4 Must-Haves for Your Bachelorette Finale Watch-Party

We’re down to Rachel’s final suitors. They’ve met her parents and she’s met theirs. Neil Lane is due to descend with luxurious rings any minute now. So, by the end of this three-hour (including After the Final Rose) marathon of roses, tear-shed and dramatic speeches–even the most dedicated super-fan would feel overwhelmed. Well, we’ve got you covered with all of the food, games and, yes, wine to sustain the conclusion of an epic season of The Bachelorette.
Say Yes to Snacking
Only a Bachelor Nation newbie would forget the art of eating through your emotions. No epic finale would be complete without finger foods like popcorn and pretzels that you can hurl into your gasps without much effort. Also consider catering your cuisine to the finale locale. Rachel and the guys are headed to Spain–so whip up some Spanish dishes, maybe you’ll be able to will yourself to the picturesque country?
The Final Rosé
Consuming three-hours of breakups, crying and relationship anxiety, all culminating in a proposal, is not for the faint of heart. So, in order to steady your own panic during endless commercial breaks and those few fragile seconds before we know who Rachel picks, get your drink on. The Bachelor crew knows you often pair wine with your Bachelor binge. They even released their own line of wines with names like The Fantasy Suite and One on One.
The Most Dramatic Scoop of All-Time
Do not enter the Bachelorette finale unarmed. There have been countless twists and turns throughout the season including drama on Paradise and contestants from past seasons chiming in on who they think Rachel will end up with. Check out Sarah Scoop for exclusive interviews with Bachelor contestants and find out which friends in your watch party are totally obsessed with the show. (It’s safe to say if you’re having a finale watch-party, you are.)
The One (Game You Need to Play)
Not only is The Bachelorette a mind game of predicting, but your watch-party needs ton of fun and games to bide the time! It’s never a bad idea to play Bachelorette bingo with prizes for each time a contestant says the word “journey” or waterworks occur. But you can also get in on some betting by taking votes over which contestant partygoers believe Rachel will pick (there are three options this season!) and attaching a fun gift like a bottle of Bachelor wine or dozen roses to whoever chooses the right guy!
What are you waiting for, Bachelor Nation? Grab your snacks, drinks, scoop and games for a night you will never forget. And buckle up, because Paradise starts next week!