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How To Make A Capricorn Man Chase You: 30 Ways

Capricorn men are known for being hard to get. So how to get Capricorn man to chase you? Well, if you have your eyes set on a Capricorn man, he may be playing hard to get.

If you want to make him chase you, there are some things you can do. With a Capricorn guy, he has a high expectations and wants a real relationship. 

how to get capricorn man to chase you


Capricorn is one of the zodiac signs and is considered Saturn’s sign because it is tied to the planet Saturn. Capricorn is one of the earth signs and is known for having a strong work ethic and a wicked sense of humour. He is the type of guy that is usually a hard worker and is often very successful. They are also known for being serious and reserved.

To get a Capricorn’s attention do not focus on a Capricorn man’s weakness, instead think about a Capricorn man’s secrets. They often show you signs they are chasing you through little things.

When it comes to love, Capricorns are the type of man who have high standards for their new partners. A Capricorn man is a perfect match for a Capricorn woman, Leo woman, or Virgo woman. They often look for women who are ambitious, classy and know how to set strong boundaries in a relationship. 

If you want to win over the heart of a Capricorn man, the most important thing you can do is show him that you are worth his time and effort. Here are 30 ways to make a Capricorn man chase you!

Ways To Make A Capricorn Man Chase You

1. Be confident and sure of yourself.

A Capricorn man is attracted to confident women who know what they want. If you’re not sure of yourself, he’ll be able to sense it and it won’t be as appealing to him. The best way to make a Capricorn man chase you is to be confident and go after what you want. 

A Capricorn man likes a strong woman, so don’t be afraid to make the first move on your first date. Remember to make eye contact and speak with confidence since it is sure to catch a Capricorn man’s eye.

By being confident, you’ll also show him that you’re not afraid to take risks. Put him through the Capricorn man test by using depth training with your feelings. You might have to break the ice by asking him for a work drink or to grab dinner this week.  But if you make the first move he’ll find it attractive since Capricorn men are known for being risk-takers themselves.

 2. Be independent.

One of Capricorn men’s secrets is that he loves an independent woman who can stand on her own. They don’t want a woman who is clingy or needy, especially since they often have a busy schedule with little free time and like their personal space. If you can show him that you’re independent, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

When you’re independent, you’re also showing him that you don’t need him to take care of you. This is something he’ll find attractive and it’ll make him want to chase you even more.

3. Be ambitious.

In order to make a Capricorn man miss you, you have to be an ambitious woman. He’s attracted to women who are driven and have goals that they’re working towards. Make sure you work hard to accomplish both your personal goals and your life goals since Capricorn men love women who can accomplish what they want in life. 

A Capricorn man is often a self-development junkie and if you are someone he can look up to and give good advice, he is sure to see you as one of his potential partners. Since they are hardworking, they don’t have much time to spend with others so if you have things to fill up their own time on a regular basis, you are able to feel better in your relationship. 

Showing him that you’re ambitious will also give him the impression that you’re someone who’s not afraid of hard work. This is something he values and it’ll make him want to chase you.

4. Be loyal.

Capricorn men place a high value on loyalty and they’re looking for a woman who is the same way. If you can show him that you’re loyal, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

Being loyal to him will also show him that you’re committed to the relationship. This is something he’s looking for in a partner and it’ll make him want to chase you.

5. Be patient.

The first step you should do when trying to capture the heart of a Capricorn man is to understand that it’s important to have incredible patience. When it comes to matters of the heart, a Capricorn male won’t chase you until he feels a strong connection with you.

Due to this, you might have a difficult time opening him up at first, but underneath his tough exterior, he craves a real experience with someone he loves. 

With a little time, your distant Capricorn man will eventually come around and start chasing you. He just needs to feel that connection with you before he’s ready to take things to the next level.

6. Be supportive.

A Capricorn man loves a woman who is supportive and understanding. If you can be there for him when he needs you, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

When you’re supportive, you’re also showing him that you care about him and his goals. This is something he’ll find attractive and it’ll make him want to chase you even more.

7. Be challenging.

You can capture a Capricorn man’s heart by being a little challenging and hard to get. He likes a woman who is exciting and can keep him on his toes.

Being challenging doesn’t mean that you have to be difficult. It just means that you should keep things interesting and not let him get bored. If you can do this, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

8. Be spontaneous.

Capricorn men are attracted to women who are spontaneous and up for anything. If you can show him that you’re spontaneous, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

Go out of your comfort zone and try something new with him to mix things up and have a good time. Just make sure whatever you plan takes a short time though since one of the worst things you can do is waste the time of a Capricorn male.

Being spontaneous doesn’t mean that you have to be reckless. It just means that you should be open to new experiences and not be afraid to take risks. This is something he’ll find attractive and it’ll make him want to chase you.

