
How to Know if a Virgo Man is Interested in You: 25 Signs

If a Virgo man is interested in you there are a few key signs to look out for.

affectionate couple on the beach in white

From paying close attention to his body language and how much time he spends with you. All the way to noticing small changes in the way that he talks or acts around you.

There are many different cues you can watch for to help you decipher his feelings.

There are a lot of things to take into consideration when trying to figure out how a Virgo man feels about you.

If you are the love of his life he will lend a helping hand without having to be asked. Plus, he will do it with a smile.

He won’t put himself first always, but instead, he will make you his priority.

What is The Virgo Sign?

neon light shaped into the zodiac earth sign Virgo how to know if a virgo man is not interested

Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, and it’s associated with analytical thinking and an eye for detail.

Virgos are often highly intelligent, reserved individuals who can be a little bit introverted at times.

They can also be perfectionists. Always striving to achieve their goals in life and putting their best foot forward at all times.

If a Virgo man secrets and tells you how much he likes you, pay close attention to how he behaves around you.

The best matches for Virgo men are those who love learning and can appreciate how detail-oriented Virgos can be.

Virgo is an Earth sign, so it’s important to keep this in mind when interacting with Virgo men. Mercury, the planet of communication rules Virgo.

A Virgo man act how he feels about you. If he’s clearly showing interest in you and coming across as warm and affectionate, it’s a good sign.

Signs of a Virgo Man Being Interested

There are many clear signs that a Virgo guy may be interested in you. When you pay attention to the little things, small talk, and personality traits you can figure out if he’s into you.

1. He’s more attentive and affectionate than usual.

a romantic couple dancing on a yacht how to know if a virgo man is not interested

One of the most obvious signs that a Virgo man is interested in you is how attentive and affectionate he seems toward you.

Whether it’s holding your hand or giving you frequent hugs, he will be extra loving and warm whenever you’re together.

If you are in a romantic relationship with a male Virgo, this will likely manifest itself in different ways. Such as grooming himself more often and taking care of his appearance.

He may go the extra mile to look good for you. Or try to plan special dates and activities that he knows you will enjoy.

2. He tries to spend more time with you.

When a Virgo man is interested in someone, he will make a lot of effort to spend as much time with them.

The best way to know if he’s trying to make you a bigger part of his life is by observing how much time he spends with you. Compared to how much time he normally spends alone or with his other friends.

Whether it’s asking you out on a date or suggesting hanging out after work or school, he may go out of his way to see you on a regular basis.

3. He pays close attention to how you look and act.

A Virgo man is known for being extremely observant. If he seems especially interested in how you look it’s likely that he’s attracted to you on a deeper level.

Whether he’s complimenting your outfit or simply complimenting how you’re doing, he will likely take notice of even the small details about you.

The first time you meet a Virgo man, be sure to pay close attention to how much he seems to be observing.

4. He talks more openly and honestly with you than usual.

When a Virgo man is interested in someone, he will often feel less inhibited when talking to them.

Whether he’s opening up or telling you more personal stories, he may seem like a completely different person when he’s around you.

5. He becomes more flirty and playful with you.

Along with being more affectionate and attentive, a Virgo man will often become much more flirtatious. And playful when he’s interested in someone.

Whether it’s teasing you or making silly jokes, he will likely be much more playful and light-hearted when with you.

6. He laughs a lot around you.

When a Virgo man is interested in someone, he may seem to laugh at everything they say. Even if it’s not that funny.

His laughter is a clear sign that he finds you both attractive and engaging.

In the beginning stages of a new relationship, it’s common for both parties to laugh a lot. Especially as they get more comfortable around one another.

7. He acts jealous when you talk about other guys.

man and woman on beach during sunset how to know if a virgo man is not interested

Its a strong sign if he he acts jealous or possessive when you mention other guys. He doesn’t want to see you with anyone else.

He may be asking who the type of guy was or how long you’ve known him. Also, he may exhibit some pretty obvious signs of jealousy around you.

