4 Ways to Rock Braces After Your Teenage Years
When you’re young, braces have a certain appeal. Let’s be honest; they’re kind of cute. But, when you get older, the cuteness aspect doesn’t have the same impact. Instead, you may find it difficult to make your braces work for you. Despite the fact that more adults are opting for corrective dental work, an adult with braces is still a rare sight. As such, you may feel as though you stick out like a sore thumb.
But, as you may have those braces for two years or more, it’s time to consider ways to feel fabulous, even with them on. To help you work out how, we’re going to look at a few steps any adult brace wearer should follow.
Find the right orthodontist
By nature, braces are visible and potentially unflattering. But, it could be even worse if you have a poorly fitted set. As such, it’s crucial you look out for a reputable, high-quality orthodontist. But, how do you shop around for an orthodontist? It’s not exactly an everyday occurrence, but there is help out there, like this article on how to choose an orthodontist. Plus, the internet provides you with the chance to see reviews before you visit. Make sure you’re comfortable before letting them loose on your gnashers!
Consider your colors
When you’re young, colors are the fun part of braces. Orthodontists offer a variety of colors which can jazz up otherwise unappealing braces. But, many adults stay away from bright colors and stick with metal. It’s easy to see why. Who wants to draw attention to their mouth more than necessary? In truth, though, your braces are going to be obvious either way. At least the right color can match with your outfits. Think about colors you wear often, and coordinate your braces that way.
Always carry a toothbrush
This is staple advice for brace wearers of all ages. It’s especially important for adults with business meetings, or a hot date lined up. Braces are notorious for trapping food. And, if that happens, no amount of effort will ensure you look good. In fact, people will find it difficult to take you seriously, or even concentrate on what you’re saying. The only thing your business associates would remember is the spinach flapping in your brace. So, take a brush along with you, and do a quick once over after eating!
Wear with confidence
As with anything, the most solid advice about looking good with braces is to wear them with confidence. If you believe they look good, then they will. Your smile will win people over, despite how your teeth look. If you try to hide your braces and avoid smiling naturally, you’re not going to look your best.
To ensure you reach this state of confidence, spend some time in the mirror. Practice a natural smile and consider whether your braces are as bad as all that. Over time, you’ll come to a place of acceptance, and be unable to imagine yourself without them!