Simple Ways To Make Your Tax Matters Less Taxing

April 15th is drawing near so you may want to ask yourself…Do you know which paperwork you’ll need? Will you be going traditional or paperless? Have you kept your records long enough? How can you stay safe during the process?

What if I told you there are a few simple ways to stay sane and solvent come tax time? Before you spend hundreds on professional tax prep or even a software program, get informed—let Finance Reporter Kelsey Hubbard sail you smoothly through the 15th!  Check out this video to get Kelsey’s best tips!!

Kelsey Hubbard is also as a freelance anchor and reporter for BBC Capital in New York. As a part of the global website launch in 2013, she created and developed the 90 Second Financial Fix, a continuing original personal finance video series. In addition, Ms. Hubbard is a freelance News Anchor for News 12 Connecticut, a Cabelvision Network. Ms. Hubbard also worked for The Wall Street Journal, where she anchored live news programs such as Lunch Break and The News Hub. As a multi-media anchor and producer for The Wall Street Journal Digital Network, Ms. Hubbard was also responsible for analyzing and delivering on-air content to MarketWatch, Barron’s and SmartMoney. Her team and respective content increased the viewership of the network from around 12,000 views to over 35 million on demand views per month. Ms. Hubbard is also responsible for the launch of WSJ’s Tax Show, which covers all tax related issues and stories during tax season.

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