Does Having A Better Kitchen Make You A Better Cook?
When it comes to improving your skills in the kitchen, then learning how new recipes, how to use new ingredients, and building up your knowledge base and familiarity are all important parts of helping you cook up new and delicious meals. However, a part of being a great chef is having a great kitchen, as well. A poor worker might blame their tools, but sometimes the tools can genuinely affect your work. Here are a few ways to make sure you’re working with the kitchen that lets you work at your best.

Automation can help stay consistent
There are chefs who can make many of the different processes of cooking so much a part of their second nature that it becomes very unlikely they’re going to make mistakes in the individual steps. Boiling an egg becomes a fine science to them and whipping it afterwards can be as easy as breathing for them. While it’s a good idea to practice doing things manually, to develop a good sense of timing and muscle memory, there’s nothing wrong with using a few shortcuts. These electric hand mixer reviews can help you find the shortcut you need while you’re steadily improving your own whisking skills, for instance. You can make sure you cook every recipe with at least the same consistency of processes.
Don’t work with wonky appliances
If you have a microwave that stops heating early or an electronic whisk that keeps stopping while you’re trying to use it, it’s obvious that you’re going to have problems cooking to the quality that you want. Being able to ensure consistency as best as possible is going to help the taste of your meals greatly. Broken appliances can even end up leaving things undercooked or overcooked. For that reason, as soon as you sense any problems, you should look to see if you can repair the problem. If not, then don’t let that appliance drag you down. Get it replaced as quickly as you can or else it will start to affect your cooking more and more.
Make sure your cookware isn’t ruining the taste
Low-quality cookware can make more of a difference in your meals than you might think. Investing in high-quality cookware often means getting a material that’s conducive to good cooking. For instance, better heat conductivity and the effectiveness of heat spots can make sure that you’re cooking your ingredients at precisely the rate that you expect. Coating quality can help pans stay in good condition for longer, meaning less sticking and less burning. Look at a Made In cookware review to get an example of the difference that cookware can make to your actual cooking. If you’re consistently misjudging cooking times due to faulty cookware, then you’re going to have a hard time improving on your meals.
Sharpening your skills
All chefs are going to need a good set of knives and how well you take care of those knives can dictate how well you’re able to handle ingredients. There’s a huge difference in being able to finely slice onions and having to dice it into cubes when making a stew, for instance. For that reason, make sure that you’re using the right combination of knives, be they paring knives, chef’s knives, or carving knives, for the job. Practice with them so that you’re making uniform cuts. One of the best ways to do that is to keep them sharp. A decent honing steel from Kitchen Knife Guru can help you do that. Simply take the time to sharpen before cooking and you can ensure the quality of your cut always remains the same.
Space and organisation
If you look at how any restaurant works, you will see how much importance they put on the mise en scene of their cooking. This means that you should have all of your ingredients laid out, chopped up, measured, and put in place before you start cooking anything. It makes sense, if you’re wasting time finding and preparing ingredients in the middle of the recipe, then you can mess up your timing. As such, it’s a good idea to check out some cooking space organisation tips to make sure you have the room you need to lay everything out, as well as accessible storage spaces so you can quickly reach for any ingredients or seasoning you need.
You can’t blame bad cooking on a bad kitchen, but you can at least make sure that your cooking is improved by the kitchen that you have. The tips above should help you create just the kitchen you need.