirky, hard-working Leslie Knope is what makes this show work. Usually main characters aren’t the favorites; they are just there to keep the story going. That’s not the case here! The best part of this show is watching Leslie do her best to make the town of ungrateful Pawnee, Indiana the best it can be… and also watching Chris Pratt before becoming a movie star! Fun Fact: Nick Offerman who plays Rob Swanson is essentially real life Ron Swanson. In real life, Offerman has a woodworking hobby and knows how to play the saxophone which is why those aspects were included when creating his character!


(Image Cred: IMDB)

Influenced by the movie that was based off of the book, high school football is more dramatic and influential than you could have ever imagined it being. The football team located in the middle of nowhere Texas is the focus of this show with the coach being the star. This show demonstrates what the help of only a few people can do in order to help a team. It also shows that a lot more politics goes into creating a state championship winning football team! Fun Fact: Mitt Romney stole a major phrase from the show for one of his speeches in 2012 (“Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose!”). This resulted in one of the writers coming out and saying that the show in no way supported Romney and that he stole the phrase from them. Yikes!

Go and watch some of these amazing shows! And no, I didn’t include Breaking Bad because I think it’s completely overrated. End of story.

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