4 Basic Tips to Keep Your Husband Feeling Beautiful
How many of you have a husband who thinks his manliness would be completely compromised if he visited a stylist, got a manicure, or even knew what to do with an exfoliator? Some men just can’t get used to the idea that their masculinity is not at odds with a great hairdo and beautifully smooth skin. Thankfully, the beauty industry is catching up with the times, and men are starting to realize that taking care of their appearance can be really gratifying. If your man is still resisting progress, try him on some of these basic hacks – once he experiences truly smooth skin, he’ll never look back.
1. Get a great ‘do
A man’s hairdo precedes him. The unkempt, scruffy look only works if it’s purposeful, otherwise, it just looks like they haven’t showered in a few days (which might actually be the case). Achieving a simple, but smart haircut without much effort would be the turning point of male style, right? Well, you won’t believe this Flowbee review then. It’s a hair clipper that you attach to your domestic vacuum cleaner, leaving you with a mess-free, professional looking haircut, with barely any time or effort required. If you market to him as something from science-fiction, you’re guaranteed success.
2. Exfoliate and moisturize
Men’s skin suffers just like women’s from bad habits, extreme weather conditions, and not enough TLC. Unlike men, women are happy to buy all manner of exfoliators and serums to counteract the world’s harshness. You might not be able to convince your man that a daily face-mask is the way forward, but a basic cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing routine will do wonders for his skin, and if you can talk him into giving it a go, you’ve won most of the battle.
3. Keep the nails smart
While men’s mani-pedis are becoming more and more common, some men are resisting hard, insisting that biting their nails is the only truly manly way to keep them short. Introduce them to nail clippers (don’t try the nail scissors yet, that’s a step too far) and a nail brush, and show them how much easier it is to keep them clean and avoid that irritating snagging. Keeping nails well trimmed and clean is the secret key to looking like the rest of your look is purposeful, even when it’s on the shabby end of shabby-chic. Smart nails automatically look professional and attractive.
4. Trim that beard
Like it or loathe it, male facial hair is here to stay, at least while the hipsters say so. If your husband is embracing this, whether it’s out of laziness or a love of fashion (ahem), why not encourage it? As long as their beard is trimmed occasionally – something which I lovingly call “beard topiary” – it can look edgy and exceptionally manly. Keeping the beard trimmed looks smart, even when its only purpose is so that its owner doesn’t have to shave anymore.
Men who resist male beauty fashions aren’t uncommon, but all is not lost. A bit of beard topiary and a good haircut takes very little effort, and can make all the difference.