
25 Best Tanning Bed Tips You Need to Know

You’re ready to achieve that perfect tan, but wait you’re in need of some tanning bed tips!

Do you know your skin type? Are you aware of the necessary pre-tanning skin prep? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Here we will give you the best tanning bed tips, including the importance of eye protection, how to choose the right lotion, and post-tanning care.

So, let’s dive in and make sure you’re tanning safely and effectively.

A woman in a bikini sitting in a sunbed.

25 Best Tanning Bed Tips for Your Tanning Bed Session

Know Your Skin Type Before Your Tanning Bed Appointments

Understanding your skin type is crucial when deciding on the duration and frequency of your tanning bed sessions.

Skin types range from very fair to dark, each with different needs and levels of sensitivity to UV rays.

If you have fair skin, you may want to limit your exposure to indoor tanning due to high skin sensitivity.

Knowing your skin type helps you understand the amount of melanin in your skin, which plays a significant role in the tanning process.

More melanin means your skin can tolerate longer exposure to UV rays. However, remember that everyone’s skin needs are unique.

Keep in mind, too much exposure to UV rays can lead to skin damage, regardless of your skin type. So, know your skin type, and tan responsibly.

Preparing for a Tanning Bed with Skin Prep

Before stepping into the tanning bed, it’s crucial for you to properly prep your skin to ensure a smooth and even tan.

A vital part of pre-tanning bed skin prep is to exfoliate. This process removes dead skin cells, leaving your skin smooth and ready for a tan.

You can use a loofah, brush or bath puff to exfoliate, focusing particularly on rough areas like elbows and knees.

Next, take a shower to cleanse your pores of any residual dirt or oils. Use a non-oil based cleanser to avoid interfering with the tanning process. Ensure your skin is free of makeup, as it can block UV rays.

Properly preparing for a tanning bed will drastically enhance your tanning experience and results.

Importance of Eye Protection

Always remember, you mustn’t overlook the importance of wearing protective eyewear when using a tanning bed.

This crucial tanning bed tip ensures that your eyes are safe from the harmful UV light emitted during your tanning session.

UV rays can be harmful, causing potential damage to your eyesight if not properly protected.

Protective goggles are readily available at any tanning salon. They’re designed specifically to block out the UV light that your eyes are so sensitive to.

In addition, apply your indoor tanning lotion carefully to avoid getting it in your eyes. The combination of the lotion and UV light can cause irritation.

Eye protection isn’t just an important tanning bed tip, it’s a necessity. So, make it a point to use goggles every time you tan.

Determine Your Tanning Time

A man is laying on a bed with a pink mask on his face.

Just as you wouldn’t skip the crucial step of wearing eye goggles, you shouldn’t ignore the significance of correctly determining your tanning time either.

It’s vital to your tanning routine and the overall success of your tanning bed session.

To maximize your tanning, you need to know how long to tan. This depends on your skin type, the level of tan you desire, and your tolerance to UV light.

Professional tanning salons can help you determine your tanning time, but it’s typically between 5 to 20 minutes.

If you don’t have time for a 20 minute session you can always opt for a short tanning session of 10 minutes or adjust your time every session. 

Choosing the Right Tanning Lotion

After settling on your ideal tanning time, your next consideration should be the selection of a suitable tanning lotion, an essential aspect of your tanning regimen.

Choosing the right tanning lotion can make a significant difference in the quality of your tan.

When you use a tanning bed lotion specifically designed for indoor use, it’s crafted to work with the intensity of tanning beds, aiding in melanin production and enhancing your skin tone.

Look for lotions with bronzers to deepen your tan, but ensure it’s appropriate for your skin tone. Too dark and it’ll look unnatural; too light, you won’t see results.

Also, consider an SPF to protect from harmful rays. Remember, applying tanning lotion can make or break your tanning bed experience alongside the type and brand of lotion you use.

Using Tanning Bed Lotion: Always Moisturize After Tanning

Regularly moisturizing your skin post-tanning is another crucial step you shouldn’t overlook, as it helps maintain your tan and keeps your skin healthy and glowing.

Always moisturize after tanning, as this is one of the best tanning bed tips you’ll ever receive. It’s not just about the care of your skin, but about extending the life of your tan.

Keeping your skin moisturized significantly improves the quality of your tan, giving you that desirable sun-kissed look for longer.

