5 Ways to Make Sure Your Kids Don’t Fall Behind With Their School Work
The Covid-19 Crisis has been tough on everyone, but the people who are probably feeling it the worst are the kids. After a year of no school, and missing their friends, they need our support more than ever. However, this has turned into a battle to ensure that schoolwork gets finished and they stay engaged with their studies. Here are some ideas on how to keep their minds sharp for going back to school.

Keep a Routine
Your normal routine may have gone completely out the window with school but you can still try and make it work. Having a routine that your children can follow will help everyone to stay organised as we try to balance everything that is piling on our plates. Having a routine will give everyone some sense of control. And if lockdowns do keep happening, we will always have something to fall back on.
Kids are filled with energy, and if that energy doesn’t get burned off, they become restless. At school, they may have been taking part in the Daily Mile every day. This initiative has been promoted in schools to ensure that the kids are getting some exercise. At home, there is no reason why you can’t do this as a family. Going out and walking for a mile can have massive benefits on your physical and mental health.
Reading for Fun
Many of our kids refuse to read for fun. But for the ones that do love reading, now is a great time to order some books from your local bookshop and surprise them with a new range of reading material. If your kids are in the first group and would rather watch TV, meet them in the middle with audio books for kids. This way they can enjoy listening to the stories but it doesn’t involve any screens.
Let Them Play
Let’s face it, this has been a difficult time and everyone has struggled at some point. And at some point, you have to throw your hands in the air and let the kids do whatever they want. If they want to sit and play with their toys while you fill out that paperwork, let them. Movie night on a Tuesday, why not? The idea is not to let them run amok, but to allow them some freedom to make some decent memories and avoid the stress of the situation. As parents, we need to let go sometimes and let them have some freedom while they are stuck in the house.
Make Memories
You might be slammed with working from home but now is a great chance to make some happy memories with your kids. Exploring some different hobbies and TV shows between work and homeschooling can be fun. You could try baking cupcakes or create a vegetable garden to grow your own food. Kids love getting their hands dirty, and getting them involved with a veggie patch can be educational and help them to eat more fruit and vegetables,