25 Of The Best Virgo Crystals For Healing
Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac and is a mutable earth sign. Those born under the Virgo sun sign are ruled by Planet Mercury, which also happens to be the ruling planet of communication and intellect.
This means that Virgos possess a sharp mind and a sharp wit, as well as being very intelligent people. They have a natural talent with anything involving writing, as well as being great speakers.
In addition to this, they are extremely critical of themselves and other people. They have a keen eye for detail and can often pick up on patterns that others would miss.
Virgo season begins on August 23rd through September 22nd, which is the time of the year when the sun makes its sixth trip through the Virgo sign. Some famous Virgos include Blake Lively & Melissa McCarthy and embody all of these fantastic qualities!
Virgo energy is very resourceful, practical, and clever, which makes Virgo individuals great problem solvers in their everyday life!
But while this is all true, there’s also a downside to these characteristics and there are a few negative traits.
Virgos often view themselves as failures if they can’t do something perfectly and beat themselves up when they don’t reach their own high standards.
This tendency to be excessively hard on themselves makes the sign of Virgo extremely self-critical. They can also get lost in overthinking everything, which causes them to miss the big picture.
They may also have problems expressing their feelings, so they can come across as being insensitive or cold-hearted.
We have compiled a list of the 25 best crystals for the Virgo zodiac sign and can be used in every aspect of life to achieve success!
25 Of The Bet Virgo Crystals For Healing
1. Hematite
Because of its black color, hematite is a great stone to use when you’re surrounded by negative people who tend to drag you down.
It helps bring clarity and calmness to the mind as well as remove feelings of confusion or self-doubt. In addition, it can help soothe feelings of stress and stubbornness, and allow you to have an open mind about certain things.
2. Lepidolite
This is a great stone for Virgos who tend to go overboard when it comes to self-analysis and evaluation and end up obsessing over their every mistake.
Lepidolite can help you gain perspective on your problems, allowing you to see past minor obstacles in the big picture.
This is one of the best stones to help balance your emotions and Virgo’s energy levels because it is linked to the third eye chakra, which can help strengthen your awareness and perception of things!
3. Clear Quartz
Clear quartz can help relieve feelings of negativity, stress, and mental turmoil within the body. In addition, it also helps encourage self-love that is not based on unrealistic expectations or being hard on oneself.
Quartz has the ability to help you see your soul, allowing you to know where your true strengths and talents lie. Clear quartz is also known as the Virgo stone that helps promote self-healing and inner peace with yourself!
4. Bloodstone
Bloodstone is an excellent stone for helping the Virgo overcome their perfectionist tendencies and learn how to make peace with themselves even when they don’t meet their own expectations of themselves.
These are great for helping you channel your inner strength and help you gain strength from the earth.
5. Sodalite
This blue stone, Sodalite, is known as a stone of logic, thanks to its ability to help with mental clarity and focus. It’s also a powerful aid when it comes to making decisions about future plans or changes in one’s life.
It can help you remove feelings of confusion and lack of direction, giving you a clear plan from which to proceed.
6. Azurite
This stone is known as the “Stone of Heaven” thanks to its sky blue color and connection with the heavens.
When held, it helps calm your mind, allowing for a detachment from the stress and anxiety of daily life, as well as for bringing forth feelings of peace and tranquility.
Azurite activates the third eye chakra and enhances your inner wisdom and creativity! Virgos are known to be hard workers, so this is the perfect stone to have to yield the best results when working on any project or task!
7. Turquoise
Turquoise is a great stone for helping Virgos who tend to worry excessively about their health and well-being. It has even been known to help cure conditions such as arthritis and eczema, as well as heal your immune system!
When held, it helps you to recognize when your energies are low and need replenishing, allowing you to take better care of yourself. This stone will help attract good fortune and good luck into your life!
8. Red Jasper
Red Jasper is known as the ‘Stone of Endurance’ and a supreme nurturer! This red stone is a great aid for Virgos who are constantly worried about doing or saying the wrong thing.
When held, it can help calm nerves and reduce feelings of worry, so you find yourself being more outgoing and confident. It also encourages peacefulness within the body as well as being confident in your own skin!
