30+ Home Remedies for How to Get Taste and Smell Back After a Sinus Infection
If you’re suffering from a sinus infection, you may experience a loss of taste and smell. This can be extremely frustrating, as it can make enjoying your favorite foods and drinks difficult. This is why it helps to find home remedies to get your taste and smell back after a sinus infection!
While prescription medications can work great, they can cause unwanted side effects or even allergic reactions and require a visit with a healthcare provider to acquire them.
So before you make that appointment today here are some ways to boost your immune system and fix those irritating sinus symptoms.
Home Remedies
The good news is that there are a number of home remedies that can help recover smell loss and taste loss after a sinus infection. Whether you are suffering from an acute sinus infection or a chronic sinus infection we have got the right home treatment plan for you.
From OTC medications to using a saline solution to clean those nasal passages, there are many simple ways to relieve your chronic sinusitis or acute sinusitis symptoms. Symptoms of sinusitis include a stuffy nose or runny nose, mucus buildup in the back of your throat, loss of sense of smell, and sore throat.
Other effects of long term issues with smell can include things such as phantosmia. This is a condition that causes people to smell strong odors that are not there.
Things that can cause phantosmia are conditions that impact the olfactory receptors in the nose such as bacterial sinus infections, cold or flu, and neurological conditions including Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
For sinus headaches, there is also a relief. Sinus headaches are often the result of a viral infection, sinus infections, nasal polyps, seasonal allergies, or upper respiratory infections. If bacteria begins growing in the sinuses this can lead to a bacterial infection.
This can worsen if left untreated so if you feel that home remedies are ineffective seek medical treatment.
If you’re looking for ways to get your senses of taste and smell back after a sinus infection, we’ve got the scoop!
Here are home remedies for how to get taste and smell back after a sinus infection!
1. Drink plenty of fluids
Drinking lots of water is important when you’re suffering from a sinus infection. Not only will it help to thin out mucus, but it will also keep your nose and throat moist. This can help to reduce congestion and prevent further irritation.
2. Use a humidifier
Using a humidifier in your home can help prevent dry air and help alleviate sinus problems. This humid air can be helpful in reducing congestion and inflammation.
3. Drink warm liquids
Drinking warm liquids like soup or tea can help to soothe your sinus passages and ease congestion.
4. Take a hot shower
Taking a hot shower can also help to loosen mucus in the throat and nasal cavities and ease congestion.
5. Use a saline spray
Saline rinses are available over the counter and can help to cleanse your sinus cavities. Proper saline irrigations can also help to thin out the mucus in either the throat or nasal cavity.
6. Flush your sinuses
You can do this by using a neti pot or sinus rinse kit. This will help to flush out your sinuses and reduce nasal congestion.
For best results, use a cup of water and a teaspoon of salt and pour on the inside of your nose. This should be sterile water, so if using tap water boil for 3-5 minutes.
7. Avoid irritants
There are certain things that can irritate your nose and make symptoms worse. These include smoke, dust, pollen, and strong smells.
8. Apply a warm compress
Applying a warm compress to your face can help to reduce inflammation and ease pain.
9. Rest
Welcome to the easiest sinus infection treatment: rest. Getting plenty of rest is important when you’re sick. Your body needs time to heal, so make sure to get plenty of rest and relaxation.
10. Drink herbal tea
Herbal teas like chamomile or ginger tea can help to ease congestion and soothe your throat.
11. Use essential oils
Certain essential oils can help to reduce inflammation and clear your sinuses. Some of the best include eucalyptus, peppermint, and lavender oil.
12. Eat spicy foods
Eating spicy foods can help to stimulate your sense of smell and taste.
13. Drink citrus juices
Citrus juices like lemonade or orange juice can also help to stimulate your senses.
14. Chew gum
Chewing gum can help to increase saliva production, which can be helpful in restoring your sense of taste.
15. Rinse your mouth
Rinsing your mouth with salt water or baking soda can help to remove any build-up that may be blocking your taste buds.
16. Avoid dairy
Dairy products can thicken mucus and make congestion worse.
