80 of the Best Frozen 2 Quotes
Walt Disney Animation Studios has created countless beloved films since 1923. Their films are treasured by so many and have brought some of the best quotes, characters, and songs. One of the Disney movies is Frozen II, and we want to share out favorite Frozen 2 quotes!
In 2013, the academy award winning Disney movie Frozen was released. It was brought to life by directors Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck. However, the film also features the familiar voices of Idina Menzel, Kristen Bell, Jonathan Groff, Josh Gad, Evan Rachel Wood, Alan Tudyk, Alfred Molina, and more.
The heartwarming story is partly told through iconic songs like “Let it Go” written by songwriters Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez. The first Frozen movie was a huge success for good reason. Little girls world wide learn that act of true love can come from anyone, even your family.
Several Frozen 1 and Frozen 2 quotes are extremely well-known. It inspired real life attractions at Disney World and has introduced many loveable Disney characters. These movies will surely grow your love of snowmen and Disney princesses.
All About Frozen
The original frozen begins by showing the source of Disney Princess Elsa and her powers. A little bit of the benevolent Queen and King of Arendelle are introduced as well. After the flashback of young Elsa, Elsa’s powers trap the kingdom in an eternal winter.
Princess Anna gathers help from a mountain man named Kristoff, his reindeer Sven, and a funny snowman with a nose like a a little baby unicorn, and the challenges of mother nature. While in hiding, Elsa is haunted by her fears and thinks being a to find her sister, Queen Elsa. On their remarkable journey, they battle rivers of ice, a bad guy, and the challenges of mother nature. While in hiding, Elsa is haunted by her fears and thinks being alone is her only hope.
After a couple years, Disney knew it was time for a sequel. Several Frozen 2 quotes and characters have become very popular. The story of the snow queen and her sister continued in Frozen II. This movie dives deeper into the story of the Enchanted Forest and the Northuldra people. Elsa’s hearing voices coming from an unknown source.
The characters take more long journeys to discover what truths about the past await Elsa in the Enchanted Wood. They battle even more not-so normal events. There are several new faces in this sequel. We meet Lieutenant Mattias (Sterling K. Brown), King Runeard (Jeremy Sisto), Yelena (Martha Plimpton), Ryder (Jason Ritter), etc. The Northuldra people have many inspirational Frozen 2 quotes. There are still plenty of silly Olaf quotes and “warm hugs!”
Disney movie quotes are unbeatable. One of the best things about the Frozen movies is the unforgettable quotes. Frozen 1 and Frozen 2 quotes are equally loveable, but some Frozen 2 quotes are exceptionally memorable. Whether it’s a funny line from Olaf or an inspirational Elsa quote, the words never fail to make us smile. That’s why we’ve gathered a list of the 80 best Frozen 2 quotes.
Check out the Frozen 2 Premiere Red Carpet and After Party!
Here’s the scoop on the best Frozen 2 quotes!
1. “Who cares when there’s danger when there is love?” -Young Anna
2. “I believe in you, more than anyone. Or anything. If anyone can save Arendelle, it’s you.” -Anna to Elsa
3. “Fear is what can’t be trusted.” -Elsa
4. “My love is not fragile.” -Kristoff
5. “We have always feared Elsa’s powers were too much for this world. Now we must hope they are enough.” -Grand Pabbie
6. “When will you see yourself as I see you?” -Anna to Elsa
7. “I have always been a fortress, cold secrets deep inside.” -Elsa
8. “You feel what you feel and your feelings are real.” -Kristoff (talking as Sven)
9. “The truth needs to be found. Otherwise there is no future.” -Grand Pabbie
10. “Everyone I’ve ever loved is here within these walls.” – Elsa
11. “Men are six times more likely to be struck by lightning than women.” – Olaf
12. “I’m here. What do you need?” – Kristoff
13. “Why do lullabies always have to have some terrible warning in them?” – Honeymaren
14. “And Sven promised to read me a bedtime story.”- Olaf
15. “Never a dull moment with you two.”- Pabbie (Ciaran Hinds)
16. “Advancing technologies will be both our savior and our doom.” -Olaf
17. “You don’t want me following you into fire? Then don’t run into fire!” -Anna
18. “Be prepared. Just when you think you found your way, life will throw you onto a new path.” -Mattias
19. “Anna, you are the most extraordinary person I’ve ever known. I love you with all that I am. Will you marry me?” -Kristoff
20. “Reindeers are better than people.” -Kristoff
21. “I wish this could last forever, and yet change mocks us with her beauty.” -Olaf
22. “Honeymaren said there was a fifth spirit. A bridge between the magic of nature, and us.” -Elsa
23. “Don’t you know there’s part of me that wants to go into the unknown?” – Elsa
24. “Angry magical spirits aren’t for the weak of heart.” –Grand Pabbie
25. “What would I do with you?” – Elsa “You’ll always have me!” – Anna
26. “We only trust nature; when nature speaks we listen.” – Yelana
27. “Are you okay, Olaf?” – Kristoff “Yeah, we call this making the best out of what we can control!” – Olaf

28. “You do the best voices, like when you pretend to be Kristoff” – Olaf
29. “Ew, Anna, kissing won’t save the forest.” -Elsa
30. “Excuse me, I climbed the North Mountain, survived a frozen heart, and saved you from my ex-boyfriend, and I did it all without powers. So, you know, I’m coming.” -Anna
31. “Hi I’m Olaf! Oh sorry. Yeah, I just find clothes restricting.” -Olaf
32. “Well you’re in luck, I know nothing about women.” -Ryder
33. “When one can see no future, all one can do is the next right thing.” -Grand Pabbie
34. “Tell me what’s going on.” -Anna “I woke the magical spirits of The Enchanted Forest.” -Elsa “Ok, that’s definitely not what I thought you were going to say.” -Anna
35. “Our lands and people, now connected by love.” -Anna
36. “Forgive me, maturity is making me poetic.” -Olaf
37. “The past is not what it seems. A wrong demands to be righted.” -Pabbie
38. “I promise you will free this forest and restore Arendelle.” -Elsa
39. “Here’s a true love’s kiss. You’re not worth it. Guess what? I’m the bad guy.” -Olaf (as Hans) “WHAT?” -Mattias. “And Anna freezes to death forever.” -Olaf “Oh Anna.” -Mattias “Then she unfreezes! Oh and then Elsa woke up the magical spirits and we were forced out of our kingdom. Now our only hope is to find the truth about the past but we don’t have a clue how to do that except Elsa’s hearing voices, so we got that going for us. Any questions?” -Olaf
40. “Enjoying your new permafrost, Olaf?” -Anna “I’m just living the dream, Anna. Oh, how I wish this could last forever.” -Olaf
41. “I don’t worry because, well, I have you, and Elsa, and Kristoff, and Sven, and the gates are open wide, and I’m not alone anymore.”