8. He makes eye contact with you more often.

When a Virgo man is interested in you, he will often make more eye contact than usual.

His increased eye contact is one of the most telling signs that he likes how you look and act.

The first step begins with making sure that you’re giving off positive, flirty vibes when you’re around a Virgo man.

9. He tries to physically touch you more often.

A Virgo man who is interested will also try to make physical contact with them more often than normal.

It may be rubbing your back while you talk or simply touching your hand when he passes b. His increased touch is yet another sure sign that he wants to be closer to you.

10. He talks a lot about how he feels.

When a Virgo man is interested in you, he may also talk more openly and honestly about how he’s feeling.

His increased honesty is an important sign that he’s into you too.

This may mean that he’s more open with you about how he feels. He may even start to flirt or be more affectionate.

11. He does nice things for you without any prompting.

If a Virgo man is interested in you, he will often do nice things for you without being asked to.

Whether it’s getting your favorite food to work or cleaning up around the house before, his unasked-for kindness is yet another good sign that he’s into you on some level.

These romantic gestures are a sure way to tell if a Virgo man is interested in you.

By being observant, attentive, and open with how he feels, a Virgo man can easily let you know that he’s into you too.

12. Wants to be around you more often.

If a Virgo man is interested in you, he will likely want to be around you as much as possible.

This may mean that he wants to spend all of his free time with you. Or that he just wants to see how your day is going on a more regular basis.

The first thing to look for when trying to determine how interested a Virgo man is in you is how often he makes time for you.

If he seems to hang around as much as possible and always asks how your day has been, it’s likely that he’s into you more than just a friend.

13. He talks about how he sees your future together.

happy couple together how to know if a virgo man is not interested

In addition to talking more openly and honestly, a Virgo man who is interested in someone will often talk about how he sees things working out between the two of you in the future.

His increased openness about how he sees things going shows how much he cares about you.

It is a big deal for a Virgo man to go out of his comfort zone and express how he feels about you.

14. Shares how he’s feeling.

A Virgo man who is interested in someone will also likely share how he’s feeling on a regular basis.

His increased openness about how he feels can be a clear sign that he’s into you.

A good thing about a Virgo man is that he’s usually very upfront about how he feels.

15. Asks how your day was or how you’re feeling.

If a Virgo man is interested in you, he may also ask how your day was or how you’re feeling on a regular basis.

This can be a clear sign that he’s thinking about you. And wants to know how the simple things are going for you, both personally and professionally.

His increased interest in how you’re doing is a surefire sign that he’s into you.

16. Shops for you or brings you things to your house.

If a Virgo man is interested in you, he may also go shopping for you or bring you little gifts without being asked to.

This can be a clear sign that he’s into how you look, how great of a friend you are, or how much potential there is between the two of you.

The little details are subtle hints that a Virgo man is interested in you. So be sure to pay attention if he starts doing little things that are out of the ordinary.

Grand gestures are also a great sign that a Virgo man is interested in you. Even if they may be slightly out of his comfort zone and not how he usually behaves.

17. He constantly tells you how much he cares about you.

pretty young couple in love outside in spring nature how to know if a virgo man is not interested

Along with spending more time around you and sharing how he feels, a Virgo man who is interested in someone will often tell them how much they care about them on a regular basis.

His increased expressions of how much he cares can be a clear sign that he’s into you.

Virgos are good listeners and enjoy having quality relationships. So if he’s constantly telling you how much he cares, it’s likely that he is into you on some level.

18. He shares how important you are to him with others.

A Virgo man who is interested in someone may also share how important they are to them more regularly.

This may mean that he talks about how much you mean to him in front of others or how happy he is to have met you.

Whatever the case, his increased openness about how important you are can be a strong sign that he’s into you and wants to build a serious relationship with you.

19. He begins to open up and share more about himself.

A Virgo zodiac sign who is interested in someone may also open up and share more about himself than he used to.

This can be a clear sign that he’s thinking about how things could develop between the two of you and how his love life will change if you become the best part of it.

