Singer Shevyn Roberts Chats About her Upcoming Music

The Sarah Scoop Show had the opportunity to chat with multi- award winning artist Shevyn Roberts about her career as a singer! She told us about how she got her start with dancing and transitioning into an artist. Roberts let us in on all the deets of her new music coming out, and what fans can expect in the future! She even told us what it was like opening up for the legendary Justin Bieber!

Catch up on all the details from the full video interview below:

Shevyn Roberts’ Life as a Performer

Roberts fell in love with music when she grew up training to be a dancer. Eventually, she made the big move to L.A. to pursue acting. From there she put out records every couple of years, gained awards, and opened up for some pretty notable artists. Roberts told us about how she misses performing fun dance tracks for crowds but hopes to perform at some drive-in shows in the near future.

ic: @shevynroberts on instagram

“A true artist from the ground up is definitely a process. It is all about having the right producer, the right music, and knowing how to perform it. If you love what you do it is always going to be rewarding.

-Shevyn Roberts

Get the full scoop on Shevyn by joining her on social media: Twitter Instagram and Facebook
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