NBC’s “The Titan Games” Contestant Jess Griffith Interview

I had so much fun interviewing Jess Griffith from Springfield, MO. She is going to be on the new NBC Show “The Titan Games.” She was so much fun to talk to and this girl is in seriously good shape. Watch the interview below to hear about her experience on the show, plus find out what Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson gave her for her birthday. 😉

Between commuting to work, meetings, and work luncheons the gym is the only place we see the human body push itself, and it would really weird to stare at strangers at the gym. Don’t do that. The Titans Games hosted by Dwayne Johnson shows us how powerful our bodies truly are. Johnson wants the show to motivate global audiences and allow women and men to escape the mundane everyday life for a chance to achieve for greatness in fitness competitions. An Ozark crossfitter, Jessica Griffith, who understand the importance of a strong healthy body, and is used to pushing her body will compete in this season that premieres January 3rd.

When Griffith first received an email from The Titan Games she dismissed it assuming it was a mass email a multitude of people. But she eventually received another and another until she had several interviews and was flown to California for a fitness examine. In an interview, Griffith said the contestants competed at night so the arena would be dark, magnificent, and fully encapture the Titan aesthetic. The games are designed not only to test the body but also the mind. Filming and competing at night was unnatural for Griffith and really tested her mental ability. She said that Dwayne Johnson was the perfect cheerleader to remind her that she could push through until the end. Griffith hopes that her appearance on The Titan game will show people, specifically women, the importance of a strong healthy body.  

Liam McHugh and Alex “Goldenboy” Mendez will be helping Johnson host and evaluate play by play so that the audience can better understand how the challenges, how it affects the body, and where the challenge went wrong for the competitor. The show is a 10 episode series produced by Universal Television Alternative Studio, A. Smith & Co. Productions (who produces the popular American Ninja Warrior), Seven Bucks Productions.

Titans aren’t born, they’re made.

The series premieres tonight January 3 at 8/7 Central. Good luck, Jess!

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