Use a tan extender, which contains ingredients that promote and maintain the tan. It’s a simple, yet effective method to extend the life of your tan.

Risks of Overexposure with Sunbed Tanning

While tanning can give you a gorgeous glow, it’s crucial to understand the risks of overexposure as well.

Both sunbed tanning and being exposed to the sun emit UV rays. Overexposure to these UV rays during your tanning bed appointments can lead to harmful effects on your skin.

Before entering the tanning room, it’s essential to limit your sunbed session to a safe duration.

Prolonged exposure can increase your risk of skin aging, sunburn and, in severe cases, skin cancer.

UV rays are also associated with certain eye conditions, so ensure you wear protective eyewear.

Developing a Tanning Schedule

A towel with a pair of sunglasses on it.

To protect your skin and health, it’s important to develop a sensible tanning schedule that limits exposure to UV rays.

When developing a tanning schedule, kickstart the process by gradually increasing your tanning bed usage.

This will get your skin accustomed to UV exposure and help your skin produce melanin, thus aiding the development of your tan.

Following tanning, wait at least 48 hours between sessions to get the best results. This gives your skin time to recover and continue tanning naturally.

Be sure to cover areas not typically exposed to the sun in your daily routine.

Balancing exposure will avoid over-tanning certain areas and ensure an even, natural-looking tan while prioritizing your skin health.

Maintaining Hygiene in Tanning Beds

After setting up your tanning schedule, it’s crucial to turn your attention towards maintaining hygiene in tanning beds to safeguard your skin from possible infections.

Prior to each use, it’s important to check the cleanliness of the tanning bed.

Exfoliation before your session will help open up your pores, ensuring the surface of your skin is free from dead cells and ready to absorb UV light more efficiently.

Remember to apply a non-oil based lotion to help your skin absorb the UV light and keep it moisturized.

Be sure to drink plenty of water before and after your session to maintain your skin’s hydration.

It’s also recommended to bring your own goggles and towels to prevent any potential contamination.

Importance of Body Positioning

The right body positioning in a tanning bed is crucial for you to achieve an even, all-around tan.

One of the top tips to avoid uneven tan or tan lines is to position your body parts that are typically exposed to the sun, like your arms and face, a little further from the bulbs.

Apply lotion evenly across your skins to facilitate a more even tan. Rotate your body periodically to ensure all areas get exposed.

Remember, perfect tan doesn’t mean overexposure, so adjust your body position to avoid burns.

The importance of body positioning can’t be understated in our list of tanning tips. With the right approach, you’ll enjoy a stylish, even tan that looks naturally sun-kissed.

Keep Hydrated Inside and Out

Just as you ensure your body’s positioned right for an even tan, you also need to keep your skin and body adequately hydrated – it’s the second crucial step in getting that flawless, even tan.

If you’re pressed for time, using a spray tan can give your skin the hydration it needs.

However, if you never tan without the use of tingle tanning lotions, it’s essential to hydrate at least a day before your session.

Experts recommend using moisturizers that are designed for tanning beds as they keep your skin hydrated while allowing you to get a tan.

Remember to drink plenty of water before and after your session, too, to keep your skin glowing away from your sides.

Keeping hydrated is vital, don’t skip it!

Use of Tanning Bed Goggles

A woman is getting a pink eyelash treatment.

Every time you hit the tanning bed, you’ve got to use proper eye protection, and that’s where tanning bed goggles come in.

These specially designed goggles protect your eyes from harmful UV rays, which can cause severe damage and even blindness.

Wearing them is as essential as applying a lip balm with SPF to safeguard your lips.

Yet, not all goggles are made equal. Opt for a pair that fits snugly, covers your eyes entirely, and doesn’t leave any tan lines.

Remember, it’s not simply about comfort, but about ensuring your safety. So, don’t neglect this crucial step in your tanning routine.

Your eyes, like your skin, deserve the best protection.

Essential Tanning Tips and Etiquette 

After ensuring your eyes are well-protected, another significant aspect you’ve got to consider is tanning bed etiquette.

It’s essential to maintain cleanliness. Always wipe down the bed before and after use. It’s not just polite; it’s also a matter of hygiene.

Don’t overstay in the tanning bed. Stick to your allotted time to avoid skin damage and let others use the bed.

Be mindful of the salon’s peak hours and avoid monopolizing the bed during these times.

