40 Signs: How to Tell if a Scorpio Man Likes You
Finding love can be a struggle. It can take time, effort, and it may not work every time. The important thing is to follow your heart. Knowing someone’s zodiac sign can help you navigate finding love. For instance, if you’re interested in a Scorpio man, then we have got your back! We are here to help you figure out how do you know if a Scorpio man likes you, and what gestures he will make to show it.
Learning how to tell if a Scorpio man likes you can open the door to your soul mate. If you’re wondering, “Does he like me?” We will unravel the mystery and reveal what’s on this Scorpio man’s mind.
Here is the scoop on how do you know if a Scorpio man likes you and what gestures he will make to show it!
Scorpio Zodiac Sign
Before we talk about the signs that a Scorpio man likes you, let’s learn all about him!
According to astrology, there are twelve zodiac signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. Each sign has its own unique traits.
When it comes to Scorpio men, they are often described as passionate, goal-oriented people who are down to earth and laid back. They are mysterious beings that seem closed off at first but can be very loyal partners when given the chance.
Scorpios are known for being very caring and passionate lovers. The Scorpio man doesn’t take love lightly. So, if he is interested in you, he will let you know!
All About A Scorpio Man
A Scorpio man is often known for his seductive and mysterious nature. He may seem aloof at times, but he looks forward to spending time with you.
Does he take the time to plan out dates so you always have a good time? What other signs point towards him liking you? Let’s find out.
How to Tell if a Scorpio Man Likes You
If you want to know if this man likes you, then look for these 40 signs. If he shows any of these signs listed, there might actually be something special between the two of you. This man might really want to be with you.
If this man shows any of these signs, then there is a good chance that he wants to be more than friends with you. This man might like how close the two of you are because he actually cares about you. He doesn’t want the both of you to drift apart.
1. He plans Romantic Dates
It’s not always easy to tell if a Scorpio guy likes you after the first time you go out, but it is possible. One sign that he may like you is if he goes out of his way for you.
Ask yourself, does he take the time to plan romantic dates? If so, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t want to go out with him.
If he suggests you go out on a date and comes up with creative places to meet like the beach or a park, or even just to see a horror movie, then that’s another sign of how he feels about you.
2. He Compliments You Often
Does this Scorpio man act like he wants to praise your attributes no matter if you are a fire sign, water sign, or earth sign? If so, then it is a good sign that he likes you and has some love interest.
When someone likes you, they want to make you feel good. They may compliment your hair, or say something sweet about your smile or laugh.
If he compliments the way you look, then there’s a chance that he likes you and has true feelings. Maybe he says things like “you’re beautiful” or “I like the way your eyes sparkle when you smile.”
We bet you feel pretty great when he says things like that. Maybe he even does simple things that make you happy like texting you good morning, or good night.
3. He Brings You Gifts
When a person likes someone, they show it in different ways. One of those ways is through spoiling you. In order to express his feelings, he may bring you gifts on occasion. This is one of the clearest signs that he is into you.
Does he start bringing flowers, jewelry, or other things as a sign of affection? If he is bringing you gifts on a regular basis then that’s your cue. He may be trying to tell you that he likes you.
4. He Offers To Help You
When someone likes you, they think of you first. It isn’t always about what they want, but what you need. When a Scorpio man likes you, he will offer assistance when possible.
Does he drop by your house with groceries or other supplies that you need? Has he offered to drive you where you need to go? If so, then there’s no reason why his intentions cannot be true. He may like you and is reaching out to make sure you’re happy.
5. He Remembers Things About You
When someone likes you, they take the time to learn about your life and interests. They want to be a part of your life and that means knowing you as a person. Maybe he remembers things like your favorite color or movie because he is interested in what makes you, you.
If he asks questions about your personal interests and remembers them for future reference, then that is a sign that he likes you. He wants to know more about the person he is interested in. This shows how much he cares and values what’s important to you.
6. He Avoids Arguments With You
There are times when we all fight and disagree with each other. When it comes to a Scorpio man, he may want to avoid arguments with you. If he cares about your feelings and avoids fights with you, then this is another sign that he likes you.
