Simple Ways To Keep Your Home Safe (To Prevent Disasters!)

We are constantly updating our home so that it looks fantastic and keeps its current value. But some disasters can happen that could end up ruining your home. Here are some simple ways you can keep your home safe.


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Make sure there is a fire alarm

One of the top ways you can keep your home safe from disasters is to ensure there is a fire alarm in your home. You should buy one to place in the hall downstairs and the upstairs landing. You should be doing monthly checks to make sure it’s working correctly. If the batteries die, it won’t go off, and you could put the home and your family in danger. Fire damage is a nightmare and could permanently destroy your belongings. Therefore, make sure it’s working correctly to help keep your home safe.

Check for any flooding in your home

You can also help to keep your home safe from disasters by making sure you keep an eye on any flooding that is occurring in your home. If you notice any damp on your ceiling, you need to go and investigate where it’s coming from. You don’t want to leave it and then end up with water damage in your home. You will have to get a company such as ServiceMaster by Zaba to come out to do water damage restoration. But some of your items in your home could be permanently damaged. Therefore, make sure you keep an eye on what’s going on in your home.

Get your boiler checked

Another way you can keep your home safe from disasters is to ensure you get your boiler checked annually. You want to make sure it’s working correctly so that you don’t end up with the boiler leaking. It could damage your belongings and also cause harm to your family. You also want to check it’s working correctly as it could cause carbon monoxide poisoning if it’s not maintained. You should get an alarm fitted near the machines that will alert you if there is any carbon monoxide. Make sure you keep an eye on your boiler yourself during the year for any signs of problems. And as we talked about before, you need to check it’s working even in the summer months. After all, you don’t want to go through a winter without heating.

Check the windows are stable

You should also make sure that your windows are stable as you don’t know when a potential natural disaster could happen. If you have heard there is a storm coming, you should consider installing storm shutters, which will stop the glass breaking in a storm. If you do notice any cracks in the window, make sure you get it fixed ASAP. You don’t want to end up with water coming through the windows and causing a leak.

Make sure you check that your home is covered in case of any of the disasters above occurring. If you are covered, you will be able to make sure it doesn’t break the bank to fix your home, and it will be resolved sooner rather than later.

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