9. Be down to earth.

Capricorn men are attracted to women who are down to earth and easy to get along with. If you can show him that you’re down to earth, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

Being down to earth doesn’t mean that you have to be boring. It just means that you should be genuine and authentic. This is something he’ll find attractive and it’ll make him want to chase you.

10. Be open-minded.

By being open-minded, you’re showing a Capricorn man that you’re willing to try new things. He’s attracted to women who are open-minded and not afraid to step out of their comfort zone.

If you can show him that you’re open-minded, he’ll be more likely to chase you. He likes the idea of being with someone who is willing to experience new things and isn’t afraid of change.

11. Be funny.

Capricorn men are attracted to women who can make them laugh. If you can show him that you’re funny, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

Being funny doesn’t mean that you have to be a comedian. It just means that you should be able to make him laugh and enjoy his company. This is something he’ll find attractive and it’ll make him want to chase you.

12. Be aspiring

If you want to make a Capricorn man chase you, be aspiring. He’s attracted to women who are driven and have goals that they’re working towards.

Showing him that you’re determined will also give him the impression that you’re someone who’s not afraid of hard work. This is something he values and it’ll make him want to chase you.

13. Be intelligent.

Capricorn men love women who are intelligent and can hold their own in a conversation. If you can show him that you’re intelligent, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

As a true Saturn’s sign a Capricorn man tests their partners a lot to see how much they may know, so you always have to make sure you are knowledgeable. It’s always a good thing to know what you are knowledgeable about and try to bring that up in your conversation. 

By showing him that you’re intelligent, you’re also showing him that you have something to offer. This is something he’ll find attractive and it’ll make him want to chase you.

14. Be classy.

One way to catch a Capciorn’s attention is to be classy. He’s attracted to women who are sophisticated and elegant. Capricorn men aren’t interested in one night stands with sleazy women, preferring a relationship with traditional values and healthy boundaries instead. 

Showing him that you’re classy will also give him the impression that you’re someone who knows how to take care of herself. This is something he’ll find attractive and it’ll make him want to chase you.

That doesn’t mean you should be stuck up or a completely prude though since they are the type of guy that would like a feminine woman with modest sex appeal.  

15. Be well-educated.

Capricorn men are attracted to women who are well-educated and can hold their own in a conversation. If you can show him that you’re well-educated, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

The last thing a Capricorn man would want is someone who engages in bad behavior or a gold digger using them for their money, they want someone who is sophisticated and knows what they are doing. 

If you want to impress him, when you make future plans, set up something sophisticated like going to listen to live music or going to an art museum. Take every opportunity to show him the years of experience you have under your belt and your best qualities. 

By showing him that you’re well-educated, you’re also showing him that you have something to offer. This is something he’ll find attractive and it’ll make him want to chase you.

16. Be a good listener.

When you’re talking to a Capricorn man, make sure you’re a good listener. He’s attracted to women who can listen attentively and engage in conversation.

If you can show him that you’re a good listener, he’ll be more likely to chase you. This is because he’ll feel like you’re someone who’s interested in what he has to say.

17. Be a good conversationalist.

In addition to being a good listener, you should also be a good conversationalist. Capricorn men are attracted to women who can hold their own in a conversation.

If you can show him that you’re a good conversationalist, he’ll be more likely to chase you. This is because he’ll feel like you’re someone who’s interesting and fun to talk to.

18. Be interested in his life.

If you want to make a Capricorn man chase you, be interested in his life. He’s attracted to women who take an interest in him and his interests.

Showing him that you’re interested in his life will also show him that you care about him. This is something he’ll find attractive and it’ll make him want to chase you.

19. Ask him questions.

Asking a Capricorn man questions is a great way to show that you’re interested in him and his life. He’s attracted to women who take an interest in him and his interests.

By asking him questions, you’re also showing him that you’re intelligent and have something to offer. This is something he’ll find attractive and it’ll make him want to chase you.

20. Be his best friend.

Capricorn men like women who they feel they are a close friend with. If you can show him that you’re a good friend, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

Being a good friend to a Capricorn man will also show him that you’re someone who’s loyal and trustworthy. This is something he’ll find attractive and it’ll make him want to chase you.

21. Be supportive.

By being supportive, you’re showing a Capricorn man that you care about him and his goals. He’s attracted to women who are supportive and have his best interests at heart.

Next time you are thinking about him or he is going through a rough time, send him a quick text message to show him you care. 

If you can show him that you’re supportive, he’ll be more likely to chase you. This is because he’ll feel like you’re someone who’s on his team and is rooting for him.