He may not get into arguments because he doesn’t want anything to come between him and the woman he likes. He may avoid conflict to make sure that you’re happy and comfortable with the relationship as it stands.
7. He Wants You All To Himself
The important thing to remember is, sometimes Scorpio men act as if they get jealous when another man talks to you or wants your attention. If that’s the case, then it’s likely that he wants you all for himself.
He is possessive, and that may just be another sign of how he feels about you!
8. He Looks At You In A Way That No One Else Does
Maybe he looks at you with a certain kind of stare and intense eye contact. It may be intense or impassioned. When someone looks at you this way, you know that there’s more behind the look than just a casual glance.
Does he stare at you as if he is just seeing you for the first time? Maybe he looks at you in a way that no one else does. If this is the case, then it could be because he sees something special in you that others do not.
9. His Behavior Changes When You Are Around
Maybe his behavior changes when he is around you compared to when other people are around, or his body language in general. Maybe he becomes affectionate, passionate, or excited when you are present.
Has he acted differently when other people are around? Has he been more attentive and loving because no one is watching? This could be his way of showing that your presence brings out a certain part of him that only you can see.
10. He Teases And Flirts With You
Flirting is another way that someone might show they are interested in you. The Scorpio man may tease you or flirt with you when there are other people around.
If he teases you in person or over text messages, then it’s possible that he likes making you blush or laugh.
Does he use humor to get your attention? When he sees you, does he flirts or tease you to get your attention?
This type of behavior is one that people do when they like someone and want them to notice.
11. He Might Be Joking When He Brings Up The Future Together
Bringing up the future together may seem like a strange sign that he likes you, but it’s not always the case. Scorpio men are known to joke around, so not everything he says has to be taken seriously.
Is he joking when he tries bringing up the future? Maybe he wants to know what you’re career plans are or if you have any long-term goals that involve him.
When a Scorpio man likes you, he may joke around with you about the future because he wants to know if it has a place for him.
12. He Asks About Your Plans And Future Goals
Is he interested in how your career is going? Does he want to know what your long-term plans are? If so, then he may like you and you will see his true feelings.
One of the signs that a Scorpio man likes you is his interest in getting to know more about your future.
Is he interested when you tell him about the things that are important to you? If so, then this is another sign that he may have feelings for you. He wants to get to know more about the woman in his life.
13. He Watches Your Facial Expressions And Gestures
Maybe he watches your facial expressions and hand gestures closely. For example, does he watch the way you move your mouth when you’re talking?
Does he like the sound of what you say? If so, then it’s possible that he is interested in more than just a casual relationship with you.
Does he pay closer attention to your movements? Is he interested in the way you sound when you speak or what you have to say?
It’s possible that he likes you and wants to get to know the real woman behind your personality.
14. He Seeks A Mutual Connection With You
Seeking a mutual connection with this fixed sign is a good thing. It means that he is on the same page as you in terms of romantic intimacy.
He may show very much interest in having something more than just a casual relationship with you if this is what your connection is like.
Has he sought after a deeper connection with you? Do you have his full attention? If so, then he may be looking for more than just a casual friendship, and for a good reason.
He wants to take good care of you and be close with you and your family members. He wants to get to know the real woman behind the physical features; that is a known fact!
15. He Gives You Compliments
When a Scorpio man likes a woman, he may compliment her because he is thinking of her in a positive light. This man may give you enough attention and compliments that make you feel good about yourself and emphasize your natural beauty.
Perhaps he makes a point to always look good around you or dress well when you’re not around.
Does he compliment your physical features? If so, then this is another sign that he likes you and wants to make sure that you feel beautiful.
He will give positive compliments to be part of his life in a special way because he is interested in you and a long-term relationship.
16. He Tries To Be Around You As Much As Possible
Maybe he tries to be around you as much as possible. Maybe he is constantly talking about his ambitions or hopes for the future in front of you, simply because he likes having you around.
When a man has feelings for a woman, he will make her feel like she is an important part of his life, and one of the clear signs he most likely will make the first move.