Lastly, remember to keep your belongings tidy. Don’t litter your things around, it can be a tripping hazard.

Practicing these etiquettes will ensure a pleasurable tanning experience for you and others.

Importance of Gradual Tanning

In spite of the allure of getting a deep tan quickly, it’s crucial for you to understand the importance of gradual tanning to protect your skin’s health.

Gradual tanning diminishes the risk of burns, skin damage, and premature aging. It’s about allowing your skin to adapt to UV exposure over time, resulting in a longer-lasting tan.

Tanning too quickly can lead to a painful sunburn, as your skin hasn’t had time to generate enough melanin, the pigment that protects your skin and gives it a tanned look.

Also, sudden, excessive tanning can accelerate skin aging, increasing wrinkles and skin sag.

Tanning Bed Maintenance Tips

While working on your gradual tanning routine, it’s equally important to maintain the tanning bed properly to ensure its effectiveness and your safety.

Typically this is done by the staff of the tanning salon, but if you’re maintaining your own tanning bed this is important to know.

Regular cleaning is the first step. Use a non-abrasive cleaner to wipe down all surfaces after each use.

This helps prevent build-up of tanning lotion, sweat, and oil, which can affect the bed’s performance.

Next, regularly inspect the bulbs. If they’re dim or flickering, it’s time for a replacement. Using a tanning bed with weak bulbs can result in uneven or ineffective tanning.

Lastly, check the fans and vents. These should be free of dust and debris to ensure proper ventilation and avoid overheating.

Avoiding Tanning Bed Burns

A woman in a bikini laying on a sunbed.

You’re likely eager to achieve that perfect tan, but it’s crucial to avoid tanning bed burns by taking some necessary precautions.

Start by understanding your skin type. This helps determine your tanning bed exposure time. Fair-skinned individuals should limit their time to avoid burns.

Also, never skip protective eyewear. It protects your eyes from harmful UV rays that can cause burns.

Ensure to use a high-quality indoor tanning lotion. It hydrates your skin, preventing dryness and burns. Moreover, it amplifies the tanning process, achieving results faster.

Avoid tanning too frequently. Overexposure increases the risk of burns that if severe may need medical treatment.

Lastly, pay attention to your skin. If it feels uncomfortable or looks red after a session, you might be overdoing it.

Tanning Bed and Tattoos

If you’ve got tattoos, there’s another layer to consider when using a tanning bed.

The UV rays can potentially lead to fading and distortion of your ink, especially for vibrant, colorful tattoos. Therefore, you’ll need to take extra precautions.

Firstly, consider applying a tattoo protection cream. These creams are designed to shield your ink from UV exposure, preserving the vibrancy and detail of your tattoos.

Additionally, you should always cover fresh tattoos. Fresh ink is more susceptible to damage, so keep it covered for at least three weeks after getting tattooed.

Lastly, remember moderation is key. Overexposure to UV rays can be harmful, not just for your tattoos, but for your skin overall. So, use tanning beds sparingly and responsibly.

Tanning Bed and Body Piercings

Just like tattoos, your body piercings also need special attention when you’re using a tanning bed.

The intense UV light can heat up the metal of your jewelry, leading to burns on your skin. Always remove your piercings before tanning to avoid this.

If the piercing is new and can’t be removed, cover it with a small piece of hypoallergenic tape. This protects your skin while allowing the piercing to heal properly.

Remember, the skin around your piercing is extra sensitive, so apply a high-SPF lotion to that area before your session.

Tanning with body piercings can be safe and effective, but it’s all about taking the right precautions. Don’t overlook this vital step in your tanning routine.

Indoor Tanning Vs Sun Tanning

After taking the right precautions with your body piercings for indoor tanning, it’s essential to consider the significant differences between tanning under the sun and using a tanning bed.

Indoor tanning provides a controlled environment, where you can adjust the intensity and duration of UV exposure.

It’s often considered safer as it minimizes the risk of sunburn. However, it’s crucial to remember that excessive use can lead to premature skin aging and even skin cancer.

Sun tanning, on the other hand, offers vitamin D but poses a higher risk of sunburn and skin damage. It’s unpredictable, as the intensity of UV rays varies throughout the day.

The key is moderation and protection, regardless of your tanning method.

The Role of Vitamin D

An image of a sunbed in a tanning salon.

