Don’t Let Age Stop you…Take the Leap!

If you’re reaching a period in your life when it’s harder to make new friends and you’re beginning to questions decisions you made along the way – you could be in your mid-30s. When you think about it, it is amazing that some of the most important and life defining decisions you make, happen in your early twenties. Imagine if you’d have gone to college. Imagine you’d have gone to a different college! Everything could have been so much different, and it’s hard at times not to look back and feel regret.


When it comes to your career, you might wish you’d have followed our dreams instead of going for the role with the quick cash. The important thing to remember is that it’s not too late. It’s never too late! In fact, you’re probably more focused now in your life than you’ve ever been before. The fear of time running out (it’s not) can give you a real jolt of action! If you’re looking to finally pursue that dream you’ve had since you was a kid, here are some tips to help:

Tuck your fear away

This is, of course, easier said than done. But if you want to achieve something in your career, that you’ve never done before, you’re going to have to act a little differently. You’re going to have to challenge yourself in ways you’ve never done before! You might think that it’s impossible to up sticks and move yourself to a whole new city. But it’s not impossible at all. You’re gonna have all the wisdom fro your twenties with you this time – so just do it!

Set your mind to study

If you have always dreamed of being a holistic nurse but never trained for it, investigate your options at Our Lady of the Lake College Online. If you’ve always wanted to be a journalist – start writing and reading more! If you’re always dreamt of owning your own hair salon, find a course that you can work into your schedule. You are never going to be able to achieve anything unless you bite the bullet and knuckle down to some learning. Do you want to look back at yourself in 10 years time and curse because you wasn’t brave enough? At all costs, you’re going to want to avoid that awful feeling. Do your research and set yourself some goals. If you believe it, you can do it.

Have a little fun

With all these amazing positive changes that you’re implementing, you’re going to need to have yourself a little fun. You might not want to stay out until 5am every weekend….but you might enjoy some dancing! Don’t resign yourself to early nights with a cup of cocoa purely because of your age. If you want to stay out all night celebrating – do it! You’re are an adult after all.

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