Jen Saviano Shares Advice For Future Bachelor Hopefuls

If you’re like me, you begin to watch those roses be passed out and wonder ‘What if I were to go on the Bachelor?”  For Jen Saviano, that became a reality on season 20 as she took a shot at love with Ben Higgins.  She also appeared on season 3 of Bachelor in Paradise.

Although she might not have found the love of her life on The Bachelor, Jen still remains optimistic about her time on the show and even offers advice for those ladies still dreaming of their chance to ‘accept a rose’.

In an exclusive Sarah Scoop Q&A, Jen said,

“If I were to go on either of the shows again, I’d just try to be as open and vulnerable as possible, and not worry too much about saying or doing the right thing. Some girls are natural in front of cameras, some aren’t… but the more relaxed you are, the more your personality can come through. It’s unfortunate America didn’t get to see more of the real me, so if I could do it again I’d try to be a lot less guarded. Oh and HD setting powder for the face… crucial for a flattering interview (I learned the hard way)!”

Jen also mentioned that the biggest obstacle for her was overcoming her anxiety on the show- that the constant flow of the show could be overwhelming. As for why she went on the show, Jen said she was initially nominated as a joke.

“I was shocked when I got the call back- but as an avid watcher of the show, I was so intrigued. I mainly wanted to see how far I’d make it in the process, and when I got chosen I felt like it was fate! When you’re chosen out of tens of thousands of applicants, how do you turn that down!? Being a very private, introverted person, the whole thing terrified me to say that least, but I like to push myself out of my comfort zone. I wasn’t going to let the fear of it all stop me. Looking back, I’m so glad I went through with it!”

She didn’t leave her experience on #BachelorNation alone though, the friendships made on the show have continued to stay important to her.  “As cheesy as it sounds (true Bachelor style), the friendships made have been the best part of the whole experience,” she said. “I’m close to a lot of the girls, and friendly with them all… but I’d have to say I’m closest with Lauren Barr. We clicked instantly on night one of The Bachelor and have been attached at the hip since. She’ll be in my life forever!”

Read the full interview with Jen here.

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