22. Be honest.

Honesty is important to a Capricorn man. He loves women who are honest and straightforward. Capricorn men don’t like women who play mind games, especially because they want to be in a good relationship that lasts a long time. If you can show him that you’re honest, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

Being honest with a Capricorn man will also show him that you’re someone who’s trustworthy. This is something he’ll find attractive and it’ll make him want to chase you.

23. Have integrity.

A Capricorn man likes women who have integrity. If you can show him that you have integrity, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

When you have integrity, you’re showing a Capricorn man that you’re someone who’s principled and trustworthy. This is something he’ll find attractive and it’ll make him want to chase you.

24. Be reliable.

A controlled Capricorn man can’t handle women who are unreliable. He’s attracted to women who are reliable and can be counted on. If he knows you can take good care of him, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

When you’re reliable, you’re showing a Capricorn man that you’re someone who’s dependable and trustworthy. This is something he’ll find attractive and it’ll make him want to chase you.

25. Keep your word.

A Capricorn man is attracted to women who keep their word. If you can show him that you’re someone who keeps her word, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

When you keep your word, you’re showing a Capricorn man that you’re someone who’s trustworthy and reliable. This is something he’ll find attractive and it’ll make him want to chase you.

26. Be generous.

A Capricorn man adores women who are generous. If you can show him that you’re generous, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

When you’re generous, you’re showing a Capricorn man that you care about others and are willing to help them. This is something he’ll find attractive and it’ll make him want to chase you.

27.  Be helpful.

When you’re helpful, you’re showing a Capricorn man that you care about others and are willing to help them. This is something he’ll find attractive and it’ll make him want to chase you.

If you can show him that you’re helpful, he’ll be more likely to chase you. This is because he’ll feel like you’re someone who’s on his team and is rooting for him.

28. Be considerate.

If you can show a Capricorn man that you’re considerate, he’ll be more likely to chase you. A great thing you can do to be considerate is to set good boundaries with him and always make sure to communicate with him to figure out his needs. 

When you’re considerate, you’re showing a Capricorn man that you’re someone who’s thoughtful and caring. This is something he’ll find attractive and it’ll make him want to chase you.

29. Listen to him. 

Listening to a Capricorn man is important. He loves women who listen to him and understand him. If you can show him that you’re a good listener, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

When you’re a good listener, you’re showing a Capricorn man that you care about him and his needs. This is something he’ll find attractive and it’ll make him want to chase you.

30. Appreciate him.

A Capricorn man love women who appreciate him. If you can show him that you appreciate him, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

When you show appreciation for a Capricorn man, you’re showing him that you value him and his contributions. This is something he’ll find attractive and it’ll make him want to chase you.

Capricorn men are attracted to women who are honest, reliable, and helpful. If you can show him that you have these qualities, he’ll be more likely to chase you. Thanks for reading! I hope this helps you understand how to make a Capricorn man chase you.

Intuitions Of A Capricorn Man

Thinking about what’s best for the future is something that comes naturally to a Capricorn man. He’s always looking for ways to improve his life and the lives of those around him. This makes him a great partner to have in a relationship.

If you’re wondering how to make a Capricorn man chase you, it’s important to understand his intuitions. Here are three things you should know about a Capricorn man’s intuitions:

1. He’s always looking for ways to improve.

A Capricorn man is always looking for ways to improve his life and the lives of those around him. ]This means that he’s always on the lookout for new opportunities. He may have a long way to go, but he wants a partner that would be with him every step of the way.

If you can show him that you’re someone who’s open to new opportunities, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

2. He’s always looking for a challenge.

One of a Capricorn man’s biggest secrets is that he loves a good challenge. This is because he knows that challenges help him grow and improve. If you can show him that you’re someone who’s up for a challenge, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

3. He’s always looking for ways to help others.

A Capricorn man is always looking for ways to help others. This is because he knows that his actions can make a difference in the lives of those around him. If you can show him that you’re someone who’s always looking to help others, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

Benefits Of Having A Capricorn Man Chase You

When you have a Capricorn man chase you, it’s a sure sign that he’s interested in you and wants to pursue a relationship. This can be a great ego boost and can make you feel wanted and desired. It can also lead to a more committed and serious relationship since Capricorn men are often in it for the long haul.

So if you’re looking for something long-term, making a Capricorn man chase you is a good idea. Thanks for reading! If this is your first time falling for a Capricorn man, I hope this helps you understand how to make him chase you.

Although these qualities specifically apply to the sign of Capricorn, they can apply to any astrology sign like a Leo man or Cancer man. If you are looking for more information on the Zodiac signs in relationships, check out the work from Anna Kovach.

Remember, Capricorn men love women who are honest, reliable, helpful, and the best version of themselves. If you can show him that you have these qualities, he’ll be more likely to chase you. 


ways to make a capricorn chase you

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