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100 Best Quotes From Netflix’s Mother of the Bride

If you’ve seen the classic 90s film, Father of the Bride, you may like the new modern twist, Mother of the Bride, starring Brooke Shields, Miranda Cosgrove, and Chad Michael Murray.

Two women stand smiling, dressed in floral outfits, outdoors with greenery and wooden chairs in the background.

With all the chaos weddings already ensue, why not add a dash of drama with the bride to be’s father-in-law, being the long lost lover of her mother?

Here are our favorite quotes from this crazy fun film!

100 Quotes from Mother of the Bride

A group of people practice yoga outdoors, standing with eyes closed and hands in prayer position.
  1. Emma Rose Winslow, love of my life, will you marry me?
  2. “Cheers. Oh, wait. What’s wrong? My mom. Oh God, how am I supposed to tell my mom?”
  3. “I will take all of my research, all of my data, and my whole team and go to John Hopkins. We’re not going to John Hopkins. I am not bluffing. I’m totally bluffing. “
  4. “…Almost losing funding for the lab, my little girl, all the way in London, doing an internship for the Discovery Channel. Discovery Resorts. Isn’t that what I said? Sorta.”
  5. “Mom, I have some news. And it’s big. Please don’t tell me they offered you a job in London.”
  6. It’s an engagment ring. Why do you have an engagment ring? Because…I’m engaged.”
  7. “No, you’re not engaged. ‘Cause if you were engaged, I mean, I, your mother, would know you’re engaged.”
  8. “I’m sure I would like this man with initials instead of a name if you bother to tell me a little more about him.”
  9. If you’re happy, I’m happy. Then why do you look like you’re about to cry?”
  10. “Hey. If Dad was here, he would tell you what a lucky guy RJ is to be marrying somebody like you.”
  11. “Aunt Janice! Oh, hi! Look at you, the bride to be! Oh, and look at you. A granny to be!”
  12. “I like what I see. Okay, can you at least pretend to act your age?”
  13. “Eh, I’ve never ridden a Harley before. Vroom!”
  14. “Hi-lo! I mean ‘hello’ which is actually from the high German ‘hallo’.”
  15. Okay, but if RJ is my half-brother, then the wedding is off.”
  16. “I’ve always had a thing for Latin men. Me too. Seems like we all do.”
  17. I mean, really, of all the men in all the world, my daughter has to fall for the son of the guy who ripped my heart out and stomped all over it.
  18. Well, some people might call that fate. Fate? Oh, fate my ass. Speaking of ass, you have to admit, Will’s looking pretty good. I hadn’t noticed. Well, that’s too bad.”
  19. “Well, what do you want me to say? That it’s so sad that RJ had to grow up without a mother? And be raised by his bachelor father and a long line of interchangeably hot girlfriends?
  20. “Okay, I get it. You’re playing it cool but dressing to impress. I like it.”
  21. Let him see what he’s missed, but don’t let him know you care.
  22. “Hey. I want to apologize for what happened at your villa. No, let’s just forget about it. What happened at your villa? Well, I interrupted your father while he was showering. You did what? I mean, it’s not like I went in.”
  23. “Will and I were not just a thing. We were everything to each other. Nobody clicked like we did. I thought we were gonna spend the rest of our lives together. And then, poof, one day, he’s just gone. We never saw each other again.”
  24. Well, you better open your eyes because you are literally about to marry the son of Satan. And we’re off to Crazy Town.”
  25. “A multimillion-dollar condo in Tribeca. How am I supposed to compete with that? It’s not supposed to be a competition. Well, he’s making it one by rubbing it in that he’s some big VC guy with a giant bankroll.”
  26. “Did you see that? See what? That Hemsworth hottie over there. He was totally checking you out.”
  27. “Oh, come on. I’ve got underwear older than he is.”
  28. “Did you see that? What? That come-and-get-it smile. I say you go and get it”
  29. “Emma and I have a meeting with Discovery’s International brand manager in ten minutes. A lot can happen in ten minutes. Stop it. A lot.”
  30. “She didn’t really call you Mama Winslow? Oh, she did.”
