9 Sleep Secrets That Could Change The Way You Live

If you have trouble sleeping, it could be for a number of reasons. Luckily, there are also a number of incredible things you can do to improve your sleep quality and wake up feeling amazing. They might just change your life! Here are the sleep secrets you should know…


Use An Aromatherapy Diffuser Before Bed

Aromatherapy can be such an effective way to get into a certain mood. It’s good for feeling happier, calmer, and even sleepier. It all depends on the oils you decide to use. Aromatherapy diffusers come in many shapes and sizes. You have diffusers you can plug into the mains in a room, but you also have personal diffusers you can inhale and exhale. Taking the oils into your system like this should make them more effective. Choose the best oils to help you sleep and you should be able to drift off easier. Not only that, you’ll have a much better quality of sleep too.

Think Positive Thoughts

This might sound strange, but thinking positive thoughts before bed can help you to have a better sleep, as well as wake up happier in the morning. It’s thought that positive thinking is the key to getting to where you want to be in life, so there’s no harm in trying it! It may take a while to get used to thinking like this, rather than with a cup half full sort of attitude. However, it’s totally worth it. Tell yourself you’re going to have an awesome sleep and feel incredible in the morning, even if you don’t fully believe it. Studies show that doing this can really make a difference to your quality of sleep and life in general!


Alongside positive thinking, visualizing is the perfect tool. Visualize how you want to wake up in the morning. If you visualize feeling awesome and jumping out of bed ready to start the day, you’ll likely have a better sleep to make that happen. Don’t believe it? Just read up on some of the most successful people in the world. The majority of them use visualization to get the results they want in just about anything. If you try it for just a little while, you’re bound to be a convert!

Listen To Relaxing Music

Spend time before bed listening to relaxing music. This can help if you struggle to fall asleep. If you like, you can even leave it on as you attempt to fall asleep. Just focus on the soothing music and try not to think too much. There are sleep CDs and playlists out there if you need some suggestions.

Drink Special Tea

There are a number of special teas that don’t contain caffeine and contain ingredients designed to help us fall asleep quicker. Chamomile tea and Rooibos tea are some of the most popular. Start drinking this earlier on in the day if you want a head start because you struggle to fall asleep. You should then feel super relaxed by bedtime!


Don’t Cut Corners Choosing Your Mattress

Your mattress is one of the most important things about your sleep setup. If you have an old mattress, it might not be doing the job that it once did anymore. You may have even chosen the wrong sort of mattress to begin with. A page like Mattress-guides.net can help you to ensure you’re choosing the right type. Then there’s the case of taking care of your mattress. If you spend a lot of money on a mattress, only to fail to look after it, you’re just asking for trouble! Make sure you know if it needs to be flipped or not. Read the instructions properly so you make it last as long as possible and give you some quality rest.

Make Your Bedroom A Tranquil Haven

Make your bedroom as tranquil as possible so you feel at ease in there and find falling to sleep a breeze. You should have only relaxing colors in there, so make sure it’s not too stimulating. Colors like green should be used, and red should be avoided. Make sure it’s really cosy, with lots of texture too. You can also have incense and other scents to help you to drop off. It’s so important that once it’s decorated to your liking, you don’t use it for anything other than sleep, either. If you work in your bedroom or watch TV, this can confuse your body and interrupt your sleeping pattern. Also, make sure there are no lights on at all in there as you sleep. You should be in total darkness for the best sleep!


Meditate for at least 5 minutes a day to feel more relaxed. Doing this in the morning after you wake up can help you to have a better day. Doing it before bed can help you to clear your mind and get ready for sleep. There’s no right or wrong way to meditate, but the idea is to focus on your breathing and keep your thoughts still for a while. Many people claim that meditation has changed their lives.

Write Everything In Your Head Down

Many of us have thoughts rushing around our heads at 100 miles an hour. If this sounds like you, it could help you to write everything in your head down. You head should feel clear, and you shouldn’t feel as stressed before bedtime. Write it down in list form, or try free writing, where you just write down anything that pops into your head. Make a habit of doing this each day to feel less stressed. You can even feel more creative after a session!

If you start trying these tips, not only will you find that your sleep improves, you might just find that your life improves in a number of other ways too. You may feel more productive and creative. You’ll likely be much happier in your everyday life too! If you have any tips to share, leave them below. Thanks for reading!

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