3 Diet Myths You Need to Know the Truth About
It’s unlikely there’s anyone out there who doesn’t wish they could live a healthier life. Being healthy is the one goal the majority of us have in common. Even so, it’s a goal we constantly struggle to reach. Too often, we start on a health journey and give up in no time. The reason? There is a myriad of myths around healthy living. In part, these are what cause most of us to fail. Either those myths make us feel like we don’t have what it takes, or they put us off trying. The silly thing is, those myths are, indeed, myths.
There’s usually little evidence to back them up! If you’ve been listening to the news when it comes to your health, stop it! We’re going to take a look at the central myths of the health world, and show you why you shouldn’t listen!
Diet is one of the main offenders. There are many conflicting opinions about what a healthy diet is. Some people urge you to eat less, while others claim dieting can lead to weight gain. The first thing you need to do to take control of your diet is to stop listening to other people! Listening to your body is the best way to make sure you’re eating what you need. Planned diets, for the most part, don’t work. The main reason being that all our bodies are different, and we all need different things to keep us going! Scrap the planned diets, and write one of your own. There are also many myths about the ‘damage’ healthy living can do to your body. This one’s quite simple to bust. If you’re eating fresh food and preparing your meals, there’s no way you can do yourself damage. Find out what you need, and make sure you’re getting it. There are also plenty of myths about juicing. In truth, juice is full of sugar. Even so, it’s healthy sugar! Everything in moderation.
Supplements are a minefield to understand. Some people swear by them for getting the nutrients you need. Others swear blind supplements are the worst things invented. Again, the best way is to find what works for you. The important thing to know is that you should never need supplements to live a healthy lifestyle. Even so, there’s nothing wrong with giving it a go. Find out the truth about things like Strontium supplement side effects and see what you think afterwards!
Exercise isn’t free of myths, either. The central myth, where exercise is concerned, is that you need to do a lot of it to feel the benefits. Because of this, many of us don’t even try! In truth, it doesn’t matter how long you exercise for, as long as you’re doing it! Even if you only take a ten-minute walk, it’s worth doing. Another myth is that you need a lot of expensive equipment to get the most of your workout. In truth, you don’t need anything but your body!