My Skype Interview with Chris Soules
I got the chance to do a skype interview with former bachelor, Chris Soules and America’s pig farmer of the year. Check out the video below.
People are passionate about their food and they care how it is grown and raised. For example, today’s pork is the most widely consumed meat in the world. And in the U.S., most households enjoy pork two to three times every two weeks. But have you ever wondered how pigs are raised with a focus on food safety, animal care and the environment?
Chris Soules, Iowa farmer and celebrity, will introduce you to a farmer who will have just been named as the best in American pig farming. Both farmers will share their perspective on today’s pig farming. From animal care to the steps each take on their family farm to assure a focus on the environment,Chris and guest will share stories that connect viewers to the farm.
For the U.S. pork industry, social responsibility is demonstrated by taking care of people, pigs and the planet and taking steps – every day – to continuously improve. These farmers can answer questions about today’s agriculture industry and how it matters to the pork that is at the meat counter of your local grocery store and on the menu at your favorite restaurant.
Today, there are more than 62,000 pig farmers in the U.S. raising more than 100 million pigs. These farmers take their commitment to responsible pork production seriously. The America’s Pig Farmer of the Year program recognizes the best pig farmer in the country. Meet this year’s winner who excels at raising pigs through a dedicated focus on food and employee safety, animal welfare, the environment and community service.
This is so wonderful Sarah 🙂 Farmers are so wonderful! I’m sure I could set you up with some wonderful cattle farmers in Kansas if you would be interested!