Power Of The Pony Tail
Admit it, after a long day at work the first thing you do when you get home is put your hair in a pony tail. In my case, I flip my hair up into some sort of bird’s nest that sits at the top of my head that my hair clip magically holds in place, but I digress. The pony tail is usually thought of as the “lazy” approach to styling your hair. However, I wanted to crush that pony tail myth and bring forth the Power of the Pony Tail!
First up, the bangs and pony tail combo. If you’ve ever seen an episode of  What Not To Wear you know that hair stylist Ted Gibson adores a good set of bangs and a sleek pony tail. The bangs give the pony tail a touch of refinement, sophistication and make you look and feel like you could take over a board room instantly!
Next up, what I like to call the “punk pony”. Â Whether you have a concert to go to, cocktails with the girls or want to bring a edgy look to your pony tail, nothing says it better than a high pony tail with twisted bangs. We all know how to twist up our bangs, we do it almost unconsciously as soon as we get home, so why not make it part of your punk pony look and have some fun!
The braided pony tail. I’ll confess that I made up this hair style in front of the mirror last weekend when it was really humid out and my hair was going nowhere but up. It actually turned out way better than I thought and brings something different to the average pony. Â I braided my bangs using the traditional braiding technique and for the pony tail I fish tailed it.
The fish tail side pony tail! If you’re as big a Bravo TV fan as I am, then you know how much the King of Bravo Andy Cohen loves a side pony! Sweeping all the hair to one side, using the fish tail braiding technique, clipping any loose or short hairs in the back and BAM! you have a beautiful side pony tail that will have you receiving stares and compliments all day!
Now that the summer months are here, putting your hair up is a reality us girls face every year. So why not kick that “lazy” pony tail into over drive and rock the power of the pony tail!
Keeping it Confident – Patty
Your pony’s (or is it ponies…nevertheless) are GORG! I am working on perfecting my side pony with ridiculous excessive amounts of hair.
Thanks Tea! Glad I can inspire you to add a lil dazzle to ur side pony 😉 Would love to see your final product!
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Check out pictures of my lovable, ridiculously cute puggle Bradford on Instagram @stylebypatty and share your pictures of your powerful pony tail on my Facebook page at Style by Patty DC.