Why is Vitamin D important, you may ask? Also known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’, it plays a crucial role in your body.

It’s vital for maintaining healthy bones and teeth, supporting your immune system, and regulating insulin levels.

When you’re in a tanning bed, your skin produces Vitamin D, but it’s a double-edged sword.

Yes, it’s beneficial, but excessive exposure to UV rays can lead to skin damage and even skin cancer. Therefore, it’s critical to balance your exposure.

A healthy diet and supplements can also provide the Vitamin D you need.

Remember, while tanning beds can be a source of Vitamin D, they should be used responsibly and not as a sole source of this essential nutrient.

The Myth of Base Tan

Now, you might’ve heard about the concept of a ‘base tan’ as a protective measure against sunburns, but it’s important to know that this is largely a myth.

A base tan, at best, offers an SPF of 3, which is significantly less than even the weakest sunscreens on the market.

Even more concerning, tanning itself is skin damage, signaling that your skin cells are in distress.

Pursuing a base tan can actually accelerate the aging of your skin and increase your risk of developing skin cancer.

The safest and most effective protection against harmful UV rays is wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen, covering up with clothing, and seeking shade during peak sunlight hours.

Don’t rely on a base tan for protection; it’s a myth that can lead to serious harm.

Tanning Beds and Pregnancy

Even if you’ve debunked the base tan myth, there’s another critical consideration you shouldn’t overlook – the use of tanning beds during pregnancy.

Many health professionals advise against this practice due to potential risks. Tanning beds emit UV radiation, which may harm your unborn child.

Intense UV exposure can elevate your body temperature, affecting your baby’s development or leading to heat exhaustion.

Additionally, lying flat on your back during later stages of pregnancy can reduce blood flow to the heart and your baby.

You’re not just protecting your skin when you avoid tanning beds during pregnancy, you’re also safeguarding the well-being of your unborn child.

For a healthy pregnancy, consider safer alternatives such as sunless tanning lotions.

Benefits of Tanning Accelerators

After considering the potential risks of tanning beds, especially during pregnancy, you might find that tanning accelerators offer a safer alternative with numerous benefits.

These products, often available as creams or lotions, work by stimulating melanin production in your skin, allowing you to tan faster and more efficiently.

Not only does this reduce your exposure to potentially harmful UV rays, but it also results in a more even, natural-looking tan.

Moreover, many tanning accelerators are fortified with skincare ingredients like aloe vera and vitamin E, which can moisturize and nourish your skin.

These benefits make tanning accelerators a worthwhile consideration for achieving that sun-kissed glow, while minimizing the risks associated with traditional tanning.

Impact of Tanning on Acne

A sunbed with a blue light on it.

While you’re considering the use of tanning accelerators, it’s also important to understand the impact of tanning on acne.

Initially, you might notice a temporary improvement in your skin’s appearance. The UV light can dry out the skin and reduce the visibility of acne.

However, don’t be fooled. This is only a short-term solution.

In the long run, tanning can actually exacerbate acne. It triggers your skin to produce more oil, which can lead to clogged pores and more breakouts.

Additionally, frequent tanning can cause premature aging and increase the risk of skin cancer.

Post Tanning Bed Session Skin Care

Once you’ve finished with your tanning bed session, it’s crucial that you take proper care of your skin to prevent dryness and damage.

Immediately after your session, apply a moisturizer that’s rich in antioxidants and vitamins.

This will help to replenish the moisture your skin may have lost during the tanning process and also combat any free radicals produced.

Hydration is key, so drink plenty of water to keep your skin looking healthy and radiant.

It’s also important to avoid hot showers, as they can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness. Instead, opt for lukewarm water.

Lastly, try to limit your exposure to the sun’s UV rays after a tanning session to prevent overexposure. Your skin needs time to recover, so give it the care it deserves.

A woman in a swimsuit laying in a blue tub.

Using These Tanning Bed Tips for Your Next Tanning Salon Visit

Understanding your skin type, prepping your skin properly, and wearing eye protection are crucial steps for a safe tanning bed experience.

It’s also vital to manage your tanning time, choose the right lotion, and consider the impacts of tanning on pregnancy, acne, and skin health.

By following tanning bed tips we provided, you’ll not only enjoy a sun-kissed glow but also ensure your skin remains healthy and vibrant.

Remember, post-tanning skincare is just as important as pre-tanning prep.

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