Is he always talking about the future and his ambitions in front of you? Does he make a point to be around as much as possible or bring up topics that you like to talk about?
If so, then there may be something more than friendship between the two of you.
17. He Loves To Talk About The Future With You
Does he like to talk about the future with you for a long time, but not in a mysterious nature? Is it common for him to bring up your aspirations and long-term goals on a regular basis? Does he make it seem like the two of you are on the same page in terms of what you want out of life?
If so, then this man may like you!
When a man has romantic feelings for a woman, he will want to get to know her on a deeper level and form a serious relationship. He will be interested in knowing more about the things that are important to you because they are also important to him.
He may make it seem like the two of you are on the same page when it comes to your future.
18. He Asks For Your Opinion
When a Scorpio zodiac sign likes you, he will want to make you feel good about yourself. Sometimes, this means asking for your advice or opinion on matters that are important to him or just asking a lot of questions in general.
Perhaps he asks for your advice when it comes to work-related matters, new business partners, or even his family. This is another sign that he likes you and wants the two of you to be close.
Does he ask for your advice when it comes to work-related matters, family, or new business partners? Does he value your opinion and want the two of you to be close?
If so, then this is another sign that he likes you not just as a friend but also as something more.
19. He Likes To Talk About His Personal Life
Just like a Scorpio woman or any star sign, this man may be interested in developing intimacy with you in simple ways and an overall deep emotional connection without the mind games. When a man has romantic feelings for a woman, he will want to share his personal life with her which is good news.
He will enjoy telling you all about his work or hobbies because he wants to get closer to you and share strong feelings because he may feel like it will take the relationship to the next level.
Does this man like telling you all about his work or hobbies? This Scorpio man’s secrets are nonexistent, as he might be open to you being a part of his personal life, which makes you feel good about yourself.
If this is the case, it could mean a new romantic relationship for you and this person.
20. He Tries To Build A Personal Connection With You
Does this man try to build a deeper connection with you on a regular basis? Is he interested in knowing more about you and what makes you tick? This is something that most friends will not want to talk about?
Does he try to build a personal connection with you because he wants a deeper relationship between the two of you?
When a Scorpio’s feelings develop for a woman, a good indicator is that he will try to connect with her on a deeper level instead of just wanting one-night stands.
A Scorpio man’s heart wants to try to build a personal connection with you. He wants more than just the physical aspect of your relationship. He wants emotional intimacy, as well as passionate evenings.
The last thing he wants is for you to think he is only pursuing you for your physical appearance. It’s just not true!
21. He Is Interested In The Things That Are Important To You
Does this kind of man seem interested in the things that are important to you? Does he take an interest in your hobbies and the passions that you have on a deep level? Is it normal for him to make it a point to try and see things from your perspective because he wants to understand where you are coming from?
When a man has romantic feelings for a woman, he will be interested in knowing more about her. He will ask questions about things that she likes, which is usually a sign that he is interested in her.
Most people will not ask questions about the things that are important to you because they only care about themselves. When a man tries to see your side of things, it’s usually because he wants a deeper connection with you and actually cares about what matters most to you.
22. You Get A Text, Email Or Phone Call Out Of The Blue
Does this man seem to contact you out of the blue when he has nothing important to say? Does he try to make casual conversation with you or ask how your day went? When a man likes you, he will do small things every now and then in order to get your attention.
When a man has romantic feelings for a woman, he will do small things every now and then that will get her attention. These “small” things like casual conversations or getting in touch with you last minute or when he has nothing important to say, may seem insignificant, but they’re actually signs that he is interested in you.
23. He Likes To Talk About Your Future Together
Does this man seem interested in talking about your future together? Does he ask you questions about where you see your relationship down the road? When a man has romantic feelings for a woman, he will be thinking about their future together because he wants to build intimacy with her.
When a man wants to build intimacy with you, he will usually ask questions that will allow the two of you to talk about your future together. This is because emotional intimacy is built when two people communicate their hopes and dreams for the future with one another.
24. He Makes You Laugh
Men are attracted to women who make them laugh because this is a sign of good character. If this man seems interested in you, there is a good chance that he likes your sense of humor.
