10 Best Whole 30 Diet Tips
Whole30 is a great tool to change bad eating habits, find food freedom and get into a steady, healthy routine. And while all these things might sound intriguing, they come with discipline. There have been millions of people that have used this method to kickstart a healthy lifestyle and you can be one of them too.

Here are my top 10 tips and tricks that got me through my first Whole30 and will help me crush my future ones too.
1. Plan Ahead
Planning ahead is my number one tip in making sure your first and many other Whole30’s are your b*@&%*. If you are on top of your game, it makes this entire 30 days much more doable. First, choose a month you know you can succeed during. Don’t choose one that you are traveling or even have many dinner parties or birthday celebrations to attend. This will ensure you are on track and keep you free of distractions and temptations.
2. Do Your Research
This program has been around since 2009. There is plenty of research and advice out there you can take in to make sure you boss up when you are doing your first Whole30. There are books, blogs, coaches, podcasts, articles, recipes and many brands that make and sell compliant products so you can enjoy your experience. All you have to do is use them.
3. Cook
I have a new found love for cooking after completing my first Whole30. It really made me realize if something is important to me, then it is always worth it. So, take time to prepare food you can eat throughout the week, try to recreate meals from your favorite restaurants and enjoy improving your skills in the kitchen.

4. Find Fun Recipes
Along with cooking, I looked forward to finding new recipes to try and taste. I encourage you to look on social platforms like Pinterest and Instagram to find users who have completed a Whole30 and shared some of their favorite creations online. Some of my favorite places to find recipes during my Whole30 were these three blogs:
5. Check ALL the Ingredients
Do not go to the grocery store in a hurry unless you know exactly what you’re getting because I promise you, it is not quick to look at all of the nutrition labels looking for specific, compliant ingredients. Be patient and always double check, this is your body and it is your job find the best ways to fuel it. You will be a label-reading expert after you’re done with Whole30.

6. Enjoy. DON’T Obsess
During any change, it takes discipline. There is a mental side of this challenge but the reward is way higher than the risk. I encourage you to have a positive perspective, look forward to trying new things as well as finding out more about you and your body. Because, your body is your home for life, and you should be taking GOOD care of it, not average care of it. Don’t overcomplicate this program, make it work for you!
7. Have Back-Up Plans and Emergency Ideas
Sometimes you are in a hurry or you do not have as much time as you thought you might to make a meal. Do not worry! But, plan for these times. Have a compliant Lara and RX Bars in your purse or car, keep an apple with you or some nuts, drink lots of water and if you have to go grab something quick somewhere- make it work. Ask the servers questions, and if you are polite, I am positive they will prepare your food for you, the way you want it and Whole30 compliant.
8. Make it Easy
While it might be fun to create new recipes sometimes, other times you just might not be in the mood. This program is about eating WHOLE foods, so whip up some veggies along with a satisfying protein and call it good. Also, don’t be afraid of your leftovers. Eat’em and love’em! It doesn’t need to be pretty or perfect. One of my favorite things to have in my freezer that are Whole30 compliant, cheap and from Walmart are these frozen Great Value bowls.
9. Hold Yourself Accountable
Whether that be asking a friend to join you or planning out your meals a week in advance, find a way to hold yourself accountable. By doing this, you will stay focused on your goal and seriously crush these next 30 days.
10. Let Your Best Be Good Enough
Not everyone has access to organic produce and high-quality meats. While these types of foods are encouraged on the program, they are not required so that everyone can crush it. Creators, Melissa and Dallas Hartwig, wanted to make this program accessible for as many as possible. Follow their rules, use their tips and advice. Be aware of what you are putting into your body. Be proud of where you are in this program and find success in yourself. There will be days that are harder than others and days you want to cheat, but won’t (because you can do anything you set your mind to).
You got this! I believe in you and so do the army of Whole30er’s out there. If I can leave you with one quote let it be this most quoted, tough love line from the program:
“It is not hard. Don’t you dare tell us this is hard. Quitting heroin is hard. Beating cancer is hard. Drinking your coffee black. Is. Not. Hard.”
Now go out there and CRUSH it.