You’ve Been Gifted Passes to the Advance Screening of GIFTED in Kansas City 4/4
Hello, Kansas City friends. If you are wanting to see the movie, Gifted you are in luck! You can get your tickets here for the advance screening on April 4.

It’s happening at Cinemark Palace at the Plaza (526 Nichols Rd, Kansas City, MO 64112). The movie starts at 7:00 pm.
About Gifted:
Frank Adler (Chris Evans) is a single man raising a child prodigy – his spirited young niece Mary (Mckenna Grace) – in a coastal town in Florida. Frank’s plans for a normal school life for Mary are foiled when the seven-year-old’s mathematical abilities come to the attention of Frank’s formidable mother Evelyn (Lindsay Duncan) whose plans for her granddaughter threaten to separate Frank and Mary. Octavia Spencer plays Roberta, Frank and Mary’s landlady and best friend. Jenny Slate is Mary’s teacher, Bonnie, a young woman whose concern for her student develops into a connection with her uncle as well.
Get your tickets here!
I’ve seen so many commercials for this movie. Looks wonderful!