If this man sees you as someone who makes him laugh on a regular basis, then there may be something more between the two of you and you may be the right person for him.
A man will not want to spend time with someone who makes him feel bad about himself; he will only spend time with a woman who makes him laugh because she has good character.
25. He Makes An Effort To Spend Time With You
Does this man go out of his way to make an effort and spend quality time with you on a regular basis, and ask deep questions, more than a lot of people in your life? Is it usual for him to text or call you first before making plans? This is something that people in a relationship will do.
Does he give you just the right amount of personal space? When a man is spending time with you, this is one of the telltale signs that a Scorpio man likes you.
When a man is interested in you, he will make every effort to see you as much as possible, even just for a short time.
He may text or call first before making plans because he wants to know if your schedule is free. This is usually a sign that he is interested in you and wants a strong connection.
26. He Gets Jealous When You Talk To Other Men
Does this man get jealous when you talk to other men? Does he try to prevent any guy from talking to you, or do some detective work about you, which is something that most men will do when they like someone, maybe a little too much?
A man who wants to build a strong relationship with someone they feel is the right person will be jealous of a lot of people that try to talk to you.
When a man wants a deeper connection with you, he may get very jealous if another man tries to talk to you. This is because the man wants your attention and does not want anyone else coming in between the two of you. But eventually, he will take a deep breath and calm down.
27. He Teases You
When a man likes you, he will not be afraid to tease you and make fun of you in a cute way. This is because teasing is an easy way to build intimacy; when two people tease each other it means that they feel comfortable around one another.
If this man seems playful with you and teases you like a brother would tease a sister, then there may be something more to the connection that you have.
This is because he will normally do this when he feels safe around someone and has romantic feelings for them.
28. He Is Willing To Change For The Relationship
When a Scorpio man really likes you, he will do whatever it takes to make the relationship work. If this man sees potential in your relationship and is willing to change for you when necessary, then there may be something more between the two of you.
If this man acknowledges that he has to make some changes in order for the relationship to work, then this is a classic sign there may be something more between the two of you. This is because he will not do this unless he really likes you and wants your relationship to work out.
29. He Wants To Remind You How Much He Cares About You
If this man seems interested in you, then there is a good chance that he may want to remind you how much he cares about you. Men like to make an effort and let the woman they like know how much they care about them, and this man will do something similar.
If this man makes sure that you know every day how much he cares for you, there is a good chance that he may have romantic feelings for you. He might even just go out of his way to let you know how much he cares.
30. He Wants To Spend As Much Time As Possible With You
When a man sees potential in your relationship after the first date, there is a good chance he will want to spend as much time as possible with you (it’s the little things!).
If this man makes time in his busy schedule to spend with you, then this is an obvious sign there may be something more between the two of you.
When a Scorpio man likes you, a sure sign is that he will make every effort that he can to see you, even maybe choosing to see you instead of his male friends.
He might even go out of his way to find time for the two of you because he wants to know you better and spend time with you.
31. He Is Willing To Make Sacrifices For The Relationship
When a man is willing to make sacrifices for the relationship, he may be saying that he wants something serious with you. If this man is willing to go out of his way and change things around so that there is more time for the both of you, then there may be something more between the two of you.
When a man is serious about you, he might ask himself what he can do in order to make things better with you. This is because this man will see potential in your relationship, and he will want to make it work, rather than walk away from it.
32. He Is Willing To Try New Things With You
When a Scorpio man likes you, he will want to do new things with you in order to get to know you better. If this is the case, then there may be something more between the two of you. A man who wants to take it slow and see where things go will want to do exciting and fun things with you.
If this man seems excited to try new things with you, then there is a good chance that he has romantic feelings for you. This is because men like to take the relationship slowly and build upon it by doing fun activities together.
33. He Values Your Opinion And Trusts You With Secrets
When a Scorpio man likes you, he will value your opinion and trust you with his secrets. If this man seems eager to talk to you about things that are personal, then there may be something more between the two of you.