Whether he opens up about how conflicted he is about his career or how much he loves spending a long time with you and your mutual friends, his increased openness can be a sign that he’s into you.

Meaningful conversations, increased honesty, openness, and more time spent together are all clear signs that a Virgo man is interested in you.

20. He shows how much he trusts you.

A Virgo man who is interested in someone will often show how much he trusts them by sharing how he feels.

This can be a clear sign that he’s into how close you’ve become. Plus, how important your opinion of him is.

A good idea is to trust him first so he knows how much he can rely on you.

21. Tries to fix things for you or make them easier.

If a Virgo man is interested in you, he may also try to fix the small things for you or make them easier without being asked.

This can be a clear sign that he’s thinking about how he can improve your personal life. Plus, how important it is to him that you’re happy and well.

Whether he offers to help you move or brings you dinner when you’re sick, his efforts to fix things for you can be a sign that he’s into how much he cares and how much potential there is between the two of you.

22. Sends you romantic texts or messages.

A Virgo man who is interested in someone may also send them romantic text messages.

The good news is that if he sends you text messages or other romantic messages, it’s a clear sign that he wants to move your relationship forward.

A Virgo man who is interested in someone may also start to talk more often about how the future will change once the two

23. He makes an effort to see you.

heart shape of hands against sea during sunset

Another clear sign that a Virgo man is interested in someone is that he will make much effort to see them regularly.

This may mean texting or calling more often, asking how your week went before seeing you, or planning dates and outings with you on the regular.

Whatever the case, his increased efforts to see you can be a clear sign that he’s into how great of a friend you are. Plus, how much he wants to continue building a long-term relationship with you.

A new look, buying you gifts, or other signs that he’s thinking about how to make things better for the two of you can also be a sign.

24. He asks how you’re feeling or how your day has been.

He may also be more attentive to how you’re feeling and how your day has been.

This can be a clear sign that he’s thinking about how much potential there is between the two of you.

The simple questions in the beginning of the relationship like how you’re feeling and how your day has been can be a sign.

25. He makes physical contact.

Even if a Virgo man is shy and tends not to be very touchy-feely, he may still show how much he’s into you by making more physical contact.

The obvious physical signs of how interested he is might be holding your hand, putting his hand on your back or shoulder, hugging you often, or even kissing you.

Even if a Virgo man doesn’t engage in these types of physical contact with you often, they can still show how much he’s into you.

Personality of The Virgo Male

a kid is giving a man a red heart

The typical Virgo traits is generally calm and analytical, with an eye for detail and a tendency to be perfectionistic.

He tends to be reserved in social situations, but may also be intellectual and cerebral.

He values honesty and self-improvement, and often seeks out relationships with individuals who share these values.

Overall, the Virgo male is loyal, dependable, and committed to those he loves.

When he is in a relationship, a Virgo male will typically be attentive, supportive, and communicative.

He may be more reserved or shy when it comes to physical displays of affection, but he is typically highly attuned to his partner’s needs and desires.

Because he values honesty and integrity in his relationships, the Virgo male tends to value trust and loyalty above all else.

He is a reliable and dedicated romantic partner who seeks out strong and meaningful connections with his loved ones.

Opposite Signs That Attract A Virgo Man

While the Virgo male is typically most compatible with other earth signs or air signs, he may also find common ground with individuals who share his opposite sign.

The two zodiac signs that are believed to be most compatible and attract a Virgo man include Leo and Taurus.

These two are known as a sun sign match. They are believed to share a natural chemistry and understanding due to the fact that they have opposite strengths and weaknesses.

There is a good chance that a Virgo man will be attracted to an individual who is passionate, creative, and expressive.

Whether you are interested in a Virgo man, Cancer man, or Scorpio man, you will likely have to show some degree of patience and understanding in order to win his heart.

The last thing that a Virgo man wants is to feel pressured or forced into anything. So it’s important to be patient and allow him to truly get to know you before expecting more from him.