  31. If that woman thinks she can buy me off with a salt scrub and a toe spreader…she does not know me well.
  32. “Right on, sister. Power to the people.”
  33. “Let’s just sit here and be miserable. I am overreacting, aren’t I?
  34. I forgot you guys used to play tennis. At this point, my knees are too shot, but I still look good in shorts.
  35. “Scotty, don’t pressure her. She doesn’t like to lose. Who said anything about losing?”
  36. “Still a pain in the ass. Uh, excuse me, what was that? He said you’re such a good sport. Whoo!”
  37. “Where does it hurt? I think we all know where it hurts.”
  38. “Hey, buddy, I’m a doctor. I need you to to relax and breathe. Okay, I’m a doctor too. I think I can handle this.”
  39. “Lana Winslow? Seriously? You’re a rock star. No, I am not a rock star. Yeah, you are. We tried to steal you last year, but you turned us down.”
  40. “You’re welcome. For setting me up with someone who’s half my age? You’re very welcome.”
  41. “I got what I deserved. Trust me, no man deserves what you just got. I’ve been a jerk. One-upping her, acting like a jackass. He may be right about this.”
  42. “I take it you and Dr. Winslow have a history. You could say that. There’s nothing going on between the two of you now, is there? Besides three decades of pent-up resentment? Not a blessed thing.”
  43. “Hey, a little adivce? If you’re gonna be spending time with my ex, make sure your health insurance is up-to-date.
  44. “I hope Will is okay. He might be singing soprano for a while, but he’ll survive.
  45. “You need to stop thinking about Will and focus on Hunky Young Doctor.”
  46. “She hit him with a pickleball. Please tell me you didn’t. I did not hit him with a pickleball. I hit the ball–Into his pickle.”
  47. “Mom, please just do me a favor and try to act normal.”
  48. “Can I borrow those dangly earrings that you have? Yeah, sure. You got a hot date? No. Yes. No. No, I don’t. It’s a drink with a person who is definitely not a date.
  49. You look beautiful. Well, thank you. And this is a surprise. What’s a surprise? You haven’t stepped on my toes yet. Oh. Spoke too soon.”
  50. “So, tell me about dance class. Well, it was awkward. It wouldn’t be a wedding if it wasn’t awkward.”
  51. There’s no schedule for falling in love. It’s not like missing a train.”
  52. “Trust me, my caboose left the station long ago. Wow, zero drinks in, and we are already talking about your caboose? This is a good date.”
  53. “To catching the next one. Never say never, I guess.”
  54. “It was lovely comparing notes with you, Dr. Winslow.”
  55. “Emma, are you sure about this? It is a huge opportunity with an incredible sponsor. Yes, but this is a wedding, not a funeral.”
  56. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say there was a little magic happening between you and Lana on that dance floor yesterday. Can you please refrain from stirring things up? I’m afraid that won’t be possible.”
  57. “Oh, is he on the menu? Ugh, will you stop drooling. I’ll have the muscles with a side of leg and thighs.
  58. “Wow. Volunteering at a clinic, with eyebrows more mischievous than a basket of kittens.”
  59. Why does everything taste better on the beach? It’s the sand. It is not the sand. It is the company. Hey, I’ll drink to that. Cheers.”
  60. “You do know that the resort has a strict no nudity policy, right? I mean, we’re on a deserted beach. There’s nobody here.”
  61. I don’t know what went on between your mom and my dad. But whatever it was, it happened to them, not us.”
  62. “You’re everything. You’re the sun, you’re the moon, you’re…the stars. Now you’re just being sappy. What’s wrong with sappy?”
  63. “Why are you yelling? And why is it so hot? You could literally go through menopause here and not know it.”
  64. “Well, well, well. I see you two are going incognito today. We partied a little too hard last night.”
  65. “Grandma over here, she’s, uh, nursing a hangover.”
  66. “…Janice says hello. Tell her she’s… very photogenic.”
  67. “They have footage. What are we gonna do? Not a thing. Who could have seen it besides Harley and security? Okay, besides Harley, security, and housekeeping? And the entire world.”
  68. “Em, I have done everything that you have asked me to do. I have agreed to wear a dress that makes me look like Morticia Addams.”
