80 Best Quotes From Netflix’s The Unforgivable
The Unforgivable is a Netflix original movie about a woman named Ruth Slater (played by Sandra Bullock) who is freed from prison after serving a sentence for a violent crime. She then returns to a community that refuses to excuse her past actions.
This thriller is worth watching, especially if you like watching movies that feel like they could be based on a true story (but actually aren’t).
Here’s the scoop on quotes from The Unforgivable!
1. “The release plan. Read it. It’s how you stay out of here. Your Ten Commandments. No drugs, drinking, bars, nightclubs. No firearms, or any other weapons. You cannot associate with anyone with a criminal record. No known felons.” -Vincent Cross
2. “I don’t want to disrupt her life, and I’m not looking for a second chance. You know, man, I just want to know that she’s okay.” -Ruth Slater
3. “I’m like a bomb being disarmed.” -Katherine Malcolm
4. “Couple weeks staring at the ceiling, people sometimes want to make amends.” -Vincent Cross
5. “My mom died having her, so I raised her from a baby. Dad didn’t do anything before he gave up. He quit. I didn’t. I don’t quit. Not on Katie.” -Ruth Slater
6. “No, Em. I don’t need proof that I’m more f’ed up than you are” -Katherine Malcolm
7. “Guess you think you got this freedom thing all figured out, huh?” -Vincent Cross
8. “She has a good life. A loving family. Stability. Who would it possibly benefit to disrupt that?” -Michael Malcolm
9. “We’re just going to let this go? Twenty years of Dad’s life, and this bitch gets out early, for good behavior? What is that? Do you think Dad would want that?” -Keith Whelen
10. “No, I’m not with you. I’ve got a family. I got a kid.” -Steve Whelen
11. “There’s a reason why your sister hasn’t contacted you. You’re a convict. All she knows of you is as a killer. She’s probably scared of you. Let that girl live her life. Your life starts here, now. Not twenty years ago! She’s actually better off without you.” -Vincent Cross
12. “What are you up to? Look, you’ve been lying since you’ve said hello. When people want a lawyer, they just call one up. Something’s not right. Ruth, what’s up with you?” -John Ingram
13. “Whatever her life was like before, and I’m sure there were good moments, they were obliterated by what you did.” -Michael Malcolm
14. “I lived in that house with my little sister when my parents died. Went into the system. She got adopted, and that’s just the last place I was with her. I wrote her for years, and, you know, I didn’t hear anything back. I don’t know. I don’t even know if she’s alive. But I didn’t want to unload that on your family.” -Ruth Slater
15. “Life goes on.” -Ruth Slater
16. “I’m thinking you look like hell.” -Vincent Cross
17. “You are not a victim!” -Liz Ingram
18. “You told me to get a job. I got two.” -Ruth Slater
19. “And clean yourself up a little. Act like I’m teaching you something.” -Vincent Cross
20. “Why? I got to be a convict everywhere I go?” -Ruth Slater
21. “I’m not talking about her rights. I’m talking about her lying.” -Liz Ingram
22. “No, you’re a cop killer everywhere you go. Yes. Sooner you accept it, the better.” -Vincent Cross
23. “Well, if she tells the truth, she’s denied her rights, you know that as well as me…” -John Ingram
24. “I brought you this coat here. It’s really good, and I got another that’s smaller at home if this one’s too big, but this one’s way better. I mean, your coat sucks, so I just, I don’t know. Maybe you just want to try it on.” -Blake
25. “If that had been any of your Black sons who had been in the system, they would be dead.” -Liz Ingram
26. “They’re not going to care what we do.” -Keith Whelen
27. “Everything we did, we did in her best interest.” -Michael Malcolm
28. “There’s no ‘we.’ You’re not going to do anything anyway. I mean, you just talk like always.” -Steve Whelen
29. “I don’t believe that. I don’t believe that she doesn’t remember me.” -Ruth Slater
30. “She walks around free. She’s got a job and a guy. She lives like it never happened. Now, you tell me if that’s fair.” -Keith Whelen
