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100+ Best Quotes From Netflix’s New Film Christmas As Usual

Filled with the perfect amount of romance and comedy, Netflix’s new Christmas movie, Christmas as Usual is sure to make its watchers laugh, and even shed a few happy tears with quotes and heartwarming moments. 

Based on a true story, and something that many viewers might relate to, Christmas as Usual depicts the story of a Norwegian woman bringing home her Indian boyfriend to her family for the first time. 

This impactful and sentimental story is just what everyone needs this holiday season and is a must-watch.

Here’s the scoop on the best quotes from Christmas as Usual!

Heartwarming Quotes from Christmas as Usual

A man and woman sitting at a table with food in christmas as usual
  1. “It’ll be nice to be home with you guys.”
  2. “I know you love Christmas, so I wanted to do something Christmas-themed.”
  3. “I love you. And I know we be early for Norwegian standards, but in India we would have had two kids already.”
  4. “But you haven’t even met my family yet.”
  5. “But when you know, you know.”
  6. “Just that my family is super excited to see you.”
  7. “It’s just a family seater tradition thing that we’ve been doing forever.”
  8. “I’ve missed you so much.”
  9. “I want you to meet someone.”
  10. “This is so nice to finally meet you, Shazam.”
  11. “Okay, now this, this is Christmas.”
  12. “Yeah, he… he really loved Christmas.”
  13. “That’s so impersonal.”
  14. “But that’s my name.”
  15. “You and the boy next door.”
  16. “I think he’s very good-looking.”
  17. “Are you being for real? You hardly know the dude.”
  18. “That’s a horrible idea.”
  19. “But it’s Christmas.”
  20. “You said let’s make dinner something special.”
  21. “What is teeny tiny Christmas.”
  22. “I thought the big day was the 25th?”
  23. “It smells delicious.”
  24. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”
  25. “So, I know it’s not the dinner we normally have on Teeny Tiny Christmas.”
  26. “Really was so so sweet.”
  27. “May he rest in peace.”
  28. “Norwegians are very accepting people.”
  29. “We eat Indian food. We love Indian food.”
  30. “Jashan is a good cook too.”
  31. “So, please, dig in.”
  32. “It burns. I know.”
  33. “It says, ‘inner peace.'”
  34. “It’s etched onto my body for the rest of my life.”
  35. “In Norway we say that Norwegians are born with skis on their feet.”
  36. “No, that would be crazy if there was a restaurant.”
  37. “Yeah, I guess we could move our gingerbread baking back to another holiday like Easter.”
  38. “I won’t do it. Leave me here.”
  39. “He’s already put on his comfortable joggers.”
  40. “Maybe you should go out.”
  41. “Sure, I’ll go out in the cold.”
  42. “They just go to Church on Christmas.”
  43. “Thea, can you please stop your boyfriend now?”
  44. “Ma, I’ll call you back.”
  45. “I thought it’d be fun to bring my loudest Kurta to a Christmas party,”
  46. “Should have got a suit.”
  47. “Like I needed more proof that I didn’t fit in here.”
  48. “Where’s your ring?”
  49. “Yeah. Sure.”
  50. “I’ll just go and ask my mom.”
  51. “Jashan is very sorry for ruining your solo.”
  52. “He can’t ruin that much now can he, it’s Christmas Eve.”
  53. “Don’t call it Christmas Bathing, that doesn’t sound fun.”
  54. “I think we should tell them.”
  55. “We should break the news of our engagement.”
  56. “We’re telling them.”
  57. “And what is this delicacy?”
  58. “The fat is especially crispy.”
  59. “I don’t like it.”
  60. “Fat sauce?”
  61. “Aquavit. The water of life.”
  62. “This does help. Can I have some more?”
  63. “But you don’t need to do the whole shot.”
  64. “I think I do.”
  65. “Can you stop?”
  66. “I’m so glad you liked it.”
  67. “I thought I’d never be offended by spices.”
  68. “It’s Jashan.”
  69. “Can you please just try to fit in?”
  70. “Christmas cult?”
  71. “Just because it’s tradition doesn’t mean it’s good.”
  72. “Thea, Santa is here.”
  73. “Why don’t you come and get your present?”
  74. “I’m sorry. Am I the only one who finds this weird?”
  75. “Well, it’s looking like it’s time for Santa to leave.”
  76. “Merry Christmas to all.”
  77. “I think you should get going.”
  78. “So, I think Santa better get going now.”
  79. “Because you don’t fit in to this Christmas cult?”
  80. “Or are you someone who is so obsessed with Christmas that you’ve lost sight of me?”
  81. “I can cue up some Christmas jams.”
  82. “Five, four, three, two, one. Merry Christmas.”
  83. “Christmas as usual, huh?”
  84. “You can’t be sad on Christmas Eve.”
  85. “Merry Christmas, Thea. From Jashan.”
  86. “Shazam is cool.”
  87. “It’s not really Santa.”
  88. “I only did it because mom said grandma wanted me to.”
  89. “You’re not allowed to say you don’t care.”
  90. “I’m getting married.”
  91. “Well, that was pretty stupid to throw him out on Christmas Eve.”
  92. “I used to think my life was perfect.”
  93. “Then you went away.”
  94. “I was afraid I was going to lose you.”
  95. “This is why I don’t drink on holidays.”
  96. “This is the most romantic thing I’ve done in my whole life.” 
  97. “We’re gonna make it, I’m driving.”
  98. “I’m so sorry, Jashan.”
  99. “It’s just Christmas.”
  100. “But I don’t do easy. I want complicated.”
  101. “Jashan, will you still marry me?”
  102. “How’d you get into the airport?” –
  103. “I don’t think Santa is gonna come after last year.”
A group of people on skis on a snowy mountain.
Credit: Lillian Julsvik

Christmas as Usual is an enchanting Netflix holiday film that follows Thea and Jashan on a heartwarming journey through the festive season. 

Thea and Jashan’s evolving relationship emphasizes the importance of unity and understanding, making this film more than just your typical holiday story.

With its captivating storytelling, genuine chemistry between characters, and a soundtrack that enhances the festive atmosphere, Christmas as Usual stands out as a celebration of cultural diversity and the joy of coming together during the holidays.

It’s a delightful film that will leave you feeling inspired and wrapped in the spirit of the season.

Watch this movie and a plethora of other holiday movies on Netflix now!

Best quotes from netflix new film christmas as usual.

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