17. Drink apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can be helpful in treating a sinus infection.
18. Eat ginger
Ginger is a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, making it effective in treating a sinus infection. Even the aroma of ginger can help relieve sinus congestion and other sinus issues.
19. Take a steamy shower
The steam from a hot shower can help to open up your sinuses and reduce congestion.
20. Apply peppermint oil
Applying peppermint oil to your forehead can help to relieve facial pain and sinus pressure. The main constituent of peppermint leaves is menthol which is anti inflammatory and antimicrobial.
21. Try acupuncture
Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in treating sinus infections.
22. Use horseradish
Horseradish is a natural decongestant that can help to clear your sinuses.
23. Drink green tea
Green tea contains antioxidants that can help to reduce inflammation and ease symptoms of a sinus infection.
24. Eat turmeric
Turmeric is another spice with anti-inflammatory properties, making it helpful in treating a sinus infection.
25. Breathe in steam
The steam from boiling water can help to relieve nasal discharge and reduce congestion. This can easily be done by standing over a bowl of hot water.
26. Try nasal irrigation
Nasal irrigation, also known as nasal lavage, can help to flush out your sinuses and reduce congestion.
27. Drink cranberry juice
Cranberry juice has antibacterial properties, making it effective in treating sinus infections.
28. Eat garlic
Garlic is a natural antibiotic, making it helpful in treating a sinus infection. Garlic pods can also be an effective method.
29. Use neti pots
Neti pots can help to flush out your sinuses and reduce congestion.
30. Steroid nasal sprays
For something a little stronger, steroid nasal sprays or nasal drops can be used to help reduce swelling in the nasal passages and help recover minor or complete loss of smell.
31. Smell training
Smell training is a method that requires actively smelling the same four scents every day and spending around 20 seconds on each smell. This process can help recover damage to the olfactory nerve and bring back your sense of smell.
32. Castor oil
Just a drop of warm castor oil can help restore smell loss by using its active ingredient ricinoleic acid.
Things To Remember About Your Senses After Sinus Infection
It is important to keep in mind that your sense of smell and taste may not return to normal right away. It may take some time for your senses to fully recover. In the meantime, try not to worry and give your body time to heal.
If your symptoms are severe or last longer than a week, it is important to see your doctor. Sinus infections can sometimes lead to serious complications with an underlying cause, so it is best to get medical help if you are experiencing severe symptoms.
Remember that if you lost your sense of smell you may not be able to smell things such as fires or gas leaks. Be sure to take precautions and follow safety advice if you are experiencing anosmia.
A home remedy can be effective in treating a sinus infection, but it is not always necessary. If your symptoms are mild, you may not need any treatment at all. Just make sure to drink plenty of fluids and get plenty of rest.
If home remedies don’t seem to be helping, see your doctor for further treatment options.
How Long Will It Last?
Sinus infections can be annoying and uncomfortable, but they usually go away on their own within a few weeks.
In the meantime, there are a number of home remedies that can help to ease your symptoms and speed up your recovery to get your taste back after a sinus infection.
If you are experiencing severe symptoms or your symptoms last longer than a week, it is important to see your doctor. Sinus infections can sometimes lead to serious complications, so it is best to get medical help if you are experiencing severe symptoms.
Home remedies can be effective in treating a sinus infection, but they are not always necessary. If your symptoms are mild, you may not need any treatment at all. Just make sure to drink plenty of fluids and get plenty of rest.
If home remedies don’t seem to be helping, see your doctor for further treatment options.
When to See a Doctor
If you are experiencing severe symptoms or your symptoms last longer than a week, it is important to see your doctor. Sometimes home remedies to get your taste back after a sinus infection can do little progress.
An ENT specialist may take a CT scan or MRI to check for structural causes of your sinus infection symptoms. There could be underlying causes such as a deviated septum or nasal polyps. Certain medical conditions could require sinus surgery.
Speed Up Your Recovery Time
The very best way to speed up your recovery time and get back to your old self is to get plenty of rest. Allow yourself to sleep when your body is telling you to and make sure to drink plenty of fluids.
Take a day or even a week and just let your body rest. As busy people, we often don’t allow ourselves the time to just relax and recuperate but this is vital if we want to get better quickly. Good luck and feel better soon!
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