5 Reasons We Love Heidi Klum

At first glance, you may enviously “hate” iconic model, Heidi Klum, for her inconceivable beauty: the “body” flaunts washboard abs, which is almost overpowered by her never-ending legs, and has prominent cheekbones and a mega-watt smile to die for. Yet, when you hear her speak in her endearing German accent, and get insight to the equally beautiful person she is on the inside, you can’t help but love her. Here are 5 reasons why we love Heidi Klum.

1. She started out with nothing

Heidi grew up in a small town in Germany and led a normal upbringing until she was discovered–by accident. At age 18, she entered a modeling contest after her friend urged her, and beat out over 20,000 contestants. Talk about having something special! After being turned down at multiple go-sees in the US, Victoria’s Secret handed her some wings, giving her the chance to become the person she is today.

2. She is a boss that tells it like it is

Yes, we know she was one of the biggest models in the spotlight, but did you know she does a lot out of the spotlight? Heidi is commonly associated with hosting Project Runway, but Miss Klum was a creative force behind the emmy-nominated show also produces. If that weren’t enough, Heidi has flexed her designing muscle for New Balance, German menswear retailer “Otto”, and the list goes on.

3. She loves her children

Well, while we’re on the subject of Heidi Klum designing, did you know that she designed for maternity store, Pea in a Pod, and has a line at Babies R Us called Truly Scrumptious? It’s no wonder why: she’s a mother herself! Heidi is a loving mother of Helene Boshoven Samuel, Lou Sulola Samuel, Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel, and Henry Günther Ademola Dashtu Samuel.

4. Her heart is ginormous

The former angel lives up to that image! Klum volunteers at the Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles and fronted Walk for Kids 5K to benefit the hospital. She also participated in the Heart Truth charity fashion show, which raised awareness for heart disease in women.

5. She goes all out for Halloween

While other starlets are parading around in cutesy lingerie for all Hallow’s Eve, Heidi Klum likes to stick out once more. Every year, she hosts a big Halloween bash and ranges in scary ensembles.

Girlfriend’s got some festive guts- literally! She also has a Disney apparel line featuring villanous merchandise! Her pieces include villains like Maleficent, the Old Hag, the Evil Queen, Ursula, and Cruella de Vil.

As you can see, there is much more than meets the eyes with Heidi Klum. As she would say, “auf wiedersehen”!

For more scoop, check out Laura Prepon is a Mom Boss and Interview with Big Brother Legend, Dr. Will Kirby!

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