Mark Your Calendar for 2/23 and Join Me For the #CappTheNight Twitter Party (8-9pm EST) #win
What better way to celebrate the Academy Awards than with a twitter party?! I am so excited to team up with Hills Bros. Cappuccino for what is sure to be one amazing twitter party!
Join us for a live, one-hour Twitter chat on Thursday, February 23, 2017 from 8:00-9:00pm ET.
By participating in the chat and using the two hashtags: #CappTheNight #win you’ll be eligible to win prizes. We will be giving away 3 viewing party packs! Woo-hoo good luck tweeters. ?
Follow @HillsBrosCapp, @SarahScoop, @Karenmbb and @SavvySavingCoup
I can’t wait to tweet with all of you on Thursday, February 23, 2017 from 8:00-9:00pm ET. Remember to use the hashtag #CappTheNight #win for your chance to win!
Disclosure: This twitter chat is sponsored by Hills Bros. Cappuccino. Prizes will be given away to party participants using the #CappTheNight and #win hashtag. This contest is open to US participants only.