Five Things To Buy When You Start Walking More
Walking is more than just getting from point A to point B. It can be a form of exercise that can be used in different ways. From going on scheduled walks with people in your area to walking along the countryside, hills, and nature to hiking in more difficult areas. All you need to do is get your heart pumping and keep on moving. There are a few things you might want to invest in when starting walking in an exercise manner to make it easier and more comfortable for you. Walking is a great way to introduce yourself to a healthier lifestyle.

Tracking Progress
One thing you will want to do is look out for how you are improving. So getting a pedometer or a smartwatch that tracks your steps, heart rate and all that fancy stuff is a great way to see how much you are walking and how long it is taking you. You will find after a while you are doing the same route quicker and not getting out of breath as much as your fitness improves.
Good Quality Footwear
When you are walking and dedicated to it, you will want to go out, rain or shine, and enjoy the outdoors and how it makes you feel. By investing in some proper footwear like waterproof shoes it will just be one less thing to worry about and if you step in a puddle or it starts to rain you know your feet will be protected, warm, and dry. You will also want to make sure the shoes or trainers you get have a breathable fabric otherwise you will start having some very bad smells coming from them!
Wrap up!
To go along with the shoes you will want something to pop on when you head out like a windbreaker or waterproof jacket. Again it gives you the comfort knowing that if it rains you won’t be drenched and it’ll help you feel a bit warmer in the colder weather once that heart starts pumping and working your body.
Hand Warmers
Now I don’t mean just gloves, you can get hand warmers that actually produce heat so if you are committed to your exercise and walking schedule you will go out rain or shine, and sometimes it can be a bit chilly. You can buy ones that are a one-use hand warmer but going for a rechargeable one is better for the planet and will save you money in the long run.
Stay Hydrated
Drinking water throughout exercise is one of the basics but can easily be forgotten. Try getting one that has a handle so it’s easy to carry and you can have a good flow while walking with it than swapping hands holding a big clumpy bottle. If you don’t want to hold anything you can get those backpacks that have a compartment in so you just have a straw that you can drink from. Plus you will have somewhere to put your phone and keys when walking too.