9. Amethyst
This purple stone, Amethyst, is a powerful aid for Virgos who are constantly under pressure from their jobs or schools.
When held, it can help calm nerves and alleviate feelings of worry and panic that rise within the body when one is faced with too much stress. It encourages inner strength as well as courage to stand up for yourself and your beliefs.
Not only can it help calm nerves, but it is also a very spiritual stone, which can help with personal growth and reconnect with your higher self!
10. Moss Agate
This green-and-white spiraling stone with its tree-like pattern is a great aid for Virgos who are constantly worried about life’s problems or are pessimistic about the future.
Moss Agate can help with finding calmness within the body as well as reassuring you of your ability to handle whatever obstacles come your way.
It is known to be the stone of new beginnings and pushes you out of your comfort zone to try new things! This is one of the best best crystals for virgo. Moss Agate can be known as the stone of opportunity because of its abilities to attract new experiences in your life!
11. Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is associated with strength and courage, as well as blocking any negative energies and evils around you. This zodiac stone is known to restore self-confidence and allow you to get the most out of life!
It helps develop strong communication skills and self-confidence with your true self! In ancient times, ancient Egyptians wore powdered lapis lazuli around their eyes to improve their eyesight as well as cure any headache because of its earthy energy and properties.
12. Citrine
This yellow stone is known for its ability to draw positivity into any situation or aspect of life, including health and well-being.
Citrine can help with feelings of self-doubt and increase self-confidence when held regularly. This virgo gemstone is one of the best stones to attract wealth and abundance into your life!
When held, you will feel its endless energy and be able to manifest your greatest dreams!
13. Blue Sapphire
Sapphire is known as the Virgo birthstone that represents hope and celestial faith! It is believed to attract an abundance of positive energy as well as longevity.
Virgos are known to be ‘quick thinkers’ and take a very systematic approach to things and tend to get very stressed and anxious.
The sapphire stone will help calm your mind and intuition and let you know that everything will be okay and things will turn out the way you want them!
14. Blue Tourmaline
This is a great stone and aid for Virgos who tend to be overly critical of themselves and beat up on themselves mentally.
Blue Tourmaline can help calm nerves, relieve feelings of anxiety and increase self-confidence when held regularly. It also encourages acceptance in life as well as tolerance for others’ flaws without judgment.
15. Smoky Quartz
This is a great stone for Virgos who are constantly worrying about their health or obsessing over their physical appearance. Smoky Quartz is connected to the root chakra, in which it can be the backbone to your life and help you feel stable and balanced with everything going on!
Smoky Quartz can help with feelings of anxiety and calm the mind, allowing you to take better care of yourself when needed most. It also encourages acceptance of one’s body as well as forgiveness for past mistakes.
16. Green Jade
This jade stone is a great aid for Virgos who tend to be overly hard on themselves and carry a lot of self-blame.
Green Jade can help strengthen your inner resolve as well as increase feelings of tolerance and patience when held regularly. The green jade crystal also encourages harmony within the body as well as with others. This is one of the best crystals for virgo!
17. Emerald
This green stone is a great aid for Virgos who are constantly worried about their health or have a lack of energy.
Emerald is actually an excellent choice for Virgo individuals to use because it has a strong connection to Planet Mercury and the heart chakra! It has a strong energy field to help attract love and harmony into your life! E
specially for a sensitive Virgo, the emerald is a lovely stone to use to remove any stress and anxiety about your emotions.
Green stones like emerald can help calm nerves, alleviate feelings of stress and increase feelings of mental clarity when held regularly. It also encourages acceptance in life as well as tolerance for others’ flaws without judgment.
18. Black Obsidian
Black Obsidian is one of the best healing crystals because of its ability to absorb any negative energy surrounding your life! This black stone is an excellent aid for Virgos who tend to be easily flustered and carry pent-up anxiety. It can help calm the mind, relieve feelings of anxiety and increase mental clarity when held regularly.
Black Obsidian also encourages breaking past self-imposed barriers in life as well as acceptance of one’s flaws without judgment.
