8 YA Novels That Any Adult Can Enjoy

For many readers, it has been a while since their high school days but reading YA novels on how two or more characters experience their high school life and the challenges that come with it – love, sex, friendship, growing – can bring back fond memories. 

But what exactly is YA? YA is short for young adult and refers to novels who have as main characters high school students. They face the challenges that many of us experience growing up, but sometimes with a paranormal or a fantasy twist. Have you ever heard of Twilight?

Here are 8 YA novels that you’ll enjoy no matter your age:

Fallen Crest High Series by Tijan

This seven-book series and its spin-offs are sure to make you fall in love with Sam, Mason and Logan. Tijan does a wonderful job in telling their stories and the problems that they have to face growing up with never-present parents and abandonment.

Sam goes to a rich private school in which her father is the football coach. However, when her mother decides to leave him, Sam has to move into the house of her mother’s boyfriend who also has two sons: Mason and Logan Kade. The Kades are rich, but they go to public school, and they are famous for their parties, for football and for their womanizing ways. Saying that they weren’t happy about the new sister is an understatement. 

But things changed. They fell in love. They lost and gained friends. They grew up. They found themselves. They fought. They protected. And they found their family. 

Their story starts in high school, and with their highs and lows, the readers follow them thourgh college and into their future. It is a story about growing, changing and finding your own family. 

Check out the readers reviews on Goodreads.  

Chronicles of Nick by Sherrilyn Kenyon

If you read Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dark-Hunter Series, you have to read the Chronicles of Nick. 

We got to know and love Nick’s wit and sense of humor in her previous series, and here we get to finally find out who Nick really is and how he got to meet Acheron, Simi and Kyrian. 

In this series, Nick is a high school boy who doesn’t know that there is more to his world than meets the eye. Dark-Hunters, demons, gods and goddesses are real, and Nick will have a brute awakening when he finds out this side of his world. Dark-Hunters are warriors from ancient time who pledged their souls to the goddess Artemis in exchange for revenge. They would get back at the people who betrayed them in exchange of protection of the human world. 

Nick gets thrown into this world, and he soon realizes that he is not as much human as he has thought. Faced with this new awareness, he will find his place in this new world together with Acheron, the Atlantean god of destruction, Kyrian, a dark-hunter, and a lot of other friends. 

Check out the readers reviews on Goodreads.

The Avery Shaw Experiment by Kelly Oram

Avery is a high school student. When she finds out that her best friend didn’t love her back, she is heartbroken. But how can you fix a broken heart? Easy! You do an experiment to present at the science fair to figure it out. With a strange friend who says anything that comes to her mind, and the brother of her best friend becoming more than maybe just a friend, Avery tries everything to overcome her broken heart. 

In The Avery Shaw Experiment, Kelly Oram writes a light and funny story on how a teenager girl who loves science tries to cure a broken hearts the only way she knows – trough science!

Check out the readers reviews on Goodreads.

P.S. I Like You by Kasie West

Lily is a teenager girl. She goes to high school where she is not one of the “in” girls, but she is happy with her life. One day she writes on her desk, and when she remembers to go back and delete it, she finds out that someone has left a message. Intrigued, Lily and the stranger start a partnership and get to know each other outside the typical cliques of high school. With the high school Queen Bee and the sexy guy who don’t leave her alone, Lily will find out that what it seems, it might not be who you are, and she needs to decide if she is willing to fight for it. 

Check out the readers reviews on Goodreads

Blue Bloods Series by Melissa de la Cruz

Schuyler is a high-school girl who finds out she comes from a race called Blue Bloods – a race of vampires. And not only she is the daughter of one of the strongest Blue Bloods, she is also half human. She is different from her peers because they don’t die. Once their life hits the timespan, a drop of their blood allows them to be born again with memories and powers of their past lives. Schuyler is the exception. She shouldn’t have been born. Her mother broke the rules, and now Schuyler needs to save her race from extinction by the Silver Bloods.

Melissa de la Cruz does a wonderful job in keeping the reader glued to the books. Schuyler is a 15-year-old who suddenly gets thrown into a world she didn’t know even existed. To survive, she needs to fight.

Check out the readers reviews on Goodreads.

The Year I Became Isabella Anders by Jessica Sorensen

In this novel Jessica Sorensen takes her readers on a journey to find oneself.

Isabella has never been one to fit in. The wrong clothes, the wrong social standing, the wrong everything. Even the boy she likes doesn’t seem to see her. All the eyes go to her sister, Hannah. But everything changes once she comes back from summer break. After traveling to Europe with her grandma, she starts to find herself. The boy she likes and his brother start to be interested in her, but not everything she found is what she expected. She is not who she thought she was.

Check out the readers reviews on Goodreads.

Paper Princess by Erin Watt

For who loved the Fallen Crest High Series by Tijan, The Royals Series by Erin Watt will give you the same feelings and emotion you felt before.

Ella is an orphan. She has never known her father, and since her mother died, she has been on her own. She used to strip and work three jobs to make end meets and be able to go to school. She’s a survivor.

However, everything changes when Callum Royal finds her and tell her that he was her late father best friend and that he would take care of her from now on. Ella didn’t need help, especially by a rich man who had five sons who hated her. They didn’t want her in their home nor in their lives. But the decision has already been taken. If Ella lives with them and graduates high school and college, she will get enough money to start a new life. But not everything is easy as it seems.

The five Royal brothers try everything to make her go away, but living together can change their feeling and also make them fall in love.

Check out the readers reviews on Goodreads.

Dominic by L.A. Casey

If you love a story with a sassy Irish high school girl and an alpha male boy who is used to every girl say yet to him, this is the book for you!

Bronagh is a loner. She doesn’t have friends, but she doesn’t car. Since her parents accident, it has always been her and her sister. She beats to her own drum and doesn’t let anyone step on her. She is happy in her little world until Dominic comes along. Dom and his twin brother are new transfer students in her high school. Everybody swooned when they saw them until Bronagh took them down a notch. Dom and Bronagh had a rocky start, but with Dominic’s family linked to the underwood, Bronagh needs to decide if Dom is worth taking a risk for.

Check out the readers reviews on Goodreads.

What are some of your favorite YA novels? Let us know by tweeting us at @SarahScoop!

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