5 Tips To Complete DIY Home Projects For Beginners

Let’s face it, not all of us were born with a hammer in our hand and a hot glue gun in our pocket and for some of us, even the most basic home DIY projects can seem a little daunting. If you’re one of these people and the thought of putting up your own shelves or creating your own picture-perfect table centerpiece fills you with fear then you’re in the right place, but I bet we can make a confident DIY-er out of you yet. So here are a few ways to tackle DIY home projects if you have no prior DIY experience. 

  1. Watch and learn
    We’re incredibly lucky to live in the age of digital media with video sites such as YouTube providing us with free access to millions of how-to videos and tutorials on virtually any topic. Whether you want to change a lightbulb or replace a window there’s definitely a YouTube video to show you how, so get online and start searching. Begin by searching for videos that will show you a general overview of the project you want to undertake, they may not be exact to your situation but they will start to introduce you to the tools and techniques that you will need. If while watching these videos you see something that you don’t understand then simply pause the video, open a new tab and find a video to explain whatever it is you are unsure of, then once you understand, return to the main video and continue watching. Video is such a great way to learn as it is stimulating, can be played time and time again and unlike written media it allows us to visualize the actions and techniques we need to copy. So before you even pick up a power tool or unscrew a screw do your homework and let YouTube educate you.

  2. Start small
    If you have no prior experience of DIY then it’s probably best to keep your first few projects small to avoid becoming overwhelmed or disheartened if things don’t go your way. Rome wasn’t built in a day and many of the people you see in these online crafts and DIY videos have been doing their thing for years. Start with easy, low-cost crafts such as creating home decorations or cork coasters that are fun and cost very little to complete to ease you in gently. Once you start to get the hang of things and feel more confident in your abilities then move on to more complex DIY tasks and so on and so forth until eventually, you’re fitting your own flooring and deconstructing your own kitchen. Everyone starts somewhere and it’s sensible to choose something suited to your inexperience rather than to tackle something completely out of your comfort zone.

  3. See one do one
    There will be some DIY projects that are just a little out of your skillset and in this case, it’s best to leave them to the professionals, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to tackle the project next time. Find an expert in whatever it is you want to do through sites such as Homepro Match and then shadow them as they complete their work, ask them questions, watch what they are doing and learn their techniques so that you feel confident carrying out the work the next time around. Seeing someone complete a DIY task in the flesh is one of the best ways to learn and you may even be allowed to muck in and help if it isn’t too in the way.

  4. Phone a friend
    DIY projects are always more fun when shared with friends and many hands usually make light work. Invite your friends over to help you with your project, especially if they themselves are more experienced DIY-ers. Let your friends boost your confidence and build on your skills and have a good time tackling your project together.

  5. Go on a course
    The internet has opened up a whole world of DIY to people who may never have before considered it and this has fuelled a rise in the number of DIY related courses available for people to take. Whether you want to get more confident with power tools, try your hand at woodworking or play with paints then there is bound to be a DIY course out there for you. Book yourself a place or go along with friends to meet other DIY learners and improve your skills so that you can then put them into practice on your own DIY projects.

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