3 Tips for Leading a Healthy Life

As we get older we hear more about the importance of looking after our health. But the fact of the matter is that it becomes a real pressing issue once we get into our thirties. Perhaps your new year’s resolution was to go to the gym a bit more or eat healthier. But when we start to look at what we were like in our twenties, out all of the time, and having so much fun our thirties could be when we are paying for it. So what are the big lifestyle issues that we all need to tackle in our thirties to ensure that we are healthier as we progress on in life?

Those Common Vices

We all feel that having a little vice is okay. Whether you like sugary treats or you have a cigarette now and again, you might not think that it’s too bad. Unfortunately, it’s not just about the obvious issues that can arise from something like cigarettes, like problems with our lungs, it can impact our lives in other ways. According to the American Sleep Association, bad lifestyle choices like smoking can result in problems like sleep apnea. When you don’t sleep that well, it’s going to have an impact on every other aspect of your life. While you need to learn how to fix your sleep, now is the perfect opportunity to cut back on those unhealthy vices so they don’t cause major problems later on.

Fixing Your Body Clock

We humans are creatures of habit and while you may not have had much in the way of responsibilities during your twenties, now is the perfect time to fix your sleep patterns. There is a big difference between quality and quantity of sleep. And healthy habits can impact your sleep but you’ve got to start prioritizing adequate rest. Fixing your body clock means going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. If you oversleep or undersleep, you run the risk of resetting your body clock to a different cycle. If you don’t have the right quality of sleep for your body clock, that is why you wake up feeling groggy.

Implementing Exercise As A Lifestyle Choice

Exercise has plenty of benefits for your body and it’s also good for your mental health but in your twenties, you may not need to exercise so much to keep the pounds off. But remember, exercising is not just about losing weight but it’s a lifestyle choice that will benefit your heart health, your cardiovascular health and every muscle in your body. Implementing regular exercise by going to a class or doing something that you enjoy is all that you need. You don’t need to hit the gym 5 days a week, all you need to do, at the very least, is go twice or choose the right exercises that hit all the major areas. This is why a protocol like Body By Science works so well for people that are so very busy.

The thirties is the decade when you have the opportunity to set yourself up for a far healthier life. Focus on these three areas and you will have a strong foundation.

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