A Virgo man test is often a good way to see how compatible you really are. As it offers insights into how he thinks and how you might be able to connect with him on a deeper level.

How to Know if a Virgo Man is Not Interested

a man and a woman holding heart shaped balloons

Some of the key signs that a Virgo man is not interested in you may include decreased levels of communication, less physical contact or affection, and a lack of interest in building a deeper relationship with you.

He may also become more withdrawn or from you as time goes on, avoid spending time with you altogether, or simply lose interest in pursuing a romantic relationship with you.

This may include the silent treatment, wanting personal space, the cold shoulder, or other types of emotional withdrawal.

A major issue that may indicate that a Virgo man is not interested in you could be the lack of consistent or open communication.

If you are struggling to determine whether or not a Virgo male is interested in you, it may be helpful to pay attention to the way that he talks about other relationships and dating.

For example, if he seems dismissive of other romantic interests or tends to speak negatively about dating in general, this may be a sign that he is not interested in pursuing anything romantic with you.

Additionally, observing how close he is to his friends and family can also help to provide clues.

If he consistently seems disconnected or disinterested in the people closest to him, this may be an indication that your relationship will not progress any further.

Tips For Being in a Relationship With a Virgo Man

1. Be patient and understanding.

When you are in a relationship with a Virgo man is that he can be quite reserved and may take some time before opening up to you.

Try to have a little patience and understanding. As this will help him feel more comfortable and build a stronger connection between the two of you.

If you have high standards and get frustrated easily, it may be best to avoid pursuing a relationship with a Virgo man.

2. Be supportive and encouraging.

man and woman sitting on ground

In addition to being patient, it’s also important to be supportive and encouraging when you are in a relationship with a Virgo man.

Show him how much you believe in him and how much potential he has. Do your best to be a source of positivity and support as he works through any challenges or difficulties.

3. Be honest and open with him.

Another key to success in your relationship with a Virgo man is to be honest and open with him.

This will help him feel more comfortable confiding in you, trusting your advice, and opening up to how he feels.

The best thing that you can do for your relationship with a Virgo man is to be true to yourself.

Plus, be honest about how you feel and willing to share your thoughts and feelings with him.

4. Make time for him.

Remember that Virgo men can be quite busy. They can often have a lot on their plate at any given time.

To keep your relationship strong, make sure to take time to see him, go out on dates, and spend quality time together.

This will help him feel valued and important, strengthening your bond with him in the process.

5. Be supportive of his passions and interests.

silhouette of man and woman kissing during sunset

It’s also important to be supportive of a Virgo man’s passions and interests if you want to have a successful relationship with him.

Show an interest in the things that matter most to him. Offer your encouragement and support as he pursues his goals and dreams.

By doing so, you can help foster a deeper connection between you both.

A great way to do this is to attend his events and celebrations. Or even try to get involved in some of his hobbies or passions yourself.

6. Remember that Virgo men value honesty and integrity.

Lastly, remember that Virgo men often place a high value on honesty and integrity.

This means that you should always strive to be truthful with him at all times and to maintain your values. Even if it means standing up for what you believe in and how you feel.

This will help him trust and respect you, which can be a key to building a long-lasting relationship together.

A simple secret to keeping a Virgo man interested is to be honest and attentive. While also being able to make him laugh and feel appreciated.

Final Thoughts

If you have romantic feelings for a Virgo man and are looking to develop a deeper connection with him, it is important to be patient, understanding, and supportive throughout the process.

It can take a lot of time and effort to get to know the Virgo man. But the important thing is to be the best version of yourself.

The deep love and respect that Virgo men place on honesty and integrity can also make it difficult to develop a strong connection with them.

Virgo-specific advice, such as being attentive and making an effort to show how much you care about your partner’s passions and interests, can help you build a healthy and long-lasting relationship with this special man.

For easier access to a Virgo man and the best dating advice, be sure to check out sites like the world’s largest ebookstore.

how to know if a virgo man is not interested

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