5 Holiday Activities Inspired by #BadMomsXmas


If you loved Bad Moms, then A Bad Moms Christmas is a must-see movie for you!  The trio of bad moms is back, but this time their own moms make a special appearance in a fun, Christmas themed movie.  Amy (Mila Kunis), Kiki (Kristen Bell) and Carla (Kathryn Hahn) are all trying their best to be fantastic moms, but as the holiday season rolls around, they find it harder and harder to keep up with all of the shopping, decorating, and cooking that comes with the season.  When all three of their moms fly home for Christmas, their lives get even crazier.  From upholding family traditions to throwing extravagant parties, each mom gets her fair share of stress as Christmas quickly approaches.  There were so many different holiday traditions that the moms took part in, so here are my top 5 holiday activities that were inspired by A Bad Moms Christmas.

1. Going Sledding

This is a classic holiday tradition for so many people and I absolutely love sledding with my family.  It’s such a fun activity no matter how old you are, so be sure to visit a snowy hill this winter and do some sledding!

2. Decorating Gingerbread Houses

This is another fun tradition that the moms in A Bad Moms Christmas do together.  Not only is it fun to decorate gingerbread houses, but you can also eat them once you’re done.  This is a great way to get into the Christmas spirit!

3. Going Caroling

Even if you’re not the best singer, it’s still fun to spread some Christmas joy through song!  You could even add a special theme to your song list, like Amy’s mother does in the film.  If singing isn’t your thing, then try listening to some holiday music to brighten your spirits this winter.

4. Decorating  Your Yard

It’s always fun to decorate your yard and house for Christmas.  You don’t have pull out all of the stops like they do in the movie, but even some lights on your house will put you in a festive mood.

5. Taking a Trip to Sky Zone

This might not seem like the most conventional way to spend Christmas, but the mom’s in A Bad Moms Christmas have an absolute blast here.  You can go with your kids or gather up some friends for a day of fun!

If you want even more fun holiday ideas, go see A Bad Moms Christmas, in theaters on November 1st!

Check out the official movie website here!

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