My Morning & Evening Must Do Routines

Disclosure:  I was asked to participate in the #EverydayLuminous campaign, sponsored by Softsoap at Walgreens. Although I have been compensated, all opinions are my own.12994434_10101050753653621_5716070929463712155_n

As I get older and busier, I realize the importance of actually giving yourself a little attention.  It’s easy to get caught up in day to day stresses and forget about pampering yourself.  Why not add a little gift to yourself each day by pampering yourself in the early morning and before you snooze the night way?  I recently updated my morning and evening routine and I’m sharing the scoop on my daily routine. It doesn’t take long and you’ll be so glad that you took the time to give your face, body and mind a little extra attention.

Check out my three must do routines for a beauty filled morning and night.


Getting up in the morning is probably the biggest chore of every girl’s week. The struggle to find something to wear, get the right makeup look and be out the door on time becomes a tedious routine. But, it doesn’t have to.  I have perfected my morning routine and I’m sharing with you three things I do every morning that will make your life a little more enjoyable.  Here are a few ways perfect ways to help make your mornings worth waking up for!



Body Wash

The best key for a good wake up is a shower.  I love getting my day going with some singing in the shower and a good body wash.  Morning showers are a great way to give yourself a quick wake up.  I don’t always have time or want to wash my hair in the morning, but I love using a body wash to get my day off to a great start.  My favorite to use in the mornings is the Avocado Oil & Iris scent from Softsoap Luminous Oil body wash.  The Avocado Oil & IrisSoftsoap Luminous Oil body wash is energizing and the perfect way to start the day on the right note whether or not you hit the high note when your singing in the shower or sound like a bad night of karaoke isn’t important. 😉

With macadamia and avocado oils, Softsoap is transforming standard body wash into a product that makes your daily shower routine something to look forward to. The feeling after a quick refreshing shower and using the Softsoap Luminous Oil body wash will make you want to jump out of bed.  I love how it makes me feel fresh, clean and ready to take on the day ahead of me.

Eye Mask

There is nothing more frustrating in the morning then trying to hide the dark circle and bags under the eyes.  We all know that lack of sleep carries over on the looks.  As part of my make up routine I suggest you include finding a great concealer and popping on some eye masks. Yes, I said eye masks. There are different brands to choose from and different kinds, from stick on to the classic gel masks. They takes 10-15 minutes and your under eyes will feel soothed and repaired.  I use them after I shower with my Avocado Oil & Iris Softsoap Luminous Oil and when I am prepping my morning smoothie.

Smoothie Time

I added a new routine to my mornings, not just for my health but also my skin.  My mornings are always 10 times better when I can get a refreshing smoothie in. According to many dermatologists, starting off your morning with a green juice or smoothie can help boost your skin from within for a healthy glow. Celebrities have taken up this trend and it’s truly an easy way to help add a little treat to your mornings. Something that works for me is preparing my smoothies on the weekend by bagging fruits and veggies so the process is quick and timeless.


After a long, busy day it is always important to take some time to relax and reward yourself for your hard work.  Life gets busy and I noticed myself rushing through the day and night with little attention to my pampering routine.  I shared three things I do in the morning and I give myself the same attention at night.  Check out this easy routine that will have you sleeping peacefully and enjoy a good nights rest.



Wash the Day Away

Yes, that’s right at night I love a good shower.  I usually do my workouts in the evening time so on top of a full day being on the go, a good workout has been longing for a refreshing shower.  I mentioned above that I use Avocado Oil & Iris Softsoap Luminous Oil body wash at night, at night I have a second one.  I still use the Softsoap Luminous Oil  body wash collection, but at night I use the Macadamia Oil & Peony scent.  It is indulgent and perfect for relaxing at the end of a long day or after a good workout.

You can get both scents at your local Walgreens.  I love the way the Luminous Oils body washes make your skin feel smooth instantly.  The scents carry on throughout the day and night.  Whether it’s your body or your face, a good scrubbing makes all the difference in the world. My skin always feels silky smooth with a scent that lingers after your shower.  A good body wash at night with the Macadamia Oil & Peony Softsoap Luminous Oil body wash makes me feel relaxed and ready for a great night’s sleep.

Hair Mask

Before hopping in the shower, comb a hair mask through your hair. You’ll be left with soft and shiny hair that smells great. Face masks require between 7-15 minutes before shampooing making it easy to squeeze the routine into your nightly routine. I prefer the Macadamia Deep Repair Mask, which requires me to shampoo first and then place the mask in my hair. I love the smell and it’s ability to replace my conditioner.

Face Mask/Wash

Most of us save this timely beauty regime for the nights because it is a great way to wind down from a busy day.  A good face mask at night is my key to clear skin year round.  I like to switch mine up and change throughout the year based on my skin needs at different times.  Sometimes its as simple as using my face wash, but really letting it soak in.  Other nights I pull out a clay mask and let is soak in.  Whatever you choose, just make sure you include attention to face at night.  The build up of make up, sweat, oils and everything else throughout the day needs to be removed at night.  Plus, a little extra attention now will have your future self thanking you as you age.

I hope you will try adding one or all of these to your morning and night routine! Don’t forget you can pick up Softsoap Luminous Oil body wash at Walgreens! You will thank me later. 😉

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