31. “Katherine has no conscious memories of her life before us. She was traumatized. Now she’s doing well. Of course she struggles sometimes, like everyone, but she has opportunities she never would’ve had.” -Michael Malcolm
32. “I’m just saying that she did her time, and she has every right…” -John Ingram
33. “If I was going to give you a speech, I’d tell you that everybody ends up here. Where you got to decide how you’re going to be, because this world is nothing like you.” -Vincent Cross
34. “Blood doesn’t make you family, Ruth.” -Vincent Cross
35. “People are exactly the same out here as they are in the yard. Exactly.” -Ruth Slater
36. “You want to know what she said? She said, ‘Life goes on.’ You were right. It’s not fair.” -Steve Whelen
37. “Question is, do you want to be the same?” -Vincent Cross
38. “Let’s do to her what she did to us.” -Steve Whelen
39. “You’re right. Cop killer everywhere I go.” -Ruth Slater
40. “An accident?” -Blake
41. “She’s an adult. We waited too long for this. But we could just go and listen to what she has to say. Maybe there’s something she can tell us to help Katherine.” -Rachel Malcolm
42. “I said I did it! She was only five years old!” -Ruth Slater
43. “You were in the cell for a reason!” -Michael Malcolm
44. “You this is going to make you feel better? But life doesn’t go on.” -Ruth Slater
45. “What gives you the reason to treat me like I don’t exist!?” -Ruth Slater
46. “You leave behind everything you love.” -Ruth Slater
47. “I exist!” -Ruth Slater
48. “He was kind. And I am sorry I took him away from you.” -Ruth Slater
49. “I guess word got out.” -Blake
50. “You’re making a mistake. Let her go. She’s innocent.” -Ruth Slater
51. “Skip school a lot?” -Emily Malcolm
52. “She’s just a kid.” -Ruth Slater
53. “We all do things we probably shouldn’t, but we get back on track, right?” -Ruth Slater
54. “Now you’re going to watch your sister die.” -Steve Whelen
55. “Wish I’d gone to school more. I really liked it.” -Ruth Slater
56. “Don’t you lay a finger on her.” -Ruth Slater
57. “I wonder all the time what she looks like, what she became.” -Ruth Slater
58. “What do you care? ‘Life goes on,’ right?” -Steve Whelen
59. “She plays the piano. She’s really good at it too. Katherine doesn’t know about you. She has memories.” -Emily Malcolm
60. “It was my fault. I did it.” -Ruth Slater
61. “She was taken away from you because of your choices, you have to live with that.” -Liz Ingram
62. “I had to make a choice!” -Ruth Slater
63. “Look, please don’t talk to me about choices right now, okay?” -Ruth Slater
64. “Face it, you traumatized her. Do not even pretend this is about her!” -Liz Ingram
65. “Listen, no one forced you to kill that man, or lie your way into my house.” -Liz Ingram
66. “You lost your opportunity. Lost it! John looks at you, and he sees someone who deserves a second chance. I don’t see that! I hear someone who’d say anything to get what she wants.” -Liz Ingram
67. “I’m sorry for everything that happened here. I went to prison for half my life, so I think I’ve more than paid for it. Okay?” -Ruth Slater
68. “You would do exactly the same thing for your kids! Exactly!” -Ruth Slater
69. “You were sent to prison! You have to take responsibility for that!” -Liz Ingram
70. “Oh, no. Don’t go there. Don’t pretend this is about her.” -Liz Ingram
71. “I was protecting her!” -Ruth Slater
72. “You don’t have to give me a speech.” -Ruth Slater
73. “I’m looking for Katie. She’s my little sister. I raised her.” -Ruth Slater
74. “Next time don’t drag me through three bus transfers to tell me something I already know.” -Ruth Slater
75. “What would Katherine gain by meeting her now?” -Michael Malcolm
76. “She killed somebody in cold blood.” -Liz Ingram
77. “She walks around like it never happened.” -Keith Whelen
78. “Don’t treat me like I don’t exist! Tell her about me!” -Ruth Slater
79. “Gentlemen, she’s my parolee.” -Vincent Cross
80. “Okay, you know what? I’m sorry for the lies.” -Ruth Slater
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