5 Things You Shouldn’t Post On Social Media
Disclosure: As member of a pretty cool team of influencers, (I received the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with line of service from Verizon. No additional compensation was provided nor did I promise a positive feedback. All opinions are my own).
Social media is great. It keeps us connected to people all over the world, allows for reconnecting with old friends, and if you own a business it can help expand your clientele. However, when used improperly, social media can be an outlet for bullying, addiction, affairs, and can even threaten your safety. It’s becoming more and more clear that people have become dependent on social media. Some people share every detail of their day-to-day lives: from the major to the mundane, but there are some things that just shouldn’t be shared on social networks. Here are five things to keep off your social accounts.
Complaints about your job, company, and boss
People have gotten fired because of a post they uploaded to Facebook. Many companies have social media policies and employees can face stiff penalties for violating them. I know it’s second nature to express how you’re feeling on your timeline, but think twice before involving your job. It’s not worth it. If you are using your Twitter for business purposes, using an AI-powered, all-in-one Twitter tool can help you to post consistently and plan in advance so your emotions aren’t involved.
Incriminating photos or information
If you’re going to call in sick to work or flake on a friend, it’s not a good idea to post pictures of what you did instead. These days, social media accounts can be connected to GPS systems on mobile phones, which alerts all of your friends and followers where you are while you post. Another thing to keep in mind is what image you’re giving off in the pictures you post. If you want a professional profile, your pictures should be clean and unoffensive. Once something is uploaded online, it’s no longer yours. If your boss or grandma shouldn’t see it, it shouldn’t be online. It’s fun to document moments, but not every moment needs to be shared publicly.
Family or relationship drama
Keeping your personal family drama off then internet may seem like common sense, but it’s the Facebook faux pas I see most often, and it makes for some awkward reading. Just remember you aren’t as subtle as you may think, and everyone can read between the lines of your choice of lyrics or generalization of a situation. It’s not a good look. Keep your dirty laundry at home.
No brainer right? Some people don’t seem to think so. Your profile is yours, so don’t tell people how to log into your account. You’re asking for trouble.
Personal Information
Some of us don’t think twice about posting pictures outside our homes with the house number visible, our new drivers license picture/student ID cards, or posting our cell phone numbers in a status. Cyber hacking is very common and anyone can get their hands on that information once it’s posted. You don’t want a stranger showing up at your door or calling your phone. So be sure to keep that information to yourself. Most social media sites have inbox messaging, so if you need to share a number or other personal info with a friend, do it there.
Now that you know what NOT to share, double check your accounts and clean them up if you need to. Review your photo albums, profile pictures, and remove any photos that contain anything inappropriate or compromising. Untag yourself in friend’s photos if you need to, you can always re-tag yourself if you change your mind later. Set your profiles to private and make sure you’ve removed any information that you wouldn’t want a stranger to know. Let’s stay safe while social networking.
Good points Sarah!