Q&A With America’s Next Top Model Kiara Belen

Kiara Belen is best known as runner-up of America’s Next Top Model, Cycle 19. Kiara now models internationally and has appeared on numerous tv shows. She has become and inspiration for thousands to believe that anything is possible, no matter what. Using her experience, Kiara now coaches young aspiring models at BESTalent Group on posing technique, industry, knowledge, and her signature runway walk. Check out my interview with Kiara, and see what she’s up to now!

1. What inspired you to become a model?

I wanted to model in college but couldn’t due to NCAA rules. I played basketball. As soon as my last season was over, I was presented with the ANTM opportunity and thought it would be a great way to break in to the industry.

2. What was your experience like on America’s Next Top Model?

My experience was great! I learned a lot from Tyra and her special guest. Everyday was a surprise, and I had a lot of fun, especially going to Jamaica.

3.  How did being on the show change your life?

ANTM was an amazing platform for me to build on. Having gained that experience, I was able and ready to open many doors in Hollywood and internationally.

4. Is there any kind of modeling you wouldn’t do?

No. Although I would be extremely selective for any type of nudity at this point as I have just welcomed my first child into the world. A little girl puts things into a new perspective for you.

5. Do you have a favorite photo shoot you’ve done?

My favorite shoot still remains in Jamaica at the Dunns River Falls. I was shot as medal warrior goddess by Tyra Banks. She hung the photo in her bathroom! 

6. What are you currently doing now?

I am enjoying the first few months of motherhood with my family. She just came in February, but Ill be ready for Miami swim week in July.

7. What is your nutrition like to keep your figure? Any go-to favorites?

My nutrition is very low carb, low sugar, with a heavy water intake. I love baked vegetables and sautéing them in garlic.

8. What do your workouts consist of?

Lots of cardio! I love a good run or shooting some hoops. Yoga is great and I’m always dancing!

9. What’s your favorite quote?

“The first step to being great is being grateful.”

10. What advice would you give to an aspiring model?

Keep calm and shoot!

Follow Kiara on social media, and be sure to check her out in the upcoming reality show, The Real Models of LA!

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