7 Best Tips To Help You Develop a More Sophisticated Style
There comes a time when you have to leave the college, “early twenties” version of yourself behind, and adopt a more mature, stylish, sophisticated look. It’ll let people know that you’re serious, that you have your act together, and that you carry yourself with grace. Of course, sometimes this is easier said than done. There’s many a person well into their forties who still dress like they’ve just got out college! But it’s not impossible. It just takes a little bit of effort. Below, we run through some tips that’ll have you at your sophisticated best in no time.
Source: Pexels.com
Quality, Not Quantity
You’re not flush with money when you’re younger. If you’ve got $100, then you try to buy like, seven pieces, and fill your wardrobe. When you’re older, however, you need to think differently about how you’re spending that $100. It’s much better to buy two items of clothing for $50 each rather than as many items as you can! It’s all about quality. It’s hard to look sophisticated and stylish when you’re wearing cheaply made goods. Spend a little bit more, and you’ll look better – and it’s not as if you’re losing money. Those slightly more expensive items will last much longer than cheaper goods.
Dress for the Occasion
It’s not about always looking like an elegant movie star. It’s just about knowing how to dress for the occasion. If you pull out all the stops for casual drinks with friends, then you won’t look sophisticated: you’ll just look like you’ve misjudged the situation. When the moment calls for it, go big. At other times, it’ll be about wearing well-put-together outfits, even if the clothes are just casual. You can pull off looking classy even if you’re just wearing gym clothes if it’s in keeping with your surroundings.
The Right Fitting
Many people are good at determining high-quality clothes, but they don’t always look their best. What went wrong? It isn’t the quality or style of the clothes that are the problem…it’s that they’re ill-fitting. It’s well worth taking the time to determine your body shape. It’ll help you to buy clothes that are an ideal fit for you. When you see someone wearing a well put together outfit, everything seems to work because they’re wearing clothes that are all the right sizes. It’s simple!
Classic Items
There are some items that every grown woman needs to have in her wardrobe. With them in your locker, you’ll always be able to pull out a sophisticated look. These include a stylish, designer label handbag, a little black dress, and a winter overcoat. When it comes to buying these items, it’s worthwhile paying a little extra. The bill might look steep, but keep in mind that you’ll be wearing and using these items regularly for years to come. To look and feel your radiant best when you’re out and about on the town, buy the best that you can afford.
Sophisticated Extras
Style is all the details. As such, you’ll want to add a few stylish accessories to your dressing table. Jewelry, in particular, is normally a pretty good indicator that a person has grown beyond their juvenile days and now walks with class. Find a ring, bracelet, or necklace at https://www.loveandpromisejewelers.com/, and you’ll have a standout piece to wear when you really want to stand out from the crowd. Those additional pieces will be a crucial step on the way to finding your new, grown-up, most sophisticated style.
Makeup and Hair
If you’re going for that classy look, then you’ll be well served by developing a makeup and hair routine in that style. It’s all about subtle hair and makeup routines, ones that obviously make a difference, but which aren’t “overdone.” Let your natural beauty do the talking!
Avoid the Trends
It can be fun to follow the trends, for sure, but there’s a problem that’s unavoidable: a year or more after the trend has died out, people who adopted it look back and think “what was I thinking?!” While trends are a good way to find your own personal style, once you’ve figured that out (you’re going to a sophisticated look!), it’s time to leave the changing trends behind. When you buy clothes in the future, it won’t be about playing catch up with what everyone else is wearing, but adding more items to your wardrobe that match your style.
With the above steps taken, you’ll be well on your way to a classier, stylish style!
I’ve been looking for affordable luxury clothes that could be worn on my office since they’re very particular when it comes to dress code. Well, I agree with you that it’s going to be difficult to look sophisticated with cheap clothes. You’re also right about the importance of determining my body shape because not all types of clothes will look good on me.