If this man is willing to discuss deep topics with you and even opens up to you, then there might be something more between the two of you. He might even ask you what you think about things going on in his life.
34. He Is Willing To Compromise With You
When a man likes you, he will be willing to compromise with you. If he is able to compromise and put forth effort for the relationship, chances are that there may be something more between the two of you.
If this man understands that compromise is necessary for a successful relationship, then he has a good chance of having romantic feelings for you. This shows that he values your opinion and wants the best for both of you.
35. He Is Willing To Argue With You For The Sake Of Making Things Better
When a Scorpio man likes you, he will be willing to argue with you for the sake of making things better. This is usually seen in the early stages of a relationship where differences need to be worked out.
If this man seems open-minded about potentially arguing with you, then there might be something more between the two of you.
If this man is open to arguing with you in order to make things better for the relationship, then there might be something more between the two of you. This man will try his best to talk things through with you instead of walking away from it.
36. He Never Gives Up On The Relationship And Always Believes In It
When a fire sign likes you, he will never give up on the relationship. If this man always seems to stick around and believe in both of you, then there might be something more between the two of you.
If you are an avid reader of astrology, then you know this man will always be willing to try his best and make an effort for the sake of your relationship, then there might be something really special going on between the two of you.
This man will never give up on the relationship because he is willing to see it through.
37. He Compares You To Past Lovers And Can Admit To It
Usually when men of this zodiac sign like you, they might compare you to past lovers and be able to admit that you’re better than them. If this man is able to admit that you are the best thing he has ever had, then there may be something more between the two of you.
If this man seems willing to compliment your relationship and even compares you to past lovers, then there is a good chance that he has feelings for you. This means that he sees potential in your relationship and will stick around.
38. He Gets Jealous And Possessive In A Romantic Relationship
When a Scorpio man likes you, he will become somewhat clingy in the romantic sense. If this man gets jealous over nothing and wants to be close to you when you aren’t together, then there may be something more between the two of you.
Maybe this man gets possessive over the thought of someone else being with you. If he does, there is a good chance that he has some romantic feelings for you. If this happens while you are together, it could be because he cares about your relationship.
39. He Initiates The Hugging And Kissing
Scorpio men love physical contact, so pay close attention. It alleviates a certain brain response releasing serotonin.
When a Scorpio man likes you, he will initiate the hugging and kissing. If this man seems to be the one doing all the chasing in the relationship, then there may be something more between the two of you.
The Zodiac sign of Scorpio is always showing love through physical touches, such as initiating kisses and hugs for no reason when you’re together, he might have feelings for you.
He doesn’t see you as just good friends! He might not be slow in expressing how he feels, so this could really mean something special.
40. He Responds To All Of Your Texts And Calls Immediately
The best part of a Scorpio man is that when he likes you, he will reply to all of your texts and phone calls immediately, not wait till the next day. If this man is willing to communicate with you through text or phone at any time, then there may be something more between the two of you.
If your Scorpio crush seems to always reply to your texts and calls right away, then there is a good chance that he has feelings for you.
This man could be really interested in what you have to say or even just like making polite small talk with you. He might not wait long before replying either, so this could be a sign.
No matter how many ways he shows interest in you, it is important to ask. Communication is key to a healthy relationship and it is a better way of developing a healthy relationship. If you see any of these signs, it may be time to ask this man how he feels about you.
No matter what you do, don’t be afraid to ask. Asking a man how he feels about you is a sure way to know if there is anything going on between the two of you. This could help you with your relationship and finding real love, so make sure that this is something you want before making any decisions.
If this man seems hesitant to talk about how he feels, then there might not be anything going on between the two of you. If this is the case, then it could be worth talking with him anyways.
You never know if or when things can change, so make any decision carefully and make sure to let him know how you feel as well!
That’s the scoop on how to know if a Scorpio man likes you! Let us know what you think in the comments below!
Check out these links for more scoop on astrology:
Know about scorpio soulmate in detail. This can give you an in-depth information.
all of this is startlingly true – you will see our emotions with more prevalence if the man has a water moon sign, mine’s Pisces
– Cam 12/11