  69. Emma, weddings are supposed to be about family, not just a photo op.
  70. I really needed this. I know. You know me pretty well, don’t you? Well, some things you never forget.”
  71. “Come on, we just gotta hoof it. Hoof it? That’ll take hours. And I’m in flip flops.”
  72. “Well, this is fun. We always knew how to have fun. Yes, we did. And it looks like being an Eagle Scout finally paid off.”
  73. …if you’ll excuse me, I need some air. And, yes, I know that we are outside, but the air is better here.”
  74. “You came back for me? Yes, I did. And now, by some incredible, inexplicable miracle, we’ve been given another chance.”
  75. “We won’t make the same mistakes this time. We’ll make different ones. Probably. But we’ll make them together.”
  76. “You really are special, you know that? Look, if the two of you don’t work out, you got my number, right? I’ll keep you on speed dial. I don’t think speed dial is a thing anymore.”
  77. “Camala, I know you’ve worked really hard, and you’re the best in the business, but it’s my wedding. So it’s my call.”
  78. A little bit of advice. Relax. Have a Mai Tai.”
  79. No matter what happens, no matter where the road takes you, never give up on each other. Never give up on your love.”
  80. Never give up on happily ever after.
  81. “You’re the ones in the video that everyone is talking about. Well, we, uh…We take the fifth.”
  82. “You and Will looked pretty cozy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What exactly happened at Lover’s Cove? I…I need to pee. Uh, we’re gonna torture it out of you.”
  83. “How could I have been so stupid? You know you’re not stupid. Will just makes you stupid.”
  84. “Call Sexy Doggie Howser. I am not calling Lucas. Trust me, that young stud will make you forget why you were ever unhappy in the first place.”
  85. “I cannot let Emma down. You never have. And you never will. Bring it in. I love you.”
  86. “Everything’s about to change. So…you don’t need me anymore? No, of course I need you. You can just take care of me a bit less and take care of yourself a little bit more.”
  87. “I promised myself I would not cry till the wedding. But tomorrow, all bets are off.”
  88. “Mom. Yeah? Can I stay here tonight? Do you promise to go to sleep? I promise.”
  89. “So, if there’s someone here who feels that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak up now or forever hold your peace. Does having a liar as a father-in-law count?”
  90. “We’re having a mother meltdown. A mother meltdown. Have makeup on standby for touch-ups.
  91. “What is going on between the two of them? I have absolutely no idea. Oh my God. You always were a terrible liar.”
  92. “You deserve many things, but I will not let you ruin this beautiful wedding.”
  93. “…the wedding is already over. Am I right? Yeah. Sorry. And you dodged that bouquet like it was a live grenade.”
  94. “Now you two can now go. Happy honeymoon. We’re staying. Yeah, we wanna see what happens. Oh, trust me, there’s nothing more to see.”
  95. “Who is Katrina? The woman that you cannot live without? Excuse me. I am Katrina. You’re…you’re Katrina? Lana, meet Katrina Kovalenko, my personal assistant.”
  96. “I deserve big raise. We’ll talk about that later.”
  97. “So, it was your assistant who was calling you the whole time, and she’s not your girlfriend? Please. Too scrawny.”
  98. “Will you finally marry me?”
  99. “Life is messy, okay? Because nobody is perfect, including you and me, but dammit, we are perfect for each other.”
  100. “For the love of God, woman! Will you or won’t you marry me? Yes!”
A man and woman sit at a table outdoors, clinking their drinks together. The setting appears to be a nighttime social gathering or event.

Mother of the Bride Recap

With all the ups and downs in Netflix’s Mother of the Bride, you can’t help but laugh, cry, and reflect on the crazy, but sentimental moments in your life.

Two people stand facing each other by a scenic waterway with tall, rocky cliffs in the background.

Hopefully you enjoyed some of these rom-commy quotes, and think of them when you go to your next wedding!

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