How Often Should You Wash Your Hair?

Are you curious, How Often Should You Wash Your Hair? Everyone’s hair is different. Some oily, some dry. Some curly, some straight. Some colored or highlighted, some natural. Because we all have our own hair problems, the question of how often to wash it can be confusing. Below are the three things we love to do to our hair and how often we should do each.


It all depends on your hair type but typically, it’s recommended that you shampoo your hair every other day. Shampooing daily may dry out your hair by stripping it of its natural oils. If you’ve been to the gym, try rinsing with just water instead of shampoo to allow those oils to moisturize your hair. Some girls with thin hair that gets oily very quickly, however, may benefit from a daily shampoo.


A good rule is to condition every time you shampoo. Conditioner is great for locking in moisture and revitalizing your locks but too much can weigh down your hair and do more harm than good. So keep it to a few times a week unless your hair is very processed or dry and needs a little bit more love!

Leave-in or extra conditioning treatments

Deep conditioning is essential to beautiful hair. If your hair is natural or fine, use a deep conditioning treatment every other week but if you have very damaged hair, do a weekly session until it’s restored. Like shampooing and conditioning, it ultimately comes down to your personal preferences and hair type.

Just Remember

There’s a fine line between keeping your hair healthy and clean and over-washing it.  It’s important to remember, though, that your hair is unique so adapt these ideas to fit your own needs.

For more hair scoop, check out How To Deal With #Hairbreak The Bachelorette Way and 6 Easy & Stylish Hairstyles For a Lazy Day!

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  1. Thanks for the info! I wash my hair 2times with shampoo in the same shower because I have thin oily hair… good to know I’m doing it right! 🙂 Thanks for the article!

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