Fresh and Fierce: Interior Design Ideas To Uplift A Dreary Dwelling

With warmer weather on the doorstep and the joys of spring just around the corner, it is time to start thinking about upgrading your home to suit the sunshine. You now need to embrace spring and lighten up the dull rooms in your home, using clever techniques to inject some extra brightness into your life. There are a whole host of reasons why your home isn’t getting enough light, some of which are out of your control, but there are ways to spruce up your rooms and maximise the amount of light which can get into your home.  

Imaginative Ideas

If you aren’t inherently creative then it can be totally overwhelming to start on a home design project without any inspiration. Start gathering images and imaginative patterns from online design websites and come up with a mood board which represents your personal tastes. Online you will find lots of interior design ideas to get you started, so you will soon feel ready to tackle the challenges ahead. Remember, decorating is supposed to be fun, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself to finish everything instantly. Take your time and complete the projects at your own pace and in the proper way.

Perfect Painting

Adding a lick of neutral paint to the rooms in your home will not only make it feel lighter, but it will also reflect any sunlight that makes its way into the room. You can get maximum results if you paint the room white, as it’s the brightest and most reflective colour, but you can achieve similar results with a pale shade of any other colour. Wherever you can, try and choose matte varieties of pain, instead of the glossy varieties. These types can create an unwanted sheen instead of dispensing the light evenly throughout the room.

Time For A Reshuffle

The way your furniture is position can affect how much light is allowed into your room. Try and place larger items away from the windows so they aren’t obstructing the natural sunlight. Similarly, it is always nice to rearrange the furniture in your rooms to give your home a new lease of life. Perhaps you are getting a little tired of how a room is looking you have the option to change things around a bit. Get creative with where you can move certain pieces of furniture and you’ll end up something new in an instant.

Throw It Out!

Giving your home a makeover is impossible if your cupboards and drawers are cluttered with junk. Have a good old fashioned spring clean before you start on any big projects, so that you are working with a blank canvas which is free from mess and muddles. You might want to sell some of your old, unused belongings online; you might even make some extra money from your clear out! If your drawers are empty you will have more options when moving things around. You won’t regret throwing away your old junk, so try and be ruthless if you can.

Mirror Mirror

Placing mirrors in strategic places will allow more light to be reflected around the room, which will immediately make it brighter during peak sunlight hours. In addition to this, mirrors are renowned for making the room look and feel more spacious. For the optimum effect you should try hanging one large mirror straight across from the biggest window in the room. You can then style out a few smaller mirrors around the room to make an elegant design. Make sure your windows are thoroughly cleaned so that the light beams straight into your room. A variety of small dainty mirrors can also be used to brighten up any hallways or darker areas within your home.  

From Old To New

There are so many pieces of old furniture, which have been lying around for many years. Most of them are outdated and dreary, so could do with a new lease of life. You don’t need to spend a ton of money on sprucing up your old items; all you need is a lick of paint and a bit of creative flair. For example, that small coffee table that you usually just forget about as it gathers dust in the corner. You could turn that into a show stopping piece of furniture in your lounge. Look for some amazing transformation inspiration and you will soon be able to mimic these ideas with your own pieces.

Bag Some Bargains

Nowadays, home and furniture store sales are getting more and more astounding with what they have on offer. Keep an open mind when you are out shopping for your accessories and try to bag yourself a bargain. Set aside a good chunk of time to hit the shops and find some new decorative items. You will be amazed with what you come back with; you could end up finding some real diamonds in the rough amongst your bargains.

Be Crafty and Creative

Let your hair down and allow your creativity to run wild as you give your home a much deserved makeover. Try making some of your own accessories, which will add a personal touch to your interior design. Injecting your own creative flair into your projects will make your home unique; standing out from the crowd is more fashionable than ever, so don’t be afraid to stick to your own personal tastes. You can completely enhance so many things that you already have with just a few odds and ends, from stitched on sequins to patchwork patterns, you are free to make everything your own.

Your home will soon feel brighter and lighter in a flash with these smart techniques. Remember to look for your inspiration and focus on one consistent style for your home. You will soon start to find your natural flair for design and making changes to your home will become a breeze. A few DIY developments and interior design projects will allow you to enjoy your home during the warmer months this year. Enjoy hosting barbeques and evening gatherings with your friends and family; they will be asking you for all of your décor knowledge soon!

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