19. Rose Quartz
This pink stone is an excellent aid for Virgos who tend to be hard on themselves and beat up on themselves mentally. It can help with feelings of anxiety, calm the mind and provide increased mental clarity when held regularly.
Rose Quartz also encourages feeling at peace in life as well as unconditional self-love. These beautiful stones are known to attract healthy relationships and friendships into your life!
20. Kunzite
Kunzite is connected and aligned with the crown chakra. The crown chakra is known to connect you with the spiritual realm and open up opportunities for you to go through any type of transformation and change.
Virgos tend to be anxious about any type of change. This stone is a great aid for Virgos who tend to be hard on themselves and carry self-blame. It can help strengthen your inner resolve as well as increase feelings of tolerance and patience when held regularly.
Kunzite also encourages acceptance in life as well as cleansing the body from harmful toxins. It is considered one of the best healing stones for Virgo individuals. The best way to use Kunzite is when you need a little help from the higher realm!
21. Chrysocolla
This chrysocolla stone is a great aid for Virgos who tend to be overly critical of themselves and can get stuck in negative thinking. It can help calm nerves, alleviate feelings of stress and increase mental clarity when held regularly.
Chrysocolla can be considered a grounding stone because of its ability to bring peace and tranquility into your life and stay balanced in any situation!
Chrysocolla also encourages acceptance of one’s flaws without judgment as well as breaking past self-imposed barriers in life.
22. Blue Lace Agate
Blue lace agate stone is a great aid for Virgos who tend to be overly hard on themselves and carry a lot of self-blame. This stone is connected to the throat chakra, which it can help improve your communication skills and expression!
Virgos tend to be very systematic and logical when it comes to communication about things. With help from Blue Lace Agate, will allow you to express how you truly feel and just let your true emotions show! If you have a Virgo friend, this might be a great stone to give them!
It can help strengthen your inner resolve as well as increase feelings of tolerance and patience when held regularly. It also encourages acceptance in life as well as forgiveness for past mistakes.
23. Aqua Aura
This blue stone is a great aid for Virgos who tend to be hard on themselves and carry self-blame. It can help with feelings of anxiety, calm the mind and provide increased mental clarity when held regularly.
Aqua Aura also encourages acceptance of one’s body as well as unconditional love in life. This is one of the best crystals for Virgo!
24. Blue Aventurine
This blue stone is a great aid for Virgos who are constantly worried about their nervous system or have a lack of energy. It can help calm nerves, alleviate feelings of stress and increase feelings of mental clarity when held regularly. This can be great if you have soaring blood pressure.
Blue Aventurine also encourages acceptance of one’s physical appearance as well as of the body without judgment. This stone is always used for crystal healing and allows you to feel better about yourself!
25. Opal
This white stone is a great aid for Virgos who tend to be overly critical of themselves and carry a lot of self-blame. This powerful energy crystal can help strengthen your inner resolve as well as increase feelings of tolerance and patience when held regularly.
Opal also encourages unconditional love in life. It is apart of a special crystal set that attracts love and positivity into any relationship!
Virgo Crystals
Native Americans believed that wearing stone totems was one of the best ways to harness their power. If you’re trying to tap into the energy of Virgo, consider holding on to its ruling crystal when you feel in need of clarity or guidance.
Simply hold the stone and visualize yourself surrounded by a protective white light. This astrological sign is an earth element, which means that its ruling crystals are all stones with an earthy quality.
The Virgo zodiac crystal kit has special healing properties that hold the same nurturing energy of the earth. This includes but is not limited to jasper, hematite, moonstone, quartz, sodalite, and yellow jasper.
The moonstone is known to have such high standards. It was believed to be formed during the time of Jesus Christ.
Especially for the Virgo star sign, the moonstone brings clarity to your mind and gives you a clear vision to look at the bigger picture of life!
Aquamarine is known as the stone of courage and inspires confidence and trust within you! This is a great stone to have around the house or at work. It keeps emotions balanced and allows you to listen to your intuition when making any decision!
Virgos are known as mutable sign, in terms of being similar to other zodiac sign traits! For more information, there are many affiliate links that explain more about different zodiac crystals and the right crystals to use for any aspect of your life!
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