42. “Did Elsa seem weird to you?” -Anna “She seemed like Elsa.” -Kristoff
43. “I’ll have all the answers when I’m older, like why we’re in this dark, enchanted wood. I know in a couple years these will seem like childish fears And so I know this isn’t bad; it’s good.” -Olaf (When I am Older)
44. “Every day’s a little harder as I feel my power grow. Don’t you know there’s part of me that longs to go into the unknown?” – Elsa
45. “I can’t wait until I’m ancient like you so I don’t have to worry about important things.” – Olaf
46. “Sleep my darling, safe and sound. For in this river, all is found.” Queen Iduna to young Elsa and Anna
47. “Oh, come on! It’ll be fun. Unless we get stuck here, you starve and I give up.” – Olaf, to Anna.
48. “Find who is calling to you. They may have answers.” –Grand Pabbie to Elsa.
49. “Unredeemable monster!” “Biggest mistake of your life!” “Won’t even kiss you!” – Elsa, Kristoff, and Olaf (describing prince hans)
50. “Don’t patronize me.” -Kristoff to Sven
51. “Anna? Elsa? Sven? Samantha? (dives into a pile of leaves while laughing) I don’t even know a Samantha!” -Olaf
52. “Don’t chew that, you don’t know what I stepped in.” -Olaf
53. “You’re not responsible for their choices.” -Anna
54. “Show yourself… You are the one you’ve been waiting for, all of your life.” -Queen Iduna’s spirit
55. “I could really use a bright side, Olaf.” -Anna “Bright side? Um, turtles can breathe through their butts?” -Olaf
56. “You just go on and do the next right thing.” – Anna
57. “Do you wanna build a snowman? Thank goodness, water has memories.” – Elsa
58. “I have promised to always do what’s best for Arendelle. Thankfully I know just what that is.” – Elsa
59. “I’ve always been so different, normal rules did not apply. Is this the day, are you the way I finally find out why?” -Elsa (Show Yourself)
60. “Quick question. Is this whole “putting us in mortal danger” gonna be a regular thing?” -Olaf
61. “Bet you’re wondering who we are and why we’re here. It’s really quite simple. It began with two sisters. One born with magical powers. One born powerless. Their love of snowman, infinite. “Anna! No, too high!” Blast! Oh! Mama, papa, help! Slam! Door shutting everywhere. Sisters torn apart. Well, at least they have their parents. Their parents are dead. “Oh, hi, I’m Anna, I’ll marry a man I just met.” Elsa’s gonna blow! Snow! Snow! Aah, run! Magic pulses through my snowflakes. I live! Ice palace for one. Ice palace for one. “Get out Anna!” Pew! Pew! “My heart!” -Olaf
62. “When did I become the one who’s always chasing your heart?” – Kristoff
63. “That’s very clever. Although, it does make me wonder why they don’t just make the whole ship waterproof.” -Olaf
64. “I’m sorry, secret siren, but I’m blocking out your calls. I’ve had my adventure, I don’t need something new. I’m afraid of what I’m risking if I follow you.” -Elsa
65. “Olaf, maybe only one of you should do that?” -Anna “I agree, she’s a little pitchy.” -Olaf
66. “Threatening my people, Lieutenant?” -Yelena “Invading my DANCE SPACE, Yelena?” -Mattias
67. “Don’t give up. Take it one step at a time.” -Mattias
68. “Oh, the giants – they’re HUGE!” -Olaf
69. “The past has a way of returning, and when it does, we must be prepared.” -King Agnarr
70. “Protect Arendelle at all costs.” -Mattias
71. “His good deed was rewarded with you.” – Anna
72. “I know what you need. Mama’s words – cuddle close, scooch in.” -Anna
73. “Did you know that an enchanted forest is a place of transformation? I have no idea what that means, but I can’t wait to see what it’s gonna do to each one of us.” -Olaf
74. “Agnarr. I see him. I see him in your faces.” -Mattias
75. “Free the forest? Wow. I’m sorry, it’s just some of us were born in here. We’ve never even seen a clear sky.” -Ryder
76. “What sound does a giraffe make?” – Young Anna
77. “People blink 4 million times a day.” – Olaf
78. “How do you guys cope with the ever increasing complexity of thought that comes with maturity?” – Olaf
79. “Who knows the ways of men?” -Olaf
80.“I just thought of one thing that’s permanent – love.” -Olaf
What’s better than a list of Frozen 2 quotes? This movie is full of love, family, and understanding.
These Frozen 2 quotes are our favorites, but there’s always more to